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Created June 13, 2011 12:41
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Save vsajip/1022705 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python regression tests run in a pythonv environment.
== CPython 3.3.0a3+ (base_prefix:55906bcc7c2d, May 8 2012, 11:25:57) [GCC 4.5.2]
== Linux-2.6.38-15-generic-i686-with-debian-squeeze-sid little-endian
== /tmp/test_python_1942
Testing with flags: sys.flags(debug=0, inspect=0, interactive=0, optimize=0, dont_write_bytecode=0, no_user_site=0, no_site=0, ignore_environment=0, verbose=0, bytes_warning=0, quiet=0, hash_randomization=1)
[ 1/365] test_grammar
[ 2/365] test_opcodes
[ 3/365] test_dict
[ 4/365] test_builtin
[ 5/365] test_exceptions
[ 6/365] test_types
[ 7/365] test_unittest
[ 8/365] test_doctest
[ 9/365] test_doctest2
[ 10/365] test_support
[ 11/365] test___all__
[ 12/365] test___future__
[ 13/365] test__locale
[ 14/365] test_abc
[ 15/365] test_abstract_numbers
[ 16/365] test_aifc
[ 17/365] test_argparse
[ 18/365] test_array
[ 19/365] test_ast
[ 20/365] test_asynchat
[ 21/365] test_asyncore
[ 22/365] test_atexit
[ 23/365] test_audioop
[ 24/365] test_augassign
[ 25/365] test_base64
[ 26/365] test_bigaddrspace
[ 27/365] test_bigmem
[ 28/365] test_binascii
[ 29/365] test_binhex
[ 30/365] test_binop
[ 31/365] test_bisect
[ 32/365] test_bool
[ 33/365] test_buffer
[ 34/365] test_bufio
[ 35/365] test_bytes
[ 36/365] test_bz2
[ 37/365] test_calendar
[ 38/365] test_call
[ 39/365] test_capi
[ 40/365] test_cgi
[ 41/365] test_cgitb
[ 42/365] test_charmapcodec
[ 43/365] test_class
[ 44/365] test_cmath
[ 45/365] test_cmd
[ 46/365] test_cmd_line
[ 47/365] test_cmd_line_script
[ 48/365] test_code
[ 49/365] test_codeccallbacks
[ 50/365] test_codecencodings_cn
[ 51/365] test_codecencodings_hk
[ 52/365] test_codecencodings_iso2022
[ 53/365] test_codecencodings_jp
[ 54/365] test_codecencodings_kr
[ 55/365] test_codecencodings_tw
[ 56/365] test_codecmaps_cn
test_codecmaps_cn skipped -- Use of the 'urlfetch' resource not enabled
[ 57/365] test_codecmaps_hk
test_codecmaps_hk skipped -- Use of the 'urlfetch' resource not enabled
[ 58/365] test_codecmaps_jp
test_codecmaps_jp skipped -- Use of the 'urlfetch' resource not enabled
[ 59/365] test_codecmaps_kr
test_codecmaps_kr skipped -- Use of the 'urlfetch' resource not enabled
[ 60/365] test_codecmaps_tw
test_codecmaps_tw skipped -- Use of the 'urlfetch' resource not enabled
[ 61/365] test_codecs
[ 62/365] test_codeop
[ 63/365] test_coding
[ 64/365] test_collections
[ 65/365] test_colorsys
[ 66/365] test_compare
[ 67/365] test_compile
[ 68/365] test_compileall
[ 69/365] test_complex
[ 70/365] test_concurrent_futures
[ 71/365] test_configparser
[ 72/365] test_contains
[ 73/365] test_contextlib
[ 74/365] test_copy
[ 75/365] test_copyreg
[ 76/365] test_cprofile
[ 77/365] test_crashers
[ 78/365] test_crypt
[ 79/365] test_csv
[ 80/365] test_ctypes
[ 81/365] test_curses
test_curses skipped -- Use of the 'curses' resource not enabled
[ 82/365] test_datetime
[ 83/365] test_dbm
[ 84/365] test_dbm_dumb
[ 85/365] test_dbm_gnu
[ 86/365] test_dbm_ndbm
[ 87/365] test_decimal
[ 88/365] test_decorators
[ 89/365] test_defaultdict
[ 90/365] test_deque
[ 91/365] test_descr
[ 92/365] test_descrtut
[ 93/365] test_devpoll
test_devpoll skipped -- select.devpoll not defined -- skipping test_devpoll
[ 94/365] test_dictcomps
[ 95/365] test_dictviews
[ 96/365] test_difflib
[ 97/365] test_dis
[ 98/365] test_distutils
[ 99/365] test_docxmlrpc
[100/365] test_dummy_thread
[101/365] test_dummy_threading
[102/365] test_dynamic
[103/365] test_email
[104/365] test_enumerate
[105/365] test_eof
[106/365] test_epoll
[107/365] test_errno
[108/365] test_exception_variations
[109/365] test_extcall
[110/365] test_faulthandler
[111/365] test_fcntl
[112/365] test_file
[113/365] test_filecmp
[114/365] test_fileinput
[115/365] test_fileio
[116/365] test_float
[117/365] test_flufl
[118/365] test_fnmatch
[119/365] test_fork1
[120/365] test_format
[121/365] test_fractions
[122/365] test_frozen
[123/365] test_ftplib
[124/365] test_funcattrs
[125/365] test_functools
[126/365] test_future
[127/365] test_future3
[128/365] test_future4
[129/365] test_future5
[130/365] test_gc
[131/365] test_gdb
test_gdb skipped -- test_gdb only works on source builds at the moment.
