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(unofficial) Guide to Viome API Endpoints, Data Export and Backup

(unofficial) Guide to Viome API Endpoints, Data Export and Backup

Since Viome doesn't appear to offer us a way to export our data aside from as a PDF, I was inspired to have a look if I could see it any other way.

The CEO says that they don't release the raw data:

I did stumble upon another project that follows a similar method of extracting data:

Which appears to use the following URLs:

This tool (assuming it still works, which it looks like it should) allows you to export a CSV and HTML report based on your Viome data.

Wanting to understand it a bit better myself, I decided to explore the Viome website and see if it had any interesting API endpoints/data requests being sent back and forth.

We can log into the Viome web dashboard at:

After which we see the following requests get made:

  • POST /app/authenticate/credentials {"email":"REDACTED","password":"REDACTED","rememberMe":true}
    • JSON: userID, loginInfo (providerID, providerKey), firstName, lastName, fullName, phone, email, phiHash, birthDate
    • Seems to be some basic user/profile data
  • GET /app/dashboard/user/external/user/dietPreference/vegetarian/get
    • {"response":"success","errorMessage":null,"payload":null}
    • Doesn't seem to do anything?
  • GET /app/external/user/profile
    • JSON: userId, email, fullName, firstName, lastName, birthDate, gender, address (adressID, userID, addressLine1, city, state, zip, country), phone
    • Seems to be some basic user/profile data.. again?
  • GET /app/external/alacarte/110
    • JSON: resourceVideos, resultsLink, recsLink, resultsAndRecsLink, scoresLink, notifications, chatChannelId, eventChannelId, uiMessages, cohorts, completedKits, fsResults, tests, introQuestions, upsell, completedTests, lockstatus, expiredStates, showVieNotification, pendingScores, hiUpsellForResults, hasPersonalizedSupplementRecommendations, canPurchaseSupplementsStandalone, isPregnant, iOSMinVersion, planSample, showSubscriptionUpsell, userAgeEligibleForSupplements, userLocationEligibleForSupplements, showAdditionalSupplementLink
    • There is HEAPS of content here (almost 5000 lines of json when pretty printed).. these are just the top level keys
    • Looks like this is a lot of the data required for the app to render the initial page, not sure if any of it is directly useful for us or not
  • GET /app/dashboard/user/external/user/recommendation/combined/latest
    • JSON: response, errorMessage, payload (foodList, avoidFoods, superFoods, supplements, recommendedAmounts, foodPrepareTips, overview, foodListChanged, foodListChangeFlag, foodListHash, allergyDisclaimer)
    • This seems to contain data about our foods, things to avoid, suggested supplements, etc (and is also the endpoint the project above uses)
    • foodPrepareTips appears to be a giant block of HTML
  • GET /app/dashboard/user/external/user/notification/getAll
    • JSON: response, errorMessage, payload (array of: userNotificationId, endDate, created, kitId, testId, action, title, name, body, icon, color, ctaButton, actionIcon, systemId)
    • Seems to be any notifications for the user
  • GET /app/user/order/latestAddress
    • JSON: addressID, userID, addressLine1, addressLine2, city, state, zip, country
    • Seems to be the user's address
  • GET /app/dashboard/user/external/results/combinedResultLite/${viomeTestKitId}
    • JSON: labAndPersonInfoForAllTests, allNewScores, mainScores
    • This also seems like it has a lot of the data related to our tests, but seems to be more about the scores related to microbial activity, their ranges, etc
    • mainScores seems to have the bulk of the useful looking data
  • GET /app/dashboard/user/external/expiredstates/getAll
    • JSON: giTests (array of: kitId, newTestRegistered, notifications, onDays, registrationDate, releaseDate, sampleExternalId, testMessages, testTypeSystemId validPeriod), fsTests, existExpiredGITest
  • GET /app/dashboard/user/external/results/combinedResult/${viomeTestKitId}
    • JSON: allNewScores, biologicalAgeScore, compareAllMicrobes, ecosystemInsights, foodSensitivity, hasBioAge, labAndPersonInFoForAllTests, labAndPersonInfo, mainScores, resultSummary, wellnessScoresAndInsight
    • This seems to have even more data about our microbes, etc (~24,000 lines when pretty printed)
  • GET /app/dashboard/user/external/user/recommendation/nutrient/latest
    • JSON: response, errorMessage, payload (nutrientTypes, nutrients, scoreNutrientMapping)
    • nutrientTypes: contains entries for Vitamins +, Food Extracts, Prebiotics, Probiotics (these seem like categories/similar)
    • nutrients: id, name, nutrientTypeIds, volume, description, importance (nutrientTypeIds seems to map to the 'categories' above)
    • scoreNutrientMapping: scoreId, ingredients (ingredients seem to be ids that map to the nutrients above)
    • I'm not sure if this is just generalised info about nutrients, or specifically recommendations for nutrients/supplements that would benefit me.. I think the latter

