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Created January 8, 2024 16:06
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300 Anki exported + awk-ed CSV flashcards.
word reading pipe_separated_definitions
おに ogre | demon | onispirit of a deceased personogre-like person (i.e. fierce, relentless, merciless, etc.)it (in a game of tag, hide-and-seek, etc.)very | extremely | super-Oni
相打ち あいうち simultaneously striking one another (in kendo, etc.)draw | tie
矢印 やじるし arrow (symbol)(romantic) interest (for a certain person) | direction (of one's attention, etc.)
致命傷 ちめいしょう fatal wound
細胞 さいぼう cellcell (in an organization, esp. a communist party)
眼球 がんきゅう eyeball
報い むくい reward | recompense | returnpunishment | retribution
借金 しゃっきん debt | loan | liabilities | borrowing money
鍛錬 たんれん tempering (metal) | annealing | forgingtoughening | disciplining | training
運良く うんよく luckily
夜道 よみち street at night | making a night journey
あと trace | tracks | mark | signsite | remains | ruinsscarAto
屋敷 やしき residence | estate | grounds | premises | mansionYashiki
取り逃がす とりにがす to miss (capturing) | to fail to catch | to let slip
獲物 えもの prey | catch | kill | gamespoils | trophy | loot | plunder
腹立たしい はらだたしい irritating | aggravating | upsetting
いのしし wild boar | wild pigInoshishi
剥奪 はくだつ stripping (of rights, office, etc.) | deprivation | divestiture | forfeit | revocation
つづみ hand drumTsuzumi
縺れる もつれる to get entangled | to get tangled | to tangleto have poor control over (one's tongue, feet, etc.) | to trip overto become complicated
ます measuring container | measurebox (seating at a theatre, etc.)square on a grid | cell of a gridMasu
補う おぎなう to supplement | to make up for | to compensate for | to cover (a shortage, loss, etc.) | to fill (e.g. a vacancy)
鼓舞 こぶ encouragement | inspiration | rousing | stirring up | raising (e.g. morale)
挫ける くじける to be disheartened | to lose heart | to be dispirited | to be crushed (emotionally)to be sprainedto be snapped | to be broken
わざ technique | art | skill | move
自動 じどう automaticintransitive verb
埋葬 まいそう burial
操る あやつる to operate (e.g. a machine) | to handle | to manage | to control | to maneuver | to steerto have a good command of (a language) | to play proficiently (of a musical instrument)to work (a puppet) | to pull the strings of a puppetto manipulate (a person, public opinion, etc.) | to pull the strings | to control from the shadows | to mastermind
蜘蛛 くも spider
群れる むれる to crowd | to flock | to swarm
腹立つ はらだつ to get angry
任務 にんむ duty | function | office | mission | task
結ばれる むすばれる to be tied together | to be fastenedto be wedded | to be joined in marriage | to be united in marriage
縛る しばる to tie | to bind | to fastento restrict (freedom) | to tie down (with rules, regulations, etc.) | to fetter
解毒剤 げどくざい antidote
きちんと きちんと properly | accurately | exactly | precisely | regularlyneatly | tidily | orderly
失血 しっけつ loss of blood
はい lung
溺れる おぼれる to struggle in the water | to sink below the surface and become unable to breathe | to (nearly) drownto indulge in | to lose one's head over something | to be addicted | to wallow in
裁判 さいばん trial | judgement | judgment
遭遇 そうぐう encounter | being confronted with (e.g. difficulty) | meeting with (e.g. accident)
出陣 しゅつじん going into battle | departure for the front
天国 てんごく paradise | heaven | Kingdom of HeavenTengoku
託す たくす to entrust (someone) with | to leave (a matter) with someone | to place under someone's careto have someone deliver (a message, parcel, etc.) | to send (through someone) | to leave (a message) with someoneto use (something) to express (one's feelings, opinion, etc.) | to express in the form of (something)to use as a pretext
初耳 はつみみ something heard for the first time | hearing something for the first time
車庫 しゃこ garage | carport | depot (trains, buses, etc.)