[132/365] test_generators
[133/365] test_genericpath
[134/365] test_genexps
[135/365] test_getargs2
[136/365] test_getopt
[137/365] test_gettext
[138/365] test_glob
[139/365] test_global
[140/365] test_grp
[141/365] test_gzip
[142/365] test_hash
[143/365] test_hashlib
[144/365] test_heapq
[145/365] test_hmac
[146/365] test_html
[147/365] test_htmlparser
[148/365] test_http_cookiejar
[149/365] test_http_cookies
[150/365] test_httplib
[151/365] test_httpservers
[152/365] test_imaplib
[153/365] test_imp
[154/365] test_import
[155/365] test_importhooks
[156/365] test_importlib
[157/365] test_index
[158/365] test_inspect
[159/365] test_int
[160/365] test_int_literal
[161/365] test_io
[162/365] test_ioctl
[163/365] test_isinstance
[164/365] test_iter
[165/365] test_iterlen
[166/365] test_itertools
[167/365] test_json
[168/365] test_keywordonlyarg
[169/365] test_kqueue
test_kqueue skipped -- test works only on BSD
[170/365] test_largefile
[171/365] test_lib2to3
[172/365] test_linecache
[173/365] test_list
[174/365] test_listcomps
[175/365] test_locale
[176/365] test_logging
[177/365] test_long
[178/365] test_longexp
[179/365] test_lzma
[180/365] test_macpath
[181/365] test_mailbox
[182/365] test_mailcap
[183/365] test_marshal
[184/365] test_math
[185/365] test_memoryio
[186/365] test_memoryview
[187/365] test_metaclass
[188/365] test_mimetypes
[189/365] test_minidom
[190/365] test_mmap
[191/365] test_module
[192/365] test_modulefinder
[193/365] test_msilib
test_msilib skipped -- No module named 'msilib'
[194/365] test_multibytecodec
[195/365] test_multiprocessing
[196/365] test_netrc
[197/365] test_nis
[198/365] test_nntplib
[199/365] test_normalization
[200/365] test_ntpath
[201/365] test_numeric_tower
[202/365] test_openpty
[203/365] test_operator
[204/365] test_optparse
[205/365] test_os
[206/365] test_ossaudiodev
test_ossaudiodev skipped -- Use of the 'audio' resource not enabled
[207/365] test_osx_env
[208/365] test_packaging
copying build/lib/ -> /tmp/tmp3jn2j3/tmpdd7wms/tmp/venv/lib/python3.3/site-packages
copying build/scripts-3.3/sayhi -> /tmp/tmp3jn2j3/tmpdd7wms/tmp/venv/bin
copying build/lib.linux-i686-3.3/ -> /tmp/tmpp0n5fu/tmpjlyyji/tmp/venv/lib/python3.3/site-packages
copying build/lib/foo/ -> /tmp/tmp23tdh5/tmp8ppdv8/lib/python3.3/site-packages/foo
copying build/lib/foo/sub/ -> /tmp/tmp23tdh5/tmp8ppdv8/lib/python3.3/site-packages/foo/sub
copying build/lib/foo/sub/ -> /tmp/tmp23tdh5/tmp8ppdv8/lib/python3.3/site-packages/foo/sub
copying build/lib/foo/ -> /tmp/tmp23tdh5/tmp8ppdv8/lib/python3.3/site-packages/foo
copying build/lib/meh/ -> /tmp/tmppepgf2/tmpz25e9j/lib/python3.3/site-packages/meh
copying build/lib/meh/sub/ -> /tmp/tmppepgf2/tmpz25e9j/lib/python3.3/site-packages/meh/sub
copying build/lib/meh/sub/ -> /tmp/tmppepgf2/tmpz25e9j/lib/python3.3/site-packages/meh/sub
copying build/lib/meh/ -> /tmp/tmppepgf2/tmpz25e9j/lib/python3.3/site-packages/meh
copying build/lib/foospam/ -> /tmp/tmpsbm63r/tmpzpc0nm/lib/python3.3/site-packages/foospam
copying build/lib/foospam/sub/ -> /tmp/tmpsbm63r/tmpzpc0nm/lib/python3.3/site-packages/foospam/sub
copying build/lib/foospam/sub/ -> /tmp/tmpsbm63r/tmpzpc0nm/lib/python3.3/site-packages/foospam/sub
copying build/lib/foospam/ -> /tmp/tmpsbm63r/tmpzpc0nm/lib/python3.3/site-packages/foospam
copying build/lib/ -> build/bdist.linux-i686/dumb/tmp/venv/lib/python3.3/site-packages
copying /tmp/tmph89qe3/tmp5gao2y/ -> /tmp/tmph89qe3/tmp_vdykc
copying /tmp/tmph89qe3/tmp5gao2y/ -> /tmp/tmph89qe3/tmp_vdykc
copying /tmp/tmph89qe3/tmp5gao2y/ -> /tmp/tmph89qe3/tmp_vdykc
[209/365] test_parser
Warning -- threading._dangling was modified by test_packaging
Warning -- sysconfig._SCHEMES was modified by test_packaging
Warning -- packaging.command._COMMANDS was modified by test_packaging
Expecting 's_push: parser stack overflow' in next line
s_push: parser stack overflow
[210/365] test_pdb
[211/365] test_peepholer
[212/365] test_pep247
[213/365] test_pep263
[214/365] test_pep277
[215/365] test_pep292
[216/365] test_pep3120
[217/365] test_pep3131
[218/365] test_pep3151
[219/365] test_pep352
[220/365] test_pep380
[221/365] test_pickle
[222/365] test_pickletools
[223/365] test_pipes
[224/365] test_pkg
[225/365] test_pkgimport
[226/365] test_pkgutil
[227/365] test_platform
[228/365] test_plistlib
[229/365] test_poll
[230/365] test_popen
[231/365] test_poplib
[232/365] test_posix
[233/365] test_posixpath
[234/365] test_pow
[235/365] test_pprint
[236/365] test_print
[237/365] test_profile
[238/365] test_property
[239/365] test_pstats
[240/365] test_pty
[241/365] test_pulldom
[242/365] test_pwd
[243/365] test_py_compile
[244/365] test_pyclbr
[245/365] test_pydoc
[246/365] test_pyexpat
[247/365] test_queue
[248/365] test_quopri
[249/365] test_raise
[250/365] test_random
[251/365] test_range
[252/365] test_re
[253/365] test_readline
[254/365] test_reprlib
[255/365] test_resource
[256/365] test_richcmp
[257/365] test_rlcompleter
[258/365] test_robotparser
[259/365] test_runpy
[260/365] test_sax
[261/365] test_sched
[262/365] test_scope
[263/365] test_select
[264/365] test_set
[265/365] test_setcomps
[266/365] test_shelve
[267/365] test_shlex
[268/365] test_shutil
[269/365] test_signal
[270/365] test_site
[271/365] test_slice
[272/365] test_smtpd
[273/365] test_smtplib
[274/365] test_smtpnet
test_smtpnet skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[275/365] test_sndhdr
[276/365] test_socket
[277/365] test_socketserver
test_socketserver skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[278/365] test_sort
[279/365] test_sqlite
[280/365] test_ssl
[281/365] test_startfile
test_startfile skipped -- object <module 'os' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.3/'> has no attribute 'startfile'
[282/365] test_strftime
[283/365] test_string
[284/365] test_stringprep
[285/365] test_strlit
[286/365] test_strptime
[287/365] test_strtod
[288/365] test_struct
[289/365] test_structmembers
[290/365] test_structseq
[291/365] test_subprocess
this bit of output is from a test of stdout in a different process ...
this bit of output is from a test of stdout in a different process ...
