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Last active October 6, 2019 22:13
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  • Save 0xdabbad00/18cbd5762e01b362aba02ba8f022fdef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save 0xdabbad00/18cbd5762e01b362aba02ba8f022fdef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AWS IAM privilege verbs, use and `cat privileges.txt | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/\([A-Z][a-z]*\).*/\1/' | sort | uniq -c` and then removed the one letter apigateway results.
5 Abort
9 Accept
3 Acknowledge
4 Activate
48 Add
23 Admin
6 Allocate
4 Apply
2 Approve
1 Archive
5 Assign
27 Associate
3 Assume
22 Attach
1 Authenticate
8 Authorize
38 Batch
1 Block
1 Build
1 Bulk
1 Bundle
31 Cancel
7 Change
4 Check
1 Claim
1 Clear
2 Clone
1 Close
1 Compare
5 Complete
1 Compose
1 Configure
8 Confirm
3 Connect
3 Continue
9 Copy
4 Count
438 Create
3 Deactivate
2 Decline
1 Decode
2 Decrease
1 Decrypt
4 Define
468 Delete
1 Deliver
1 Deploy
4 Deprecate
21 Deregister
567 Describe
1 Destroy
22 Detach
9 Detect
25 Disable
27 Disassociate
1 Disconnect
2 Discover
2 Dispose
1 Domain
4 Download
28 Enable
1 Encrypt
1 Enter
1 Estimate
1 Evaluate
1 Exclude
2 Execute
1 Exit
1 Expire
3 Export
1 Extend
2 Fail
1 Failover
1 Filter
1 Finalize
1 Force
1 Forget
1 Forgot
6 Generate
545 Get
2 Git
1 Global
3 Grant
1 Graph
1 Head
13 Import
1 Include
2 Increase
2 Index
2 Initialize
6 Initiate
2 Install
1 Invalidate
4 Invite
5 Invoke
1 Is
1 Issue
1 Join
1 Leave
491 List
1 Login
1 Logout
3 Lookup
3 Merge
1 Meter
64 Modify
1 Monitor
2 Move
3 Notify
1 Object
1 Open
1 Opt
1 Pass
1 Peer
1 Persist
6 Poll
5 Post
1 Predict
1 Preview
1 Promote
1 Provision
4 Publish
9 Purchase
1 Purge
108 Put
4 Query
2 Re
3 Read
9 Reboot
2 Rebuild
2 Receive
1 Recognize
3 Record
4 Refresh
32 Register
6 Reject
3 Release
37 Remove
1 Rename
3 Renew
1 Reorder
6 Replace
3 Replicate
3 Report
8 Request
3 Resend
16 Reset
4 Resolve
5 Respond
1 Restart
14 Restore
1 Resume
1 Resync
1 Retire
5 Retrieve
1 Retry
10 Revoke
2 Rotate
6 Run
1 Sample
3 Scan
3 Schedule
18 Search
1 Select
16 Send
60 Set
1 Shutdown
1 Sign
3 Signal
2 Simulate
1 Split
60 Start
39 Stop
1 Stream
4 Submit
5 Subscribe
2 Suspend
1 Swap
1 Synchronize
1 Synthesize
18 Tag
9 Terminate
9 Test
2 Transfer
1 Translate
1 Unarchive
4 Unassign
2 Unauthorize
1 Unblock
1 Unclaim
2 Unlink
1 Unmonitor
1 Unpeer
4 Unsubscribe
18 Untag
297 Update
7 Upload
5 Validate
8 Verify
9 View
1 Wipe
1 connect
1 document
1 search
1 suggest
1 uploadFiles
1 viewMarketing
1 viewReports
1 viewSupport
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