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Created April 13, 2012 19:55
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Embed base64 Image
insert base64 encoded image
encode selected image to base64 and insert it
at caret position in current document on CotEditor
[version] 1.0
[lastmod] 2012-04-14
[author] 1024jp <>
[licence] Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License
-- __settings_______________________________________________________________
-- limit file size to execute wishout alert (KB)
property maxFileSize : 50
-- __main_______________________________________________________________
-- let user to select an image
tell application "CotEditor"
if exists front document then
-- file selection dialog
set imagePath to choose file of type {"png", "jpg", "gif", "tiff", "svg"} with prompt "Select an Image File to Embed"
on error
end try
end if
end tell
-- get file size of the image
tell application "Finder" to set imageSize to size of file imagePath
set imageSize to imageSize / (1000) --KB
-- check image file size
if imageSize > maxFileSize then
-- convert file size to human-readable
if imageSize > 1000 then
set HumanImageSize to imageSize / 1000 -- convert to MB
if HumanImageSize > 10 then
set HumanImageSize to (round HumanImageSize) & "MB"
set HumanImageSize to ((round (HumanImageSize * 10)) / 10) & "MB"
end if
if imageSize > 10 then
set HumanImageSize to (round imageSize) & "KB"
set HumanImageSize to ((round (imageSize * 10)) / 10) & "KB"
end if
end if
-- alert
display alert "The image file you chose is quite large.\n(size: " & HumanImageSize & ")" message "Embedding this as base64 can cause CotEditor to slow down or at worst freeze." & return & return & "Do you really want to continue?" as warning buttons {"Cancel", "Continue"} cancel button "Cancel"
on error
end try
end if
tell application "Finder" to set fileExtension to name extension of file imagePath
if fileExtension is "svg" then
set imageType to "svg+xml"
tell application "Image Events"
set theImage to open imagePath
set imageType to file type of theImage
end tell
end if
-- transform imageType to lowercase
set imageType to do shell script "echo '" & imageType & "' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'"
-- base64 encode
set base64 to do shell script "openssl base64 -in " & quoted form of POSIX path of imagePath
-- add image type
set base64 to "data:image/" & imageType & ";base64," & base64
set base64 to paragraphs of base64 as text
-- insert base64 code into CotEditor document
tell application "CotEditor"
set {loc, len} to range of selection of front document
set contents of selection of front document to base64
set range of selection of front document to {loc + (count of base64), 0}
end tell
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