[292/365] test_sunau
[293/365] test_sundry
[294/365] test_super
[295/365] test_symtable
[296/365] test_syntax
[297/365] test_sys
[298/365] test_sys_setprofile
[299/365] test_sys_settrace
[300/365] test_sysconfig
[301/365] test_syslog
[302/365] test_tarfile
[303/365] test_tcl
[304/365] test_telnetlib
[305/365] test_tempfile
[306/365] test_textwrap
[307/365] test_thread
[308/365] test_threaded_import
[309/365] test_threadedtempfile
[310/365] test_threading
[311/365] test_threading_local
[312/365] test_threadsignals
[313/365] test_time
[314/365] test_timeit
[315/365] test_timeout
test_timeout skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[316/365] test_tk
test_tk skipped -- Use of the 'gui' resource not enabled
[317/365] test_tokenize
[318/365] test_tools
test_tools skipped -- test irrelevant for an installed Python
[319/365] test_trace
[320/365] test_traceback
[321/365] test_ttk_guionly
test_ttk_guionly skipped -- ttk not available: can't find package tile
[322/365] test_ttk_textonly
[323/365] test_tuple
[324/365] test_typechecks
[325/365] test_ucn
[326/365] test_unary
[327/365] test_unicode
[328/365] test_unicode_file
[329/365] test_unicodedata
[330/365] test_univnewlines
[331/365] test_unpack
[332/365] test_unpack_ex
[333/365] test_urllib
[334/365] test_urllib2
[335/365] test_urllib2_localnet
[336/365] test_urllib2net
test_urllib2net skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[337/365] test_urllib_response
[338/365] test_urllibnet
test_urllibnet skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[339/365] test_urlparse
[340/365] test_userdict
[341/365] test_userlist
[342/365] test_userstring
[343/365] test_uu
[344/365] test_uuid
[345/365] test_venv
[346/365] test_wait3
[347/365] test_wait4
[348/365] test_warnings
[349/365] test_wave
[350/365] test_weakref
[351/365] test_weakset
[352/365] test_winreg
test_winreg skipped -- No module named 'winreg'
[353/365] test_winsound
test_winsound skipped -- Use of the 'audio' resource not enabled
[354/365] test_with
[355/365] test_wsgiref
[356/365] test_xdrlib
[357/365] test_xml_etree
[358/365] test_xml_etree_c
[359/365] test_xmlrpc
[360/365] test_xmlrpc_net
test_xmlrpc_net skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[361/365] test_zipfile
[362/365] test_zipfile64
test_zipfile64 skipped -- test requires loads of disk-space bytes and a long time to run
[363/365] test_zipimport
[364/365] test_zipimport_support
[365/365] test_zlib
340 tests OK.
1 test altered the execution environment:
24 tests skipped:
test_codecmaps_cn test_codecmaps_hk test_codecmaps_jp
test_codecmaps_kr test_codecmaps_tw test_curses test_devpoll
test_gdb test_kqueue test_msilib test_ossaudiodev test_smtpnet
test_socketserver test_startfile test_timeout test_tk test_tools
test_ttk_guionly test_urllib2net test_urllibnet test_winreg
test_winsound test_xmlrpc_net test_zipfile64
2 skips unexpected on linux:
test_tools test_ttk_guionly
== CPython 3.3.0a3+ (base_prefix:55906bcc7c2d, May 9 2012, 15:02:59) [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5493)]
== Darwin-9.8.0-i386-32bit little-endian
== /private/var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/test_python_162
Testing with flags: sys.flags(debug=0, inspect=0, interactive=0, optimize=0, dont_write_bytecode=0, no_user_site=0, no_site=0, ignore_environment=0, verbose=0, bytes_warning=0, quiet=0, hash_randomization=1)
[ 1/365] test_grammar
[ 2/365] test_opcodes
[ 3/365] test_dict
[ 4/365] test_builtin
[ 5/365] test_exceptions
[ 6/365] test_types
[ 7/365] test_unittest
[ 8/365] test_doctest
[ 9/365] test_doctest2
[ 10/365] test_support
[ 11/365] test___all__
[ 12/365] test___future__
[ 13/365] test__locale
[ 14/365] test_abc
[ 15/365] test_abstract_numbers
[ 16/365] test_aifc
[ 17/365] test_argparse
[ 18/365] test_array
[ 19/365] test_ast
[ 20/365] test_asynchat
[ 21/365] test_asyncore
[ 22/365] test_atexit
[ 23/365] test_audioop
[ 24/365] test_augassign
[ 25/365] test_base64
[ 26/365] test_bigaddrspace
[ 27/365] test_bigmem
[ 28/365] test_binascii
[ 29/365] test_binhex
[ 30/365] test_binop
[ 31/365] test_bisect
[ 32/365] test_bool
[ 33/365] test_buffer
[ 34/365] test_bufio
[ 35/365] test_bytes
[ 36/365] test_bz2
[ 37/365] test_calendar
[ 38/365] test_call
[ 39/365] test_capi
[ 40/365] test_cgi
[ 41/365] test_cgitb
[ 42/365] test_charmapcodec
[ 43/365] test_class
[ 44/365] test_cmath
[ 45/365] test_cmd
[ 46/365] test_cmd_line
[ 47/365] test_cmd_line_script
[ 48/365] test_code
[ 49/365] test_codeccallbacks
[ 50/365] test_codecencodings_cn
[ 51/365] test_codecencodings_hk
[ 52/365] test_codecencodings_iso2022
[ 53/365] test_codecencodings_jp
[ 54/365] test_codecencodings_kr
[ 55/365] test_codecencodings_tw
[ 56/365] test_codecmaps_cn
test_codecmaps_cn skipped -- Use of the 'urlfetch' resource not enabled
[ 57/365] test_codecmaps_hk
test_codecmaps_hk skipped -- Use of the 'urlfetch' resource not enabled
[ 58/365] test_codecmaps_jp
test_codecmaps_jp skipped -- Use of the 'urlfetch' resource not enabled
[ 59/365] test_codecmaps_kr
test_codecmaps_kr skipped -- Use of the 'urlfetch' resource not enabled
[ 60/365] test_codecmaps_tw
test_codecmaps_tw skipped -- Use of the 'urlfetch' resource not enabled
[ 61/365] test_codecs
[ 62/365] test_codeop
[ 63/365] test_coding
[ 64/365] test_collections
[ 65/365] test_colorsys
[ 66/365] test_compare
[ 67/365] test_compile
[ 68/365] test_compileall
[ 69/365] test_complex
[ 70/365] test_concurrent_futures
[ 71/365] test_configparser
[ 72/365] test_contains
[ 73/365] test_contextlib
[ 74/365] test_copy
[ 75/365] test_copyreg
[ 76/365] test_cprofile
[ 77/365] test_crashers
[ 78/365] test_crypt
[ 79/365] test_csv
[ 80/365] test_ctypes
[ 81/365] test_curses
test_curses skipped -- Use of the 'curses' resource not enabled
[ 82/365] test_datetime
[ 83/365] test_dbm
[ 84/365] test_dbm_dumb
[ 85/365] test_dbm_gnu
test_dbm_gnu skipped -- No module named '_gdbm'