整備 せいび maintenance | servicingputting in place | establishment | development | preparation | provision | outfitting
攪乱 かくらん disturbance | perturbation | derangement
伝達 でんたつ transmission (e.g. news, chemical signals, electricity) | communication | delivery | conveyance | transfer | relay | propagation | conduction
咄嗟に とっさに at once | right away | promptly | on the spur of the moment
ほのお flame | blazeflames (of intense emotion, e.g. love, jealousy, anger) | passionHonoo
派生 はせい derivation
極める きわめる to carry to extremes | to go to the end of somethingto investigate thoroughly | to master
絶つ たつ to sever | to cut offto suppress | to eradicate | to exterminateto abstain (from) | to give up
拝見 はいけん seeing | looking at
火急 かきゅう urgency | exigency | emergency
巨躯 きょく big frame | large figure | huge body
原動力 げんどうりょく motive power | driving force
脆い もろい brittle | fragile | weak | frailtender-hearted | sentimental | easily moved
廃人 はいじん cripple | disabled person | invalidHaijin
侮辱 ぶじょく insult | affront | slight | contempt (e.g. of court)
障る さわる to be harmful to | to hinder | to interfere with | to irritate
融合 ゆうごう agglutination | adhesion | fusion | combination | blending | uniting
横転 おうてん toppling sideways | turning sideways | falling over sidewaysbarrel roll
整える ととのえる to put in order | to arrange | to tidy up | to straighten | to adjust | to fixto get ready | to prepare | to arrange | to supply | to assemble | to buyto work out (e.g. business deal) | to arrange (e.g. marriage) | to settle
手記 しゅき note | memorandum
全うする まっとうする to accomplish | to fulfill | to carry out
使用人 しようにん employee | servant
物腰 ものごし manner | demeanour | demeanor | bearing
継ぐ つぐ to succeed (a person, to a position, etc.) | to inherit | to take over | to followto patch (clothes) | to mend | to repairto add (e.g. charcoal to the fire) | to replenish with | to feed with | to follow up with (e.g. remarks) | to gather (one's breath)
皮膚 ひふ skin
参る まいる to go | to come | to callto be defeated | to collapse | to dieto be annoyed | to be nonplussedto be madly in loveto visit (shrine, grave)
取り乱す とりみだす to be upset | to lose one's composure | to lose self-control | to go to pieces | to be shaken up | to break down | to be flustered | to blow one's coolto put in disorder | to mess up | to disturb | to scatter about
追跡 ついせき chase | pursuit | tracking | stalkingfollowing up | tracing
よめ wife | bride(one's) daughter-in-law
修行 しゅぎょう ascetic practicestraining | practice | discipline | studyShugyou
のど throatsinging voice
腹筋 ふっきん sit-upabdominal muscles | abs
譲る ゆずる to hand over | to transfer | to turn over | to assign | to convey | to bequeathto give up (e.g. one's seat) | to give wayto yield | to concede | to give ground | to surrenderto sellto postpone | to put off | to defer
授かる さずかる to be awarded (e.g. a prize) | to be given an award | to receive (e.g. a title)to be gifted or endowed (e.g. with a talent)to be blessed (e.g. with a child)to be initiated (e.g. into a secret)
宴会 えんかい party | banquet | reception | feast | dinner
励む はげむ to strive | to endeavour | to endeavor | to make an effort | to be zealous
証明 しょうめい proof | verification | certification
伝説 でんせつ tradition | legend | folklore
特訓 とっくん special training | intensive training | crash course
滅ぼす ほろぼす to destroy | to overthrow | to wreck | to ruin
しろ castleShiro
奇跡 きせき miracle | wonder | marvelKiseki
審査 しんさ judging | inspection | examination | investigation | review
降参 こうさん surrender | submission | capitulationbeing defeated (e.g. by a problem) | giving up | giving in
挙手 きょしゅ raising one's hand | show of hands (e.g. for a vote)salute
羽織る はおる to put on (coat, gown, etc.)
