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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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My Dota 2 cfg
// Enables the console
con_enable 1
//preload map
cl_forcepreload 1
//Command Zoid suggested that doesn't do shit.
clientportany 1
// Enabling hotkeys for the shop
dota_shop_force_hotkeys "0"
// Change minimap colours. Also affects the colour of units upon hovering.
dota_unit_use_player_color "1";
dota_friendly_color_b "0.8"; dota_friendly_color_g "0.7"; dota_friendly_color_r "0.3";
dota_enemy_color_b "0.4"; dota_enemy_color_g "0.4"; dota_enemy_color_r "0.8";
dota_screen_shake "0" // Screen will no longer shake when certain are cast
dota_force_right_click_attack "1" // Can now right-click to deny
dota_disable_range_finder "0" // When spell is selected, range finder is shown
dota_unit_fly_bonus_height "10"
// Increases the size of heroes on the minimap
dota_minimap_hero_size "1000"
// Enable minimap icon scaling
dota_minimap_hero_scalar 1
// Proximity in pixels to begin scaling (default 12)
dota_minimap_hero_scalar_distance 20
// Minimum scaled size (default 500)
dota_minimap_hero_scalar_minimum 600
// Spread out hero icons when close together
dota_minimap_hero_spread 1
// Distance at which to spread icons
dota_minimap_hero_spread_distance 2
// Force auto-attack off
dota_player_units_auto_attack "0"
// Proper hold position behavior like in HoN
// "bind" "a" "dota_player_units_auto_attack 1;mc_attack" // Attack enters aggressive stance
// "bind" "s" "dota_player_units_auto_attack 1;dota_stop" // Stop enters aggressive stance
"bind" "h" "dota_player_units_auto_attack 0;dota_hold" // Hold enters passive stance
/// HEALTH BAR ///
// Health Bar, makes hp changes instantaneous if set to 0 without quotations
dota_health_hurt_decay_time_max "0.4" // Default is 0.8
dota_health_hurt_decay_time_min "0.15" // Default is 0.3
dota_health_hurt_delay "0.05" // Default is 0.1
dota_pain_decay "0.4" // Default is 0.8
dota_pain_factor "1.5" // Default is 3
dota_pain_multiplier "0.4" // Default is 0.8
// Health segmenting in the lifebar (default 250)
dota_health_per_vertical_marker "250"
// Opacity major healthbar divider (default 255, 0=invisible 255=opaque)
dota_health_marker_major_alpha "255"
// Opacity minor healthbar divider (default 128, 0=invisible 255=opaque)
dota_health_marker_minor_alpha "128"
// Health number above the lifebar on (default 1)
dota_hud_healthbar_number "1"
/// CAMERA ///
// Bind button to center hero on one press
bind "1" "+camera"
alias +camera "+dota_camera_follow;+dota_camera_follow"
alias -camera "-dota_camera_follow"
// Smart camera follow
alias "+smart_follow" "+dota_camera_follow;dota_smart_camera_toggle"
alias "-smart_follow" "alias +smart_follow +dota_camera_follow"
dota_camera_smart_follow_offset_time 10000 // time in seconds you're allowed to have your hero off center (10000 should be sufficient)
dota_camera_smart_follow_offset_reset 100 // not sure on this command (default 8.0)
dota_camera_smart_follow_edge_distance 10000 // distance in units you're allowed to edge pan (maybe set it to 500-2000. Anything above 10000 will cover the whole dota map)
dota_camera_smart_follow_drag_distance 10000 // distance in units you're allowed to drag with middle-mouse (500-2000 might be enough for some people)
bind "9" "+smart_follow"
bind "0" "dota_smart_camera_toggle"
// Decelerating map scroll (50 = insta stop, 1 = smooth slowdown, vanilla DotA would be 50)
// dota_camera_accelerate "10"
// Scrolling speed (vanilla DotA-like is 6500, default 3000)
// dota_camera_speed "3682"
// Disables mousewheel zoom (default 1)
dota_camera_disable_zoom "0"
// check rune with 1 button
bind "F4" "runecheck"
alias "runecheck" "runechecktop"
alias "runechecktop" "dota_camera_set_lookatpos -2273.898682 1832.745483; alias runecheck runecheckbot"
alias "runecheckbot" "dota_camera_set_lookatpos 3035.773438 -2472.680176; alias runecheck runecheckhero"
alias "runecheckhero" "dota_select_all; dota_select_all; +dota_camera_follow; alias runecheck runechecktop"
/// PING ///
net_graph "1"
net_graphheight 41
net_graphinsetbottom 437
net_graphinsetleft 0
net_graphinsetright -50
net_graphpos 1
net_graphproportionalfont 0
net_graphtext 1
dota_sf_game_end_delay "0" //0 delay on end score
dota_minimap_misclick_time "0" //0 delay on clicking on the map
dota_reset_camera_on_spawn "0" //Puts camera over hero on any re-spawn, 0 disables
fps_max "60" //fps
//Performance Increase
rate "80000" // Total amount of bandwidth Dota 2 may use (40000)
cl_updaterate "20" // Amount of updates recieved from server per second (20)
cl_cmdrate "20" // Amount of updates sent to server per second (20)
cl_interp "0.2" //the lower it is you get better sync and more accurate hitboxes. On the other hand when it's higher it's smoother but hitboxes aren't as accurate because your PC guesses what's going to happen.