[ 86/365] test_dbm_ndbm
[ 87/365] test_decimal
[ 88/365] test_decorators
[ 89/365] test_defaultdict
[ 90/365] test_deque
[ 91/365] test_descr
[ 92/365] test_descrtut
[ 93/365] test_devpoll
test_devpoll skipped -- select.devpoll not defined -- skipping test_devpoll
[ 94/365] test_dictcomps
[ 95/365] test_dictviews
[ 96/365] test_difflib
[ 97/365] test_dis
[ 98/365] test_distutils
[ 99/365] test_docxmlrpc
[100/365] test_dummy_thread
[101/365] test_dummy_threading
[102/365] test_dynamic
[103/365] test_email
[104/365] test_enumerate
[105/365] test_eof
[106/365] test_epoll
test_epoll skipped -- test works only on Linux 2.6
[107/365] test_errno
[108/365] test_exception_variations
[109/365] test_extcall
[110/365] test_faulthandler
[111/365] test_fcntl
[112/365] test_file
[113/365] test_filecmp
[114/365] test_fileinput
[115/365] test_fileio
[116/365] test_float
[117/365] test_flufl
[118/365] test_fnmatch
[119/365] test_fork1
[120/365] test_format
[121/365] test_fractions
[122/365] test_frozen
[123/365] test_ftplib
[124/365] test_funcattrs
[125/365] test_functools
[126/365] test_future
[127/365] test_future3
[128/365] test_future4
[129/365] test_future5
[130/365] test_gc
[131/365] test_gdb
test_gdb skipped -- gdb versions before 7.0 didn't support python embedding Saw:
GNU gdb 6.3.50-20050815 (Apple version gdb-967) (Tue Jul 14 02:11:58 UTC 2009)
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i386-apple-darwin".
[132/365] test_generators
[133/365] test_genericpath
[134/365] test_genexps
[135/365] test_getargs2
[136/365] test_getopt
[137/365] test_gettext
[138/365] test_glob
[139/365] test_global
[140/365] test_grp
[141/365] test_gzip
[142/365] test_hash
[143/365] test_hashlib
[144/365] test_heapq
[145/365] test_hmac
[146/365] test_html
[147/365] test_htmlparser
[148/365] test_http_cookiejar
[149/365] test_http_cookies
[150/365] test_httplib
[151/365] test_httpservers
[152/365] test_imaplib
[153/365] test_imp
[154/365] test_import
[155/365] test_importhooks
[156/365] test_importlib
[157/365] test_index
[158/365] test_inspect
[159/365] test_int
[160/365] test_int_literal
[161/365] test_io
[162/365] test_ioctl
[163/365] test_isinstance
[164/365] test_iter
[165/365] test_iterlen
[166/365] test_itertools
[167/365] test_json
[168/365] test_keywordonlyarg
[169/365] test_kqueue
[170/365] test_largefile
test_largefile skipped -- test requires 2500000000 bytes and a long time to run
[171/365] test_lib2to3
[172/365] test_linecache
[173/365] test_list
[174/365] test_listcomps
[175/365] test_locale
[176/365] test_logging
Testing large file ops skipped on darwin.
It requires 2147483648 bytes and a long time.
Use ' -u largefile test_io' to run it.
Testing large file ops skipped on darwin.
It requires 2147483648 bytes and a long time.
Use ' -u largefile test_io' to run it.
[177/365] test_long
[178/365] test_longexp
[179/365] test_lzma
test_lzma skipped -- No module named '_lzma'
[180/365] test_macpath
[181/365] test_mailbox
[182/365] test_mailcap
[183/365] test_marshal
[184/365] test_math
[185/365] test_memoryio
[186/365] test_memoryview
[187/365] test_metaclass
[188/365] test_mimetypes
[189/365] test_minidom
[190/365] test_mmap
[191/365] test_module
[192/365] test_modulefinder
[193/365] test_msilib
test_msilib skipped -- No module named 'msilib'
[194/365] test_multibytecodec
[195/365] test_multiprocessing
[196/365] test_netrc
[197/365] test_nis
[198/365] test_nntplib
[199/365] test_normalization
[200/365] test_ntpath
[201/365] test_numeric_tower
[202/365] test_openpty
[203/365] test_operator
[204/365] test_optparse
[205/365] test_os
[206/365] test_ossaudiodev
test_ossaudiodev skipped -- Use of the 'audio' resource not enabled
[207/365] test_osx_env
[208/365] test_packaging
copying build/lib/ -> build/bdist.macosx-10.5-i386/dumb/private/tmp/venv/lib/python3.3/site-packages
copying build/lib/ -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmpa_0fa_/tmpm_wfuo/private/tmp/venv/lib/python3.3/site-packages
copying build/scripts-3.3/sayhi -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmpa_0fa_/tmpm_wfuo/private/tmp/venv/bin
copying build/lib.macosx-10.5-i386-3.3/ -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmpsd1xlm/tmp_du4_5/private/tmp/venv/lib/python3.3/site-packages
copying /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp3fassw/tmp9ibwvk/ -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp3fassw/tmpc_lixq
copying /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp3fassw/tmp9ibwvk/ -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp3fassw/tmpc_lixq
copying /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp3fassw/tmp9ibwvk/ -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp3fassw/tmpc_lixq
copying build/lib/foo/ -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp92hf_h/tmpfittwx/lib/python3.3/site-packages/foo
copying build/lib/foo/ -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp92hf_h/tmpfittwx/lib/python3.3/site-packages/foo
copying build/lib/foo/sub/ -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp92hf_h/tmpfittwx/lib/python3.3/site-packages/foo/sub
copying build/lib/foo/sub/ -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp92hf_h/tmpfittwx/lib/python3.3/site-packages/foo/sub
copying build/lib/meh/ -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp287o7n/tmp0jhtvg/lib/python3.3/site-packages/meh
copying build/lib/meh/ -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp287o7n/tmp0jhtvg/lib/python3.3/site-packages/meh
copying build/lib/meh/sub/ -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp287o7n/tmp0jhtvg/lib/python3.3/site-packages/meh/sub
copying build/lib/meh/sub/ -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmp287o7n/tmp0jhtvg/lib/python3.3/site-packages/meh/sub
copying build/lib/foospam/ -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmpjv6l73/tmp7qi1vr/lib/python3.3/site-packages/foospam