色合い いろあい colouring | coloring | shade (of colour) | hue | tone | tinge | tintflavour | nuance | feel | sense | look
誠に まことに indeed | really | absolutely | truly | actually | very | quite
度が過ぎる どがすぎる to go too far | to go to excess | to carry too far
取り押さえる とりおさえる to seize | to capture | to arrestto hold down | to subdue
乱暴 らんぼう violence | assault | running riotrough (e.g. handling) | reckless | careless | coarse | rude | unreasonable (e.g. demand) | wild (e.g. argument)rape | sexual assault
消耗 しょうもう exhaustion | consumption | using up | dissipation | waste
頑丈 がんじょう solid | firm | stout | burly | strong | sturdy
挑む いどむ to challenge to (a fight, game, etc.) | to throw down the gauntlet | to contend forto tackle (e.g. a problem) | to attempt | to go after (a prize, record, etc.)to pressure (someone) for sex | to make advances to
きり fog | mistsprayKiri
反射 はんしゃ reflection | reverberationreflex | reflexes
遺留品 いりゅうひん lost articles
鑑識 かんしき judgement | judgment | discernment | discrimination | having an eye forappraisal (e.g. of an antique) | evaluation | assessmentforensics | (criminal) identification | crime lab
懐中時計 かいちゅうどけい pocket watch
授与 じゅよ awarding | conferment | granting | presentation
活躍 かつやく activity (esp. energetic) | great efforts | conspicuous serviceto flourish | to participate actively | to play an active role
目ぼしい めぼしい notable | important | chief | valuable | conspicuous | outstanding
不服 ふふく dissatisfaction | discontent | disapproval | objection | complaint | protest | disagreement
護衛 ごえい guard | convoy | escort
隅々 すみずみ every corner | every nook and cranny | all the ins and outs
使用法 しようほう usage method | directions
設置 せっち establishment | institutioninstallation (of a machine or equipment)
悪用 あくよう abuse | misuse | perversion
漂う ただよう to drift | to floatto waft (e.g. a scent) | to hang in the airto be in the air (e.g. a feeling or mood)to wander | to walk around aimlesslyto be unsteady | to be unstableto falter | to flinch | to winceto live in unreliable circumstances
探索 たんさく search | lookup | hunt | (item of) research | exploration | investigation
絞る しぼる to wring (towel, rag) | to squeezeto squeeze (fruit to extract juice) | to press | to extract | to milk | to express milkto rack (one's brains) | to strain (one's voice)to extort | to exploitto chew out | to reprimand severely | to rake over the coals | to give a sound scolding | to tell someone off | to scold | to rebuketo drill into | to trainto narrow down (one's focus) | to whittle downto gather up (curtain, etc.) | to tighten (drawstring)to stop down (lens)to turn down (e.g. radio)to bend (bow) | to drawto hold down | to constrict | to immobilize
逝く いく to go | to move (in a direction or towards a specific location) | to head (towards) | to be transported (towards) | to reachto proceed | to take placeto pass through | to come and goto walkto die | to pass awayto do (in a specific way)to stream | to flowto have an orgasm | to come | to cumto trip | to get high | to have a drug-induced hallucination
充満 じゅうまん being filled with | being full of | permeation
連射 れんしゃ rapid-fire
捕虜 ほりょ prisoner (of war)
とどめを刺す とどめをさす to finish off | to ensure (something) is dead | to deliver the coup de graceto put an end to | to deliver the final blowto be the best for A
砕く くだく to break | to smash
拘束 こうそく restriction | restraint | binding | constraint
手負い ておい wounded | injured
散々 さんざん thoroughly | completely | utterlyseverely | harshly | terribly | miserably | wretchedly | badlyscattered | disconnected | dispersed | smashed into tiny pieces
崩壊 ほうかい collapse | crumbling | breaking down | caving in(radioactive) decay | disintegration
攻略 こうりゃく capture (of enemy territory) | taking (by storm) | conquest | attack | assaultdefeating (an opponent)attacking (a problem) strategically
実績 じっせき achievements | actual results | accomplishments | past results | track record
言わす いわす to get someone to say | to make someone sayto let someone say | to let someone speak outto make a sound
逆らう さからう to go against | to oppose | to disobey | to defy
腕相撲 うでずもう arm wrestling | Indian wrestlingwrestling relying on brute strength (of the arms), rather than skill
合流 ごうりゅう confluence (of rivers) | merge (of traffic) | conflux | junction | joiningunion (e.g. of forces) | linking up | merging | coming togetherGouryuu
相応しい ふさわしい appropriate | adequate | suitable | fitting | worthy
罪人 ざいにん criminal | lawbreaker | wrongdoer | offender
なぞ riddle | puzzle | enigma | mysteryenigmatic | mysterious
宿る やどる to dwell | to live | to remainto stay at | to take shelter at | to stop at | to lodge atto be pregnantto be part of a constellationto be a parasite (bugs, plants, etc.)
