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Created July 26, 2017 13:46
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;;---- common-functions ----
(defun filter (pred lst)
(cond ((null lst) nil)
((funcall pred (car lst))
(cons (car lst) (filter pred (cdr lst))))
(t (filter pred (cdr lst)))))
(defun is_~filep (x)
(cond ((string-match "~" x) t)
(t nil)))
(defun is-directory (x)
(let ((l (length x)))
(not (mismatch (subseq x (- l 1) l) "/")))) ;末尾/はディレクトリとみなす
;;---- parameters ----
(setq *target-directory* "D:/work/log/")
(setq *target-log-files* (filter (lambda (x) (not (is_~filep x))) (directory *target-directory*)))
(setq *del-target-file* (filter (lambda (x) (is_~filep x)) (directory *target-directory*)))
;;---- sub routines ----
;; clean-up backup files
(defun clean-up-backup (x)
(cond ((and (not (null x)) (not (is-directory x)))
(delete-file x)
(print (format nil "~a was deleted." x)))
(t (print (format nil "~a is a directory." x) ))))
(defun clean (parent-dir files)
((null files) nil)
((list files)
(clean-up-backup (concatenate 'string parent-dir (car files)))
(clean parent-dir (cdr files)))
((atom files) (print-clock-in-out files))
(t nil)))
;; get clock-in and clock-out
(defun print-clock-in-out (x)
"Clock ({time}) な形で記述されている行から、{time}部の文字列を取り出して出力する"
(cond ((and (not (null x)) (not (is-directory x)))
(print x)
(with-open-file (in x :direction :input)
(let (c)
(while (setq buff (read-line in nil))
(cond ((string-match "Clock" buff)
(print (concatenate 'string "\t" (subseq buff (+ (string-match "(" buff) 1)(- (length buff) 1))))))))))
(t nil)))
(defun print-clock-in-out-on-directory (parent-dir files)
((null files) nil)
((list files)
(print-clock-in-out (concatenate 'string parent-dir (car files)))
(print-clock-in-out-on-directory parent-dir (cdr files)))
((atom files) (print-clock-in-out files))
(t nil)))
;;--- main routine
(print-clock-in-out-on-directory *target-directory* *target-log-files*)
(clean *target-directory* *del-target-file*)
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