copying build/lib/foospam/ -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmpjv6l73/tmp7qi1vr/lib/python3.3/site-packages/foospam
copying build/lib/foospam/sub/ -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmpjv6l73/tmp7qi1vr/lib/python3.3/site-packages/foospam/sub
copying build/lib/foospam/sub/ -> /var/folders/ZN/ZNY48Gb3FyW7he0qBsYJME+++TI/-Tmp-/tmpjv6l73/tmp7qi1vr/lib/python3.3/site-packages/foospam/sub
[209/365] test_parser
Warning -- threading._dangling was modified by test_packaging
Warning -- sysconfig._SCHEMES was modified by test_packaging
Warning -- packaging.command._COMMANDS was modified by test_packaging
Expecting 's_push: parser stack overflow' in next line
s_push: parser stack overflow
[210/365] test_pdb
[211/365] test_peepholer
[212/365] test_pep247
[213/365] test_pep263
[214/365] test_pep277
[215/365] test_pep292
[216/365] test_pep3120
[217/365] test_pep3131
[218/365] test_pep3151
[219/365] test_pep352
[220/365] test_pep380
[221/365] test_pickle
[222/365] test_pickletools
[223/365] test_pipes
[224/365] test_pkg
[225/365] test_pkgimport
[226/365] test_pkgutil
[227/365] test_platform
[228/365] test_plistlib
[229/365] test_poll
[230/365] test_popen
[231/365] test_poplib
[232/365] test_posix
[233/365] test_posixpath
[234/365] test_pow
[235/365] test_pprint
[236/365] test_print
[237/365] test_profile
[238/365] test_property
[239/365] test_pstats
[240/365] test_pty
[241/365] test_pulldom
[242/365] test_pwd
[243/365] test_py_compile
[244/365] test_pyclbr
[245/365] test_pydoc
[246/365] test_pyexpat
[247/365] test_queue
[248/365] test_quopri
[249/365] test_raise
[250/365] test_random
[251/365] test_range
[252/365] test_re
[253/365] test_readline
[254/365] test_reprlib
[255/365] test_resource
[256/365] test_richcmp
[257/365] test_rlcompleter
[258/365] test_robotparser
[259/365] test_runpy
[260/365] test_sax
[261/365] test_sched
[262/365] test_scope
[263/365] test_select
[264/365] test_set
[265/365] test_setcomps
[266/365] test_shelve
[267/365] test_shlex
[268/365] test_shutil
[269/365] test_signal
[270/365] test_site
[271/365] test_slice
[272/365] test_smtpd
[273/365] test_smtplib
[274/365] test_smtpnet
test_smtpnet skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[275/365] test_sndhdr
[276/365] test_socket
[277/365] test_socketserver
test_socketserver skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[278/365] test_sort
[279/365] test_sqlite
[280/365] test_ssl
[281/365] test_startfile
test_startfile skipped -- object <module 'os' from '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.3/lib/python3.3/'> has no attribute 'startfile'
[282/365] test_strftime
[283/365] test_string
[284/365] test_stringprep
[285/365] test_strlit
[286/365] test_strptime
[287/365] test_strtod
[288/365] test_struct
[289/365] test_structmembers
[290/365] test_structseq
[291/365] test_subprocess
this bit of output is from a test of stdout in a different process ...
2012-05-09 16:56:10.822 defaults[2117:10b]
The domain/default pair of (, DialogType) does not exist
this bit of output is from a test of stdout in a different process ...
[292/365] test_sunau
[293/365] test_sundry
[294/365] test_super
[295/365] test_symtable
[296/365] test_syntax
[297/365] test_sys
[298/365] test_sys_setprofile
[299/365] test_sys_settrace
[300/365] test_sysconfig
[301/365] test_syslog
[302/365] test_tarfile
[303/365] test_tcl
[304/365] test_telnetlib
[305/365] test_tempfile
[306/365] test_textwrap
[307/365] test_thread
[308/365] test_threaded_import
[309/365] test_threadedtempfile
[310/365] test_threading
[311/365] test_threading_local
[312/365] test_threadsignals
[313/365] test_time
[314/365] test_timeit
[315/365] test_timeout
test_timeout skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[316/365] test_tk
test_tk skipped -- Use of the 'gui' resource not enabled
[317/365] test_tokenize
[318/365] test_tools
test_tools skipped -- test irrelevant for an installed Python
[319/365] test_trace
[320/365] test_traceback
[321/365] test_ttk_guionly
test_ttk_guionly skipped -- ttk not available: can't find package tile
[322/365] test_ttk_textonly
[323/365] test_tuple
[324/365] test_typechecks
[325/365] test_ucn
[326/365] test_unary
[327/365] test_unicode
[328/365] test_unicode_file
[329/365] test_unicodedata
[330/365] test_univnewlines
[331/365] test_unpack
[332/365] test_unpack_ex
[333/365] test_urllib
[334/365] test_urllib2
[335/365] test_urllib2_localnet
[336/365] test_urllib2net
test_urllib2net skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[337/365] test_urllib_response
[338/365] test_urllibnet
test_urllibnet skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[339/365] test_urlparse
[340/365] test_userdict
[341/365] test_userlist
[342/365] test_userstring
[343/365] test_uu
[344/365] test_uuid
[345/365] test_venv
[346/365] test_wait3
[347/365] test_wait4
[348/365] test_warnings
[349/365] test_wave
[350/365] test_weakref
[351/365] test_weakset
[352/365] test_winreg
test_winreg skipped -- No module named 'winreg'
[353/365] test_winsound
test_winsound skipped -- Use of the 'audio' resource not enabled
[354/365] test_with
[355/365] test_wsgiref
[356/365] test_xdrlib
[357/365] test_xml_etree
[358/365] test_xml_etree_c
[359/365] test_xmlrpc
[360/365] test_xmlrpc_net
test_xmlrpc_net skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[361/365] test_zipfile
[362/365] test_zipfile64
test_zipfile64 skipped -- test requires loads of disk-space bytes and a long time to run
[363/365] test_zipimport
[364/365] test_zipimport_support
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.3/lib/python3.3/test/ RuntimeWarning: received malformed or improperly-truncated ancillary data
result = sock.recvmsg(bufsize, *args)
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.3/lib/python3.3/test/ RuntimeWarning: received malformed or improperly-truncated ancillary data
result = sock.recvmsg_into([buf], *args)
[365/365] test_zlib
337 tests OK.