幼稚 ようち infancychildish | infantile | immature | primitive
敬礼 けいれい salute | bowKeirei
劣る おとる to be inferior to | to be less good at | to fall behind
other | another | remaining | leftoverover | more thanI | meYo
見破る みやぶる to see through (a plot, lie, etc.) | to penetrate into | to discover | to find out
情けない なさけない miserable | pitiable | shameful | deplorable | pathetic
鎮圧 ちんあつ suppression | subjugation
呪力 じゅりょく magical power | mystical force
縁がある えんがある to be fated to | be linked by fate
投降 とうこう surrender
王都 おうと royal capital | imperial capital
悩む なやむ to be worried | to be troubled
昇進 しょうしん promotion | advancement | rising in rank
囚人 しゅうじん prisoner
封じる ふうじる to seal (letter)to prevent | to forbid | to block
窓拭き まどふき window cleaning
償う つぐなう to make up for | to compensate for | to indemnify | to recompense | to redeem (e.g. a fault) | to atone for
妬む ねたむ to be jealous of | to envy | to begrudge
競う きそう to compete | to contend | to vie | to contest
敗北 はいぼく defeatto be defeated
陥れる おとしいれる to trap (into a difficult situation) | to put (in a fix) | to throw (e.g. into turmoil) | to trick (into doing) | to lure (into a trap) | to frame (for a crime)to capture (a castle, fortress, etc.) | to take | to reduceto drop (something) into
援護 えんご covering | protection | backing | relief
阻む はばむ to keep someone from doing | to stop | to prevent | to check | to hinder | to obstruct | to oppose | to thwart
醜態 しゅうたい disgraceful behavior | disgraceful behaviour | shameful sight
秘める ひめる to hide | to keep to oneself
正義 せいぎ justice | right | righteousnesscorrect meaning | correct explanationSeigi
ぜん good | goodness | right | virtueZen
愚弄 ぐろう mockery | derision | ridicule
恐れ入る おそれいる to be sorry | to beg pardon | to be much obliged | to feel smallto be gratefulto be amazed | to be filled with awe | to be surprisedto be disconcerted | to be embarrassed
座興 ざきょう entertainment (at a party) | amusement | fun | trick
壊滅 かいめつ destruction | annihilation | devastation | catastrophe
なわ rope | cordpoliceman's ropeNawa
陥る おちいる to fall into (e.g. a hole)to fall into (chaos, depression, dilemma, illness, etc.)to fall into (a trap, etc.)to fall | to surrender | to capitulate
追求 ついきゅう pursuit (of a goal, ideal, etc.) | search | chase | seeking after
誓う ちかう to swear | to vow | to take an oath | to pledge
防ぐ ふせぐ to defend against | to protect againstto prevent | to avert | to avoid
捧げる ささげる to lift up | to hold up | to hold above eye levelto give | to offer | to consecrateto devote | to sacrifice | to dedicate
尋問 じんもん questioning | interrogation | examination (of a witness)
けもの beast | brute | animal
無礼 ぶれい impolite | rude
絶望 ぜつぼう despair | hopelessness
到底 とうてい (cannot) possibly | (not) by any means | (not) at all | utterly | absolutely
乱入者 らんにゅうしゃ intruder
軌道 きどう orbit | trajectoryrailroad track(right) track | proper course
