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Last active April 25, 2018 17:14
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const Apify = require('apify');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const requestPromise = require('request-promise');
// Utils functions to simplify the code
const { log } = console;
const pretty = object => JSON.stringify(object, null, 2);
// Get code line-by-line with cheerio into an Object
const arrayToObjectInContext = $ => (array, object = {}) => (
array.reduce((acc, tr) => {
const $tr = $(tr);
const lineNumber = $tr.find('[data-line-number]').data('line-number');
const code = $tr.find('.blob-code-inner').text();
return Object.assign({}, acc, { [lineNumber]: code });
}, object)
// Apify's main function to encapsule execution - optional
Apify.main(async () => {
// payload from the WebHook
const payload = await Apify.getValue('INPUT');
const { repository, head_commit: headCommit } = payload;
const { id: repositoryId } = repository;
log('Repository ID:', repositoryId);
// Create a repoStore to handle 'STATE' for each repo
const repoStore = await Apify.openKeyValueStore(`Repository-${repositoryId}`);
// Getting record 'STATE', if any
let previousState = {};
try {
previousState = await repoStore.getValue('STATE');
} catch (err) {
// ignore this error
log('Previous STATE:', pretty(previousState));
// Get Commit SHA, 7 characters are enough
const commitId =, 7);
log('Current Commit ID:', commitId);
const { added, removed, modified } = headCommit;
const headCommitFiles = [].concat(added, removed, modified);
log('Added/Removed/Modified Files:', headCommitFiles);
// Add blob URL to each file
const commitBlobUrl = headCommit.url.replace('commit', 'blob');
const commitBlobUrls = => ({
uri: `${commitBlobUrl}/${file}`,
file: file.toLowerCase(),
// Magic here
const stateChanges = await commitBlobUrls.reduce(async (acc, { uri, file }) => {
log('Blob URL:', uri);
const options = {
transform: body => cheerio.load(body),
const $ = await requestPromise(options);
const getDiffIn = arrayToObjectInContext($);
const $tableRows = $('table tr').toArray();
log(`Lines found in '${file}': ${$tableRows.length}`);
const fileState = previousState[file] || [];
const currentState = fileState.filter(commitObject => !commitObject[commitId]);
const commit = {
[commitId]: {
timestamp: headCommit.timestamp,
committer: headCommit.committer,
message: headCommit.message,
url: headCommit.url,
// Filtering non .js files
if (file.includes('.js')) {
Object.assign(commit[commitId], { code: getDiffIn($tableRows) });
return Object.assign({}, acc, { [file]: [commit, ...currentState] });
}, {});
const nextState = Object.assign({}, previousState, stateChanges);
log('Next STATE:', pretty(nextState));
log('Saving into repoStore:', repositoryId);
await repoStore.setValue('STATE', nextState);
// Save 'OUTPUT' of the current Act run
// (optional - necessary only if called from within an act to get its 'OUTPUT')
await Apify.setValue('OUTPUT', nextState);
return log('Done.');
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