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cat botocore/data/*/*/service*.json | jq -cr '.metadata.serviceId as $service | .operations[]| $service + ":" + .name' | sort | sed 's/20.*//' | uniq | sed 's/:.*//' | uniq -c
Category Service API Count
Analytics CloudSearch Domain 3
Analytics CloudSearch 37
Analytics Athena 28
Analytics Data Pipeline 19
Analytics DataExchange 22
Analytics EMR 33
Analytics Elasticsearch Service 37
Analytics Firehose 12
Analytics Glue 125
Analytics Kinesis Analytics V2 26
Analytics Kinesis Analytics 20
Analytics Kinesis 28
Analytics LakeFormation 13
Analytics QuickSight 66
Blockchain ManagedBlockchain 20
Business Chime 116
Business WorkMail 43
Business WorkMailMessageFlow 1
Business Alexa For Business 93
Compute Batch 16
Compute EC2 Instance Connect 1
Compute EC2 403
Compute Elastic Beanstalk 47
Compute Lambda 54
Compute Lightsail 113
Compute Outposts 7
Compute ServerlessApplicationRepository 14
Compute imagebuilder 42
Containers ECR 29
Containers ECS 49
Containers EKS 21
Cost Budgets 14
Cost Cost Explorer 19
Cost Cost and Usage Report Service 4
Cost savingsplans 8
Cost Marketplace Catalog 6
Cost Marketplace Commerce Analytics 2
Cost Marketplace Entitlement Service 1
Cost Marketplace Metering 4
Cost Pricing 3
Customer Enablement Support 14
Customer Engagement Connect 29
Customer Engagement ConnectParticipant 5
Customer Engagement Pinpoint Email 42
Customer Engagement Pinpoint SMS Voice 8
Customer Engagement Pinpoint 112
Customer Engagement SES 71
Customer Engagement SESv2 49
Database DocDB 42
Database DynamoDB Streams 4
Database DynamoDB 41
Database ElastiCache 57
Database Neptune 59
Database QLDB 19
Database RDS 130
Database Redshift 92
Database SimpleDB 10
Database DAX 21
Database QLDB Session 1
Database RDS Data 6
Developer Cloud9 13
Developer CodeBuild 34
Developer CodeCommit 75
Developer CodePipeline 37
Developer CodeStar connections 7
Developer CodeStar 18
Developer XRay 20
Developer codeartifact 31
Developer codestar notifications 13
Developer CodeDeploy 47
Enduser Computing WorkDocs 41
Enduser Computing WorkSpaces 41
Enduser Computing AppStream 47
Enduser Computing WorkLink 33
Game Development GameLift 89
Integration mq 22
Integration EventBridge 31
Integration Kafka 23
Integration SNS 33
Integration SQS 20
Integration SWF 37
Integration SFN 22
IOT Greengrass 90
IOT IoT 1Click Devices Service 13
IOT IoT 1Click Projects 16
IOT IoT Data Plane 5
IOT IoT Events Data 4
IOT IoT Events 16
IOT IoT Jobs Data Plane 4
IOT IoT 207
IOT IoTAnalytics 34
IOT IoTSecureTunneling 7
IOT IoTSiteWise 54
IOT IoTThingsGraph 35
Machine Learning CodeGuru Reviewer 10
Machine Learning CodeGuruProfiler 12
Machine Learning forecast 26
Machine Learning forecastquery 1
Machine Learning kendra 24
Machine Learning Comprehend 51
Machine Learning ComprehendMedical 21
Machine Learning Elastic Inference 6
Machine Learning FraudDetector 32
Machine Learning Lex Model Building Service 39
Machine Learning Lex Runtime Service 5
Machine Learning SageMaker A2I Runtime 5
Machine Learning SageMaker Runtime 1
Machine Learning SageMaker 133
Machine Learning Personalize Events 1
Machine Learning Personalize Runtime 2
Machine Learning Personalize 43
Machine Learning Polly 9
Machine Learning Rekognition 47
Machine Learning Textract 6
Machine Learning Transcribe 23
Machine Learning Translate 9
Machine Learning Machine Learning 28
Management and Governance Auto Scaling Plans 6
Management and Governance Auto Scaling 57
Management and Governance CloudFormation 55
Management and Governance CloudTrail 18
Management and Governance CloudWatch Events 12
Management and Governance CloudWatch Logs 42
Management and Governance CloudWatch 30
Management and Governance Config Service 79
Management and Governance Organizations 51
Management and Governance AppConfig 33
Management and Governance Application Auto Scaling 10
Management and Governance Compute Optimizer 9
Management and Governance Directory Service 57
Management and Governance Health 13
Management and Governance License Manager 16
Management and Governance OpsWorks 74
Management and Governance OpsWorksCM 19
Management and Governance SSM 122
Management and Governance Service Catalog 83
Media Services Elastic Transcoder 17
Media Services Kinesis Video Archived Media 5
Media Services Kinesis Video Media 1
Media Services Kinesis Video Signaling 2
Media Services Kinesis Video 19
Media Services MediaConnect 22
Media Services MediaConvert 25
Media Services MediaLive 46
Media Services MediaPackage Vod 16
Media Services MediaPackage 18
Media Services MediaStore Data 5
Media Services MediaStore 21
Media Services MediaTailor 7
Migration Application Discovery Service 25
Migration DataSync 29
Migration Database Migration Service 47
Migration Migration Hub 17
Migration MigrationHub Config 3
Migration Snowball 19
Migration Transfer 18
Migration ImportExport 6
Misc Application Insights 27
Misc DLM 8
Misc MTurk 39
Misc PI 2
Misc Resource Groups Tagging API 8
Misc Resource Groups 12
Misc SMS 28
Misc Service Quotas 16
Misc ServiceDiscovery 23
Misc schemas 30
Misc signer 12
Misc synthetics 13
Mobile Mobile 9
Mobile Amplify 37
Mobile AppSync 41
Mobile Device Farm 77
Networking NetworkManager 28
Networking Route 53 Domains 28
Networking Route53Resolver 22
Networking ACM PCA 20
Networking ACM 13
Networking ApiGatewayManagementApi 3
Networking ApiGatewayV2 71
Networking Elastic Load Balancing v2 34
Networking Elastic Load Balancing 29
Networking API Gateway 120
Networking App Mesh 28
Networking CloudFront 46
Networking Direct Connect 56
Networking Global Accelerator 25
Networking Route 53 57
Robotics RoboMaker 40
Satellite GroundStation 25
Security and Identity Macie2 51
Security and Identity Macie 7
Security and Identity RAM 24
Security and Identity STS 8
Security and Identity AccessAnalyzer 18
Security and Identity FMS 17
Security and Identity GuardDuty 55
Security and Identity Inspector 64
Security and Identity KMS 46
Security and Identity CloudDirectory 66
Security and Identity CloudHSM V2 13
Security and Identity CloudHSM 20
Security and Identity Cognito Identity Provider 100
Security and Identity Cognito Identity 21
Security and Identity Cognito Sync 17
Security and Identity Detective 12
Security and Identity IAM 140
Security and Identity SSO OIDC 3
Security and Identity SSO 4
Security and Identity Secrets Manager 18
Security and Identity SecurityHub 42
Security and Identity Shield 23
Security and Identity WAF Regional 81
Security and Identity WAF 77
Security and Identity WAFV2 40
Storage S3 Control 19
Storage Storage Gateway 78
Storage EBS 3
Storage Backup 48
Storage EFS 23
Storage FSx 14
Storage Glacier 33
Storage S3 88
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