1 test altered the execution environment:
27 tests skipped:
test_codecmaps_cn test_codecmaps_hk test_codecmaps_jp
test_codecmaps_kr test_codecmaps_tw test_curses test_dbm_gnu
test_devpoll test_epoll test_gdb test_largefile test_lzma
test_msilib test_ossaudiodev test_smtpnet test_socketserver
test_startfile test_timeout test_tk test_tools test_ttk_guionly
test_urllib2net test_urllibnet test_winreg test_winsound
test_xmlrpc_net test_zipfile64
3 skips unexpected on darwin:
test_lzma test_tools test_ttk_guionly
== CPython 3.3.0a3+ (base_prefix:55906bcc7c2d+, May 8 2012, 18:53:11) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
== Windows-7-6.1.7600 little-endian
== c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\test_python_5416
Testing with flags: sys.flags(debug=0, inspect=0, interactive=0, optimize=0, dont_write_bytecode=0, no_user_site=0, no_site=0, ignore_environment=0, verbose=0, bytes_warning=0, quiet=0, hash_randomization=1)
[ 1/365] test_grammar
[ 2/365] test_opcodes
[ 3/365] test_dict
[ 4/365] test_builtin
[ 5/365] test_exceptions
[ 6/365] test_types
[ 7/365] test_unittest
[ 8/365] test_doctest
[ 9/365] test_doctest2
[ 10/365] test_support
[ 11/365] test___all__
[ 12/365] test___future__
[ 13/365] test__locale
[ 14/365] test_abc
[ 15/365] test_abstract_numbers
[ 16/365] test_aifc
[ 17/365] test_argparse
[ 18/365] test_array
[ 19/365] test_ast
[ 20/365] test_asynchat
[ 21/365] test_asyncore
[ 22/365] test_atexit
[ 23/365] test_audioop
[ 24/365] test_augassign
[ 25/365] test_base64
[ 26/365] test_bigaddrspace
[ 27/365] test_bigmem
[ 28/365] test_binascii
[ 29/365] test_binhex
[ 30/365] test_binop
[ 31/365] test_bisect
[ 32/365] test_bool
[ 33/365] test_buffer
[ 34/365] test_bufio
[ 35/365] test_bytes
[ 36/365] test_bz2
[ 37/365] test_calendar
[ 38/365] test_call
[ 39/365] test_capi
[ 40/365] test_cgi
[ 41/365] test_cgitb
[ 42/365] test_charmapcodec
[ 43/365] test_class
[ 44/365] test_cmath
[ 45/365] test_cmd
[ 46/365] test_cmd_line
[ 47/365] test_cmd_line_script
[ 48/365] test_code
[ 49/365] test_codeccallbacks
[ 50/365] test_codecencodings_cn
[ 51/365] test_codecencodings_hk
[ 52/365] test_codecencodings_iso2022
[ 53/365] test_codecencodings_jp
[ 54/365] test_codecencodings_kr
[ 55/365] test_codecencodings_tw
[ 56/365] test_codecmaps_cn
test_codecmaps_cn skipped -- Use of the 'urlfetch' resource not enabled
[ 57/365] test_codecmaps_hk
test_codecmaps_hk skipped -- Use of the 'urlfetch' resource not enabled
[ 58/365] test_codecmaps_jp
test_codecmaps_jp skipped -- Use of the 'urlfetch' resource not enabled
[ 59/365] test_codecmaps_kr
test_codecmaps_kr skipped -- Use of the 'urlfetch' resource not enabled
[ 60/365] test_codecmaps_tw
test_codecmaps_tw skipped -- Use of the 'urlfetch' resource not enabled
[ 61/365] test_codecs
[ 62/365] test_codeop
[ 63/365] test_coding
[ 64/365] test_collections
[ 65/365] test_colorsys
[ 66/365] test_compare
[ 67/365] test_compile
[ 68/365] test_compileall
[ 69/365] test_complex
[ 70/365] test_concurrent_futures
[ 71/365] test_configparser
[ 72/365] test_contains
[ 73/365] test_contextlib
[ 74/365] test_copy
[ 75/365] test_copyreg
[ 76/365] test_cprofile
[ 77/365] test_crashers
[ 78/365] test_crypt
test_crypt skipped -- No module named '_crypt'
[ 79/365] test_csv
[ 80/365] test_ctypes
[ 81/365] test_curses
test_curses skipped -- Use of the 'curses' resource not enabled
[ 82/365] test_datetime
[ 83/365] test_dbm
[ 84/365] test_dbm_dumb
[ 85/365] test_dbm_gnu
test_dbm_gnu skipped -- No module named '_gdbm'
[ 86/365] test_dbm_ndbm
test_dbm_ndbm skipped -- No module named '_dbm'
[ 87/365] test_decimal
[ 88/365] test_decorators
[ 89/365] test_defaultdict
[ 90/365] test_deque
[ 91/365] test_descr
[ 92/365] test_descrtut
[ 93/365] test_devpoll
test_devpoll skipped -- select.devpoll not defined -- skipping test_devpoll
[ 94/365] test_dictcomps
[ 95/365] test_dictviews
[ 96/365] test_difflib
[ 97/365] test_dis
[ 98/365] test_distutils
Creating library c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpj_ubl9\tempt\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpyzfull\foo.lib and object c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpj_ubl9\tempt\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpyzfull\foo.exp
Creating library c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpj_ubl9\tempt\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpyzfull\foo.lib and object c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpj_ubl9\tempt\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpyzfull\foo.exp
c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\test_python_5416>exit 1
c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\test_python_5416>exit 0
[ 99/365] test_docxmlrpc
[100/365] test_dummy_thread
[101/365] test_dummy_threading
[102/365] test_dynamic
[103/365] test_email
[104/365] test_enumerate
[105/365] test_eof
[106/365] test_epoll
test_epoll skipped -- test works only on Linux 2.6
[107/365] test_errno
[108/365] test_exception_variations
[109/365] test_extcall
[110/365] test_faulthandler
Warning -- os.environ was modified by test___all__
Warning -- os.environ was modified by test_distutils
[111/365] test_fcntl
test_fcntl skipped -- No module named 'fcntl'
[112/365] test_file
[113/365] test_filecmp
[114/365] test_fileinput
[115/365] test_fileio
[116/365] test_float
[117/365] test_flufl
[118/365] test_fnmatch
[119/365] test_fork1
test_fork1 skipped -- object <module 'os' from 'C:\\python33\\lib\\'> has no attribute 'fork'
[120/365] test_format
[121/365] test_fractions
[122/365] test_frozen
[123/365] test_ftplib
[124/365] test_funcattrs
[125/365] test_functools
[126/365] test_future
[127/365] test_future3
[128/365] test_future4
[129/365] test_future5
[130/365] test_gc
[131/365] test_gdb
test_gdb skipped -- test_gdb only works on source builds at the moment.
