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Created August 20, 2019 18:49
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The nature in the area of the catastrophe near Severodvinsk suffers from a significant increase in the radiation background. Such a conclusion was reached by an eyewitness who visited the scene and wished to remain anonymous for safety reasons.

Newsader received a video recording of vegetation that allegedly suffered from the harmful effects of a nuclear device accident that exploded during a test at a naval test site in the Arkhangelsk region. According to the author of the material, the photo was taken three days after the accident. It was conducted on the White Sea coast.

Also read: CNN: Four radiation monitoring stations in different parts of Russia "quieted down" after the nuclear accident near Severodvinsk

Also read: "Water in Salt is poisoned": A patient with severe intoxication was admitted to Severodvinsk hospital - Newsader source

Frames show the landscape characteristic of radiation exposure. "Radiation burned the leaves," he said, expressing doubts about the veracity of the Russian authorities' statements that the radiation background in the area was normal. According to him, the trees "burned down" within a radius of 300 kilometers from the epicenter of the detonation.

It was not yet known whether the individual had taken individual measures to protect the organism from the alleged dangerous releases.

Newsader checks the information received and does not yet have objective evidence that it is an environmental disaster associated with radioactive fallout.

Earlier today, a Newsader source reported that a patient with symptoms of acute poisoning, which may be caused by the use of water from the local Solza River, arrived at the Central Health Department of Severodvinsk. He learned from a private conversation with doctors that they are afraid of the radioactive nature of the patient's infection.

On August 17, Newsader published a videotape made by a hidden camera, in which a soldier in a conversation with residents of the village of Nenoks said that on August 8, 2019 at the military training ground in the Arkhangelsk region during the tests exploded rocket engine running on nuclear isotopes. During the conversation with the concerned villagers, the military assured them of the absence of a radioactive threat to the population and admitted that military tests of this kind had been conducted under Severodvinsk, although this had never been reported. At the same time, he urged not to visit the White Sea coast because of possible radioactive contamination of the area.

Also read: "Their blood just boiled": Newsader told about the silence of the radiation catastrophe in the Arkhangelsk region

Also read: Arkhangelsk doctors were not warned about the radioactivity of patients: The Moscow Times sources confirmed the insider Newsader

Also read: "Radiation killed bone marrow": Arkhangelsk medical personnel were stopped in Moscow and the results of the tests are hidden - Newsader source

The EMERCOM service last week indicated that the laboratory analysis of soil, sand and water samples taken in the region, including in Solz, corresponded to the natural background of alpha, beta and gamma particles.

The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization said that two Russian radiation monitoring stations in Kirov and Dubna stopped transmitting background radiation data after a rocket engine exploded at the Arkhangelsk military training ground on 8 August. On 10 August, the CTBTO recorded seismic and infrasound oscillations coinciding with an accident at the Arkhangelsk military test site.

According to the Ministry of Defense, a "liquid engine" exploded on August 8 at the military training ground near Severodvinsk. As a result of the accident, five Rosatom specialists and two military men died. Russian scientists announced about the test of the nuclear device. The Ministry of Defense blocked the area of the White Sea, where the disaster occurred, for navigation.

According to Roshydromet, the background radiation in Severodvinsk was 4-16 times higher than the norm for a few hours after the explosion of a nuclear device. This information corresponds to the information initially provided on the website of the Severodvinsk administration. Later, the Severodvinsk authorities removed the information about the radiation spike, explaining that "the situation is being dealt with by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation". From the outset, the Ministry of Defence has denied that radioactive contamination had occurred.

U.S. experts are inclined to believe that Russia was testing a cruise missile with a nuclear engine near Severodvinsk. The U.S. shut down a similar project back in the 1960s because of its ineffectiveness and high radiation risk both for the testers themselves and for the environment as a whole.

The material was prepared by Alexander Kushnar, Newsader

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