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Created March 22, 2023 02:02
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Adding Roles for Kubernetes Waypoint Runner

Using Hashicorp Waypoint runner for Kubernetes is pretty straight forward... but sometimes runs into permissions errors.

Specifically jobs.batch is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:waypoint:waypoint-runner" cannot create resource "jobs" in API

You need to

  • create a role with access to the jobs.batch api
  • bind it to the service account

You can do this as follows

Create a Role

echo """apiVersion:
kind: ClusterRole
  namespace: default
  name: batch-role 
 - apiGroups: ["", "extensions", "apps", "batch"]
   resources: ["*"]
   verbs: ["*"] """ > batch-role.yaml
# apply it 
kubectl apply -f batch-role.yaml

# check it 
kubectl get clusterrole | grep "batch-role"

Bind the Role

# apply
kubectl create clusterrolebinding batch-role \
  --clusterrole=batch-role \
# check 
kubectl get clusterrolebinding | grep "batch-role"
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