[132/365] test_generators
[133/365] test_genericpath
[134/365] test_genexps
[135/365] test_getargs2
[136/365] test_getopt
[137/365] test_gettext
[138/365] test_glob
[139/365] test_global
[140/365] test_grp
test_grp skipped -- No module named 'grp'
[141/365] test_gzip
[142/365] test_hash
[143/365] test_hashlib
[144/365] test_heapq
[145/365] test_hmac
[146/365] test_html
[147/365] test_htmlparser
[148/365] test_http_cookiejar
[149/365] test_http_cookies
[150/365] test_httplib
[151/365] test_httpservers
[152/365] test_imaplib
[153/365] test_imp
[154/365] test_import
[155/365] test_importhooks
[156/365] test_importlib
[157/365] test_index
[158/365] test_inspect
[159/365] test_int
[160/365] test_int_literal
[161/365] test_io
[162/365] test_ioctl
test_ioctl skipped -- No module named 'fcntl'
[163/365] test_isinstance
[164/365] test_iter
[165/365] test_iterlen
[166/365] test_itertools
[167/365] test_json
[168/365] test_keywordonlyarg
[169/365] test_kqueue
test_kqueue skipped -- test works only on BSD
[170/365] test_largefile
test_largefile skipped -- test requires 2500000000 bytes and a long time to run
[171/365] test_lib2to3
[172/365] test_linecache
[173/365] test_list
[174/365] test_listcomps
[175/365] test_locale
[176/365] test_logging
Testing large file ops skipped on win32.
It requires 2147483648 bytes and a long time.
Use ' -u largefile test_io' to run it.
Testing large file ops skipped on win32.
It requires 2147483648 bytes and a long time.
Use ' -u largefile test_io' to run it.
[177/365] test_long
[178/365] test_longexp
[179/365] test_lzma
test_lzma skipped -- No module named '_lzma'
[180/365] test_macpath
[181/365] test_mailbox
[182/365] test_mailcap
[183/365] test_marshal
[184/365] test_math
[185/365] test_memoryio
[186/365] test_memoryview
[187/365] test_metaclass
[188/365] test_mimetypes
[189/365] test_minidom
[190/365] test_mmap
[191/365] test_module
[192/365] test_modulefinder
[193/365] test_msilib
[194/365] test_multibytecodec
[195/365] test_multiprocessing
[196/365] test_netrc
[197/365] test_nis
test_nis skipped -- No module named 'nis'
[198/365] test_nntplib
[199/365] test_normalization
[200/365] test_ntpath
[201/365] test_numeric_tower
[202/365] test_openpty
test_openpty skipped -- No openpty() available.
[203/365] test_operator
[204/365] test_optparse
[205/365] test_os
[206/365] test_ossaudiodev
test_ossaudiodev skipped -- Use of the 'audio' resource not enabled
[207/365] test_osx_env
[208/365] test_packaging
copying build\lib\ -> build\bdist.win32\dumb\temp\venv\Lib\site-packages
Creating library c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpbdtr52\tmpjbytx6\tempt\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpbdtr52\tmpeqj_n7\foo.lib and object c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpbdtr52\tmpjbytx6\tempt\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpbdtr52\tmpeqj_n7\foo.exp
Creating library c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpbdtr52\tmpjbytx6\tempt\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpbdtr52\tmpeqj_n7\foo.lib and object c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpbdtr52\tmpjbytx6\tempt\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpbdtr52\tmpeqj_n7\foo.exp
copying build\lib\ -> c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpf35t6x\tmpa5eb_5\temp\venv\Lib\site-packages
copying build\scripts-3.3\sayhi -> c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpf35t6x\tmpa5eb_5\temp\venv\Scripts
copying c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmptf9v4_\tmp1n5wd8\ -> c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmptf9v4_\tmpvzamkm
copying c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmptf9v4_\tmp1n5wd8\ -> c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmptf9v4_\tmpvzamkm
copying c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmptf9v4_\tmp1n5wd8\ -> c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmptf9v4_\tmpvzamkm
copying build\lib\foo\ -> c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpiirws4\tmp_r8lv_\Lib\site-packages\foo
copying build\lib\foo\sub\ -> c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpiirws4\tmp_r8lv_\Lib\site-packages\foo\sub
copying build\lib\foo\sub\ -> c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpiirws4\tmp_r8lv_\Lib\site-packages\foo\sub
copying build\lib\foo\ -> c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpiirws4\tmp_r8lv_\Lib\site-packages\foo
copying build\lib\meh\ -> c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpmdx3wl\tmpl7o8s5\Lib\site-packages\meh
copying build\lib\meh\sub\ -> c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpmdx3wl\tmpl7o8s5\Lib\site-packages\meh\sub
copying build\lib\meh\sub\ -> c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpmdx3wl\tmpl7o8s5\Lib\site-packages\meh\sub
copying build\lib\meh\ -> c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpmdx3wl\tmpl7o8s5\Lib\site-packages\meh
copying build\lib\foospam\ -> c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpz104dr\tmp49j90d\Lib\site-packages\foospam
copying build\lib\foospam\sub\ -> c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpz104dr\tmp49j90d\Lib\site-packages\foospam\sub
copying build\lib\foospam\sub\ -> c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpz104dr\tmp49j90d\Lib\site-packages\foospam\sub
copying build\lib\foospam\ -> c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpz104dr\tmp49j90d\Lib\site-packages\foospam
c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpa5kibe\tmp6e860q>exit 1
c:\users\vinay\appdata\local\temp\tmpa5kibe\tmp6e860q>exit 0
[209/365] test_parser
Warning -- os.environ was modified by test_packaging
Warning -- threading._dangling was modified by test_packaging
Warning -- sysconfig._SCHEMES was modified by test_packaging
Warning -- packaging.command._COMMANDS was modified by test_packaging
Expecting 's_push: parser stack overflow' in next line
s_push: parser stack overflow