振り絞る ふりしぼる to use to the full (one's voice, energy, etc.) | to muster all of (one's strength, courage, etc.) | to summon all of | to exert fully | to strain (one's voice)
勝利 しょうり victory | triumph | conquest | success | winShouri
密接 みっせつ close (relationship, connection, etc.) | intimate | nearclose (together)
率いる ひきいる to lead | to spearhead (a group) | to command (troops)
帰還 きかん repatriation | return(electrical) feedback
ぼろぼろ ぼろぼろ worn-out | ragged | tattered | battered | scruffycrumbling | dry and crumblyfalling (in drops or clumps) | scattering(physically or mentally) worn-out | exhausted(coming to light) one after another
功績 こうせき achievement | meritorious deed | distinguished service | contribution
陣形 じんけい battle formation | military formation
垂らす たらす to dribble | to spillto suspend | to hang down | to slouch | to dangle
撤退 てったい evacuation | withdrawal | revocation | repeal | retreat
誇り ほこり pride | boast | credit (to)
治療 ちりょう (medical) treatment | care | therapy | cure | remedy
粉々に砕く こなごなにくだく to smash to pieces
恵まれる めぐまれる to be blessed with | to be rich in | to abound in
遡る さかのぼる to go upstreamto go back (in time, to origin) | to date back to | to trace back to | to make retroactive
野宿 のじゅく sleeping outdoors | sleeping out in the open air | camping
薪割 まきわり hatchet | axewood-chopping | wood-splitting
抜群 ばつぐん outstanding | excellent | exceptional | surpassing | extraordinary | distinguishedpreeminence | distinction | extraordinariness
優秀 ゆうしゅう superior | excellent | brilliant | outstanding
忠告 ちゅうこく advice | warning
属す ぞくす to belong to | to come under | to be affiliated with | to be subject to
奴隷 どれい slave | servantslavery
雑魚 ざこ small fish | small fry(a) nobody | small fry | unimportant person
悲惨 ひさん disastrous | tragic | miserable | wretched | pitiful | woeful
圧倒的 あっとうてき overwhelming
鎮める しずめる to appease | to suppress | to calm
闘争 とうそう fight | battle | combat | conflictstruggle (for rights, higher wages, etc.) | strife | (labor) dispute | strike
挺する ていする to put (oneself) forward | to risk (one's life) | to volunteer (bravely)
故郷 ふるさと home town | birthplace | native place | one's old homeruins | historic remains
漲る みなぎる to rise high (of water) | to overflow | to swellto be filled with (emotion, energy, etc.) | to be bursting with | to be brimming with | to pervade (of an atmosphere, feeling, etc.) | to prevail
誘導 ゆうどう guidance | leading | induction | introduction | incitement | inducement
隔壁 かくへき barrier wall | bulkhead | partition | septum | diaphragm
披露 ひろう announcement | presentation | demonstration | displaying | showing | introducing | exhibiting | unveiling | revealing | showcasing | performing | giving a rendition
祭典 さいてん festival
些細 ささい trivial | slight
ひょんなことから ひょんなことから by a strange coincidence | in an unexpected turn of events | by chance | by accident
登壇 とうだん taking the podium | mounting the rostrum | going on stage to give a speech, etc.
