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Last active January 6, 2024 07:16
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since the withdraw function reverts anyway due to the CPI issue, the test is done with a user account attempting to call the updateRewards function on a 0 liquidity position using whirlpool SDK.
the modified contents are from 240

import * as anchor from "@coral-xyz/anchor";
import { Program