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Created August 17, 2022 01:49
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How to get PCredz working - might be related to having python3.10
Install pipx (only needed to install pipenv)
# python3 -m pip install --user pipx
# python3 -m pipx ensurepath
Install pipenv for python3.10
# apt install python3.10-venv
# pipx install pipenv
Clone PCredz, create pipenv in it, then clone python-libpcap and install it
└─# cd /root/tools/PCredz
└─# pipenv --python 3.9 shell
└─# pip3 install Cython && pip3 install python-libpcap ## you'll probably get an error about a missing Python.h on that libpcap install, so next do this to fix it:
└─# git clone
└─# cd python-libpcap
└─# apt install libpython3.9-dev
└─# python3.9 build && python3.9 install
└─# python3 ./Pcredz --help
usage: Pcredz [-h] [-f FNAME | -d DIR_PATH | -i INTERFACE] [-c] [-t] [-v]
Pcredz 1.0.0 Author: Laurent Gaffie
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FNAME Pcap file to parse
-d DIR_PATH Pcap directory to parse recursivly
-i INTERFACE interface for live capture
-c deactivate CC number scanning (Can gives false positives!)
-t Include a timestamp in all generated messages (useful for correlation)
-v More verbose.
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