//By putting your cl_interp to lower settings, you will reduce lerp.
cl_interp_ratio "1"
cl_smoothtime "0.01" // When errors occur smooth display over X time
// Rosh timer
bind "uparrow" "say_team Roshan ;chatwheel_say 57"
// Current time
bind "=" "chatwheel_say 57"
// Tells the courier to get all items in stash, send them to the hero, and then reselects your hero
// 0 - return to base
// 1 - go to secret shop
// 2 - return items to stash
// 3 - retrieve items from stash (4 cancels 3)
// 4 - return items to hero
// 5 - speed burst
alias "courier_pickup" "dota_select_courier;stash_grab_all;"
bind "C" "courier_pickup"
alias "quick_courier" "dota_courier_deliver; dota_select_courier; +dota_camera_follow; say_team Courier is coming to me! Please wait B O Y S."
bind "F2" "quick_courier"
/// CHAT WHELL ///
// chatwheel_say 0 "Okay"
// chatwheel_say 1 "Care"
// chatwheel_say 2 "Get Back"
// chatwheel_say 3 "Need Wards"
// chatwheel_say 4 "Stun"
// chatwheel_say 5 "Help"
// chatwheel_say 6 "Push"
// chatwheel_say 7 "Well played"
// chatwheel_say 8 "Missing"
// chatwheel_say 9 "Missing top"
// chatwheel_say 10 "Missing mid"
// chatwheel_say 11 "Missing bottom"
// chatwheel_say 12 "Go!"
// chatwheel_say 13 "Initiate!"
// chatwheel_say 14 "Follow me"
// chatwheel_say 15 "Group up"
// chatwheel_say 16 "Spread out"
// chatwheel_say 17 "Split farm"
// chatwheel_say 18 "Attack now!"
// chatwheel_say 19 "Be right back"
// chatwheel_say 20 "Dive!"
// chatwheel_say 21 "On my way"
// chatwheel_say 22 "Get ready"
// chatwheel_say 23 "Bait"
// chatwheel_say 24 "Heal"
// chatwheel_say 25 "Mana"
// chatwheel_say 26 "Out of mana"
// chatwheel_say 27 "Cooldown"
// chatwheel_say 28 "Ulti ready"
// chatwheel_say 29 "Returned"
// chatwheel_say 30 "All miss"
// chatwheel_say 31 "Incoming"
// chatwheel_say 32 "Invis enemy"
// chatwheel_say 33 "Enemy has rune"
// chatwheel_say 34 "Split push"
// chatwheel_say 35 "Coming to gank"
// chatwheel_say 36 "Request gank"
// chatwheel_say 37 "Under tower"
// chatwheel_say 38 "Deny tower"
// chatwheel_say 39 "Buy courier"
// chatwheel_say 40 "Upgrade courier"
// chatwheel_say 41 "We need detection"
// chatwheel_say 42 "They have detection"
// chatwheel_say 43 "Buy TP"
// chatwheel_say 44 "Re-use courier"
// chatwheel_say 45 "Deward"
// chatwheel_say 46 "Building Mek"
// chatwheel_say 47 "Building Pipe"
// chatwheel_say 48 "Stack and pull"
// chatwheel_say 49 "Pull creeps"
// chatwheel_say 50 "Pulling creeps"
// chatwheel_say 51 "Stack neutrals"
// chatwheel_say 52 "Jungling"
// chatwheel_say 53 "Roshan"
// chatwheel_say 54 "Affirmative"
// chatwheel_say 55 "Wait"
// chatwheel_say 56 "Pause"
// chatwheel_say 57 "Current Time"
// chatwheel_say 58 "Check runes"
// chatwheel_say 59 "Smoke gank!"
// chatwheel_say 60 "Good luck"
// chatwheel_say 61 "Nice"
// chatwheel_say 62 "Thanks"
// chatwheel_say 63 "Sorry"
// chatwheel_say 64 "Don't give up"
// chatwheel_say 65 "That just happened"
// chatwheel_say 66 "Game is hard"
// chatwheel_say 67 "New meta"
// chatwheel_say 68 "My bad"
// chatwheel_say 69 "Regret"
// chatwheel_say 70 "Relax"
bind "kp_0" "chatwheel_say 35"
bind "kp_1" "chatwheel_say 70"
bind "kp_2" "chatwheel_say 65"
bind "kp_3" "chatwheel_say 48"
bind "kp_4" "chatwheel_say 69"
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