Looking in Chrome DevTools, using Redux DevTools I can see all of the frontend data/state used by the application. Could be useful.

Clicking on 'My Foods' takes us to

But it didn't actually seem to fetch any new data, so it must be a frontend route. Force reloading the page just made similar request as listed above, which supports this theory.

Clicking on My Results -> All My Scores takes us to

  • GET /app/dashboard/user/external/trackingTest/getAll
    • JSON: response, errorMessage, payload (tests: kitId, testType, testTypeSystemId, planName, status, isActive, registrationDate, displayResults, textDescription, statusMessage, sampleExternalId, isQuestionnaireComplete, isSampleQuestionnaireComplete, states, testId)
    • This seems to have data relating to each Viome test we ordered, including their kitId's (needed for some of the earlier API requests)
  • GET /app/dashboard/user/external/results/combinedResult/undefined
    • I believe this should have included one of the kitID's instead of undefined, matching the API call described above

Changing the dropdown menu to select a different test date made the following request:

  • GET /app/dashboard/user/external/results/combinedResult/${viomeTestKitId}

So it just appears to request the appropriate data and/or use what is already in the frontend redux data store.

Clicking My Results -> My Microbe Activity takes us to and doesn't seem to make any new data requests (neither does changing the test shown, or changing the filter; so this all seems to be done in the frontend)

Clicking My Results -> My Sample takes us to and makes the following requests:

  • GET /app/systemVersion
    • JSON: response, errorMessage, payload (version, deployedOn)

It didn't appear to make any new requests when changing the sample selected.

Throughout this, I also noticed a number of requests being POST'd to, which appears to be an error tracking service. These error contained a number of "Minified React error"; which probably isn't interesting, but noting here in case.

So what should I back up?

Without spending more time looking deeply at all of the data, the endpoints that most look like they would be useful to keep in a backup are:

And maybe:

  • GET /app/systemVersion
    • because it contains a version number and date that might be useful to know what version of the system generated the results we've backed up (or similar)
  • GET /app/external/alacarte/110
    • just because it has so much data in it and there might be something useful

When trying to minimise what headers were required, the minimal set I got down to before it appeared to invalidate my authentication was:

  • User-Agent
  • Accept-Language
  • Cookie: authenticator=AAABBCCDDETCETCETC

My theory is that the cookie may incorporate the User-Agent and/or Accept-Language data somehow to determine if the session should be considered valid.

Therefore, an example curl command would look something like:

curl -s -k -X $'GET' \
  -H $'Host:' \
  -H $'Connection: close' \
  -H $'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.83 Safari/537.36' \
  -H $'Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8' \
  -H $'Cookie: authenticator=AAABBCCDDETCETCETC' \

All up the exported json data for 2 Viome gut tests for me takes up about 1.1mb (134KB zipped)

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@HerrNiklasRaab I don't off the top of my head unfortunately, and unless that data is exposed through the app/website/etc in some way, then I would be very surprised if they had exposed API endpoints for it.

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