敢然 かんぜん boldly | bravely | resolutely | determinedly
誇る ほこる to boast of | to be proud of | to take pride in
支持 しじ support | backing | endorsement | approvalsupport | holding up | propping
殲滅 せんめつ extermination | annihilation
控え ひかえ reserve | spare | backupnote | memorandumduplicate | copy | stub (of a ticket, etc.)waiting one's turn
溶岩 ようがん lava
顧みる かえりみる to look back on (the past) | to reflect on | to reminisce aboutto look behind (at) | to turn round (and look) | to look over one's shoulderto consider | to concern oneself about | to take notice of | to pay attention to | to take into consideration
決意 けつい decision | determination | resolution
斯くして かくして thus
強制 きょうせい compulsion | coercion | forcing (to do) | enforcement
温泉 おんせん hot springonsen | hot spring resort | hot spring spaOnsen
根性 こんじょう willpower | guts | determination | grit | spiritcharacter | nature | disposition | personality
噴火 ふんか eruption | volcanic eruption
無謀 むぼう reckless | thoughtless | rash | ill-advised | impulsive | mad (e.g. scheme)
落石 らくせき falling rocks | fallen rocks
輪っか わっか ring | loop (of rope)halo (of an angel)
直々 じきじき in person | personally | directly
先導 せんどう guidance | leadership | leading the way
選抜試験 せんばつしけん selection test
高貴 こうき high class | nobleKouki
収まる おさまる to fit into (a box, frame, category, etc.) | to be contained within | to fall within (e.g. a budget)to settle down (into) | to be installed (in one's rightful place) | to be returned (to one's original position)to settle into (one's position) | to take up (a post) | to occupy (a role)to be settled (dispute, conflict, etc.) | to be sorted | to subside (e.g. wind) | to calm down | to abateto be satisfied (e.g. with an answer) | to consent | to agree
最終的 さいしゅうてき final | eventual | ultimate
稚拙 ちせつ unskillful | childish | immature | naive | artless | clumsy | crude
伏兵 ふくへい ambush | troops in ambushunexpected opposition | unexpected obstacle
防御 ぼうぎょ defense | defence | safeguard | protection
満開 まんかい full bloom (esp. of cherry blossom) | full blossom
舞台 ぶたい stage (theatre, theater)scene or setting (e.g. of novel, play, etc.)Butai
試合 しあい match | game | bout | contest
単身 たんしん alone | unaided | away from home
みゃく pulseveinchain (of mountains, etc.)hopethread (of an argument)
足掻く あがく to paw (at) the groundto struggle (using one's arms and legs) | to flounder | to flail aboutto struggle (to escape an adverse situation) | to strive | to make every effort
墓参り はかまいり visit to a grave
貫く つらぬく to go through | to pierce | to penetrateto run through (e.g. a river through a city) | to pass throughto stick to (opinion, principles, etc.) | to carry out | to persist with | to keep (e.g. faith) | to maintain (e.g. independence)
導く みちびく to guide | to lead | to show the way | to conductto derive | to deduce
安泰 あんたい peace | security | tranquility | tranquillity
歓迎 かんげい welcome | reception
見当 けんとう estimate | guess | conjecture | aimdirection | bearingsregistration mark (printing)approximately | about | around
洞窟 どうくつ cavern | cave | cave system | grottoDoukutsu
豊作 ほうさく abundant harvest | bumper cropHousaku
愚弟 ぐてい younger brotherstupid younger brother
奇襲攻撃 きしゅうこうげき surprise attack | ambush
ぞく thief | robber | burglarrebel | insurgent | traitor
中央 ちゅうおう centre | center | middle | heartmetropolis | capital city | central governmentChuuou
がっかり がっかり to be disappointed | to be dejected | to be downhearted | to lose heart | to feel let downto feel exhausted | to feel drained
頭首 とうしゅ boss | chief | manager
詫び わび apology | excuse
鼓動 こどう beat | palpitation | pulsation | throbbing
疑う うたがう to doubt | to distrust | to be suspicious of | to suspect
薔薇 ばら roseBara
臆する おくする to be hesitant | to feel timid
統べる すべる to rule over | to govern | to command | to controlto integrate | to consolidate | to unite | to incorporate
なす可きこと なすべきこと things to do | must-do items | one's duty | what is required
凝縮 ぎょうしゅく condensation (of ideas, emotions, etc.)condensation (of a vapour or gas)
途絶える とだえる to stop | to cease | to come to an end | to cut off
暴走 ぼうそう acting rashly | running wildly | behaving recklessly | reckless driving | rampagerunaway (process)reckless baserunning