[210/365] test_pdb
[211/365] test_peepholer
[212/365] test_pep247
[213/365] test_pep263
[214/365] test_pep277
[215/365] test_pep292
[216/365] test_pep3120
[217/365] test_pep3131
[218/365] test_pep3151
[219/365] test_pep352
[220/365] test_pep380
[221/365] test_pickle
[222/365] test_pickletools
[223/365] test_pipes
test_pipes skipped -- pipes module only works on posix
[224/365] test_pkg
[225/365] test_pkgimport
[226/365] test_pkgutil
[227/365] test_platform
[228/365] test_plistlib
[229/365] test_poll
test_poll skipped -- select.poll not defined -- skipping test_poll
[230/365] test_popen
[231/365] test_poplib
[232/365] test_posix
test_posix skipped -- No module named 'posix'
[233/365] test_posixpath
[234/365] test_pow
[235/365] test_pprint
[236/365] test_print
[237/365] test_profile
[238/365] test_property
[239/365] test_pstats
[240/365] test_pty
test_pty skipped -- No module named 'fcntl'
[241/365] test_pulldom
[242/365] test_pwd
test_pwd skipped -- No module named 'pwd'
[243/365] test_py_compile
[244/365] test_pyclbr
[245/365] test_pydoc
[246/365] test_pyexpat
[247/365] test_queue
[248/365] test_quopri
[249/365] test_raise
[250/365] test_random
[251/365] test_range
[252/365] test_re
[253/365] test_readline
test_readline skipped -- No module named 'readline'
[254/365] test_reprlib
[255/365] test_resource
test_resource skipped -- No module named 'resource'
[256/365] test_richcmp
[257/365] test_rlcompleter
[258/365] test_robotparser
[259/365] test_runpy
[260/365] test_sax
[261/365] test_sched
[262/365] test_scope
[263/365] test_select
[264/365] test_set
[265/365] test_setcomps
[266/365] test_shelve
[267/365] test_shlex
[268/365] test_shutil
[269/365] test_signal
[270/365] test_site
[271/365] test_slice
[272/365] test_smtpd
[273/365] test_smtplib
[274/365] test_smtpnet
test_smtpnet skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[275/365] test_sndhdr
[276/365] test_socket
[277/365] test_socketserver
test_socketserver skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[278/365] test_sort
[279/365] test_sqlite
[280/365] test_ssl
[281/365] test_startfile
[282/365] test_strftime
[283/365] test_string
[284/365] test_stringprep
[285/365] test_strlit
[286/365] test_strptime
[287/365] test_strtod
[288/365] test_struct
[289/365] test_structmembers
[290/365] test_structseq
[291/365] test_subprocess
this bit of output is from a test of stdout in a different process ...
[292/365] test_sunau
[293/365] test_sundry
[294/365] test_super
[295/365] test_symtable
[296/365] test_syntax
[297/365] test_sys
[298/365] test_sys_setprofile
[299/365] test_sys_settrace
[300/365] test_sysconfig
[301/365] test_syslog
test_syslog skipped -- No module named 'syslog'
[302/365] test_tarfile
[303/365] test_tcl
[304/365] test_telnetlib
[305/365] test_tempfile
[306/365] test_textwrap
[307/365] test_thread
[308/365] test_threaded_import
[309/365] test_threadedtempfile
[310/365] test_threading
[311/365] test_threading_local
[312/365] test_threadsignals
test_threadsignals skipped -- Can't test signal on win32
[313/365] test_time
[314/365] test_timeit
[315/365] test_timeout
test_timeout skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[316/365] test_tk
test_tk skipped -- tk not available: invalid command name "tcl_findLibrary"
[317/365] test_tokenize
[318/365] test_tools
test_tools skipped -- test irrelevant for an installed Python
[319/365] test_trace
[320/365] test_traceback
[321/365] test_ttk_guionly
test_ttk_guionly skipped -- tk not available: invalid command name "tcl_findLibrary"
[322/365] test_ttk_textonly
[323/365] test_tuple
[324/365] test_typechecks
[325/365] test_ucn
[326/365] test_unary
[327/365] test_unicode
[328/365] test_unicode_file
[329/365] test_unicodedata
[330/365] test_univnewlines
[331/365] test_unpack
[332/365] test_unpack_ex
[333/365] test_urllib
[334/365] test_urllib2
[335/365] test_urllib2_localnet
[336/365] test_urllib2net
test_urllib2net skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[337/365] test_urllib_response
[338/365] test_urllibnet
test_urllibnet skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[339/365] test_urlparse
[340/365] test_userdict
[341/365] test_userlist
[342/365] test_userstring
[343/365] test_uu
[344/365] test_uuid
[345/365] test_venv
[346/365] test_wait3
test_wait3 skipped -- os.fork not defined -- skipping test_wait3
[347/365] test_wait4
test_wait4 skipped -- object <module 'os' from 'C:\\python33\\lib\\'> has no attribute 'fork'
[348/365] test_warnings
[349/365] test_wave
[350/365] test_weakref
[351/365] test_weakset
[352/365] test_winreg
[353/365] test_winsound
test_winsound skipped -- Use of the 'audio' resource not enabled
[354/365] test_with
[355/365] test_wsgiref
[356/365] test_xdrlib
[357/365] test_xml_etree
[358/365] test_xml_etree_c
[359/365] test_xmlrpc
[360/365] test_xmlrpc_net
test_xmlrpc_net skipped -- Use of the 'network' resource not enabled
[361/365] test_zipfile
[362/365] test_zipfile64
test_zipfile64 skipped -- test requires loads of disk-space bytes and a long time to run
[363/365] test_zipimport
[364/365] test_zipimport_support
a DOS box should flash briefly ...
[365/365] test_zlib
318 tests OK.
3 tests altered the execution environment:
test___all__ test_distutils test_packaging
44 tests skipped:
test_codecmaps_cn test_codecmaps_hk test_codecmaps_jp
test_codecmaps_kr test_codecmaps_tw test_crypt test_curses
test_dbm_gnu test_dbm_ndbm test_devpoll test_epoll test_fcntl
test_fork1 test_gdb test_grp test_ioctl test_kqueue test_largefile
test_lzma test_nis test_openpty test_ossaudiodev test_pipes
test_poll test_posix test_pty test_pwd test_readline test_resource
test_smtpnet test_socketserver test_syslog test_threadsignals
test_timeout test_tk test_tools test_ttk_guionly test_urllib2net
test_urllibnet test_wait3 test_wait4 test_winsound test_xmlrpc_net
6 skips unexpected on win32:
test_gdb test_lzma test_readline test_tk test_tools
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