制御 せいぎょ control (of a machine, device, etc.)control (over an opponent, one's emotions, etc.) | governing | management | suppression | keeping in check
説得 せっとく persuasion
裂く さく to tear | to rip upto cut up | to cleave | to cut open (esp. the abdomen)to forcibly separate (e.g. two lovers)to have a tattoo in the corner of one's eye
追尾 ついび following | pursuing | tracking | shadowing | tailing | chasing
謀る はかる to plan | to attempt | to deviseto plot | to conspire | to schemeto deceive | to trick | to take in
物質 ぶっしつ material | substancematter
やり spear | lancejavelinlancejeeringYari
貧しい まずしい poor | needylacking (quantity and quality-wise) | poor | scanty | skimpy | slight | inadequate
詳細 しょうさい details | particulars | specificsdetailed | specific | minuteclose-up view (of a digitally displayed map) | zoomed-in view
本題 ほんだい main question | real issue at hand
悪魔 あくま devil | demon | fiendSatan | the DevilMāra | evil spirits or forces that hinder one's path to enlightenmentAkuma
イレギュラー イレギュラー irregular
一点 いってん speck | dot | point | only a little | particle | only oneItten
段取り だんどり programme | program | plans | arrangements
手がかり てがかり clue | lead | key | trail | scent | trackhandhold | hold
見通す みとおす to see without obstruction | to see throughto forecast | to predict | to anticipate
間近 まぢか proximity | nearness | soon | nearby
監視 かんし monitoring | watching | observation | surveillance | guarding | supervision | lookout
誤って あやまって in error | by mistake | by accident | accidentally
削除 さくじょ deletion | elimination | erasure | striking out
格納 かくのう storage | housing for equipment and machinesputting into computer memory
効率 こうりつ efficiency
主要 しゅよう chief | main | principal | major
構築 こうちく construction | building | putting up | erecting | creation | formulation | architecture (systems, agreement, etc.)
自明 じめい self-evident | obvious | axiomatic | self-explanatory | trivial
特定 とくてい specific | particular | designated | specialspecifying | designating | identifying | pinpointing
標準 ひょうじゅん standard | level | norm
軍港 ぐんこう naval port | naval station
燃料 ねんりょう fuel
企てる くわだてる to plan | to plot | to propose | to design | to intend | to contemplateto attempt (e.g. suicide, murder) | to undertake (e.g. business)to stand on tip-toes
殺害 さつがい killing | murder
所在 しょざい whereabouts | place where one is | position | location
に依る による by means of | due to | because of | according to
彷彿 ほうふつ (bearing a) close resemblance | vivid reminder (e.g. of the past)dim | faint | vague | blurred
上等 じょうとう superior | first-class | excellent | top quality(that's) just fine! | bring it on!
脅し おどし threatbird-scaring device (scarecrow, gun, etc.)
相性 あいしょう affinity | compatibility | chemistry (between people)
接近 せっきん getting closer | drawing nearer | approachingbeing not much different | being near (age, skill, etc.)becoming close (i.e. friendly) | becoming intimate
隙間 すきま crevice | crack | gap | opening | clearancespare moment | interval | break | pause | spare timechink (in one's armor, armour) | unpreparedness | carelessness
掃討 そうとう cleaning up | sweeping up | mopping up
決着 けっちゃく conclusion | decision | end | settlement
油断 ゆだん negligence | carelessness | inattention | unpreparedness
頃合い ころあい suitable time | good timepropriety | moderation
基礎 きそ foundation | basis
収める おさめる to dedicate | to make an offering | to pay (fees)to supplyto storeto finish | to bring to a closeto restore (something to its place)to achieve (e.g. a result)
細工 さいく work | workmanship | craftsmanship | handiworkartifice | trick | device | tampering | doctoringSaiku
制圧 せいあつ gaining total control (of people or counties) | suppression | oppression | control | mastery | ascendancy | supremacy
間際 まぎわ the point just before | the point of doing | the verge of happening
増強 ぞうきょう reinforcement | augmentation | strengthening | increase | buildup
上達 じょうたつ improvement (e.g. in skill, ability) | advance | progresscommunication of opinions of the general populace to those of high rankJoutatsu
図る はかる to plan | to attempt | to deviseto plot | to conspire | to schemeto aim for | to strive for | to work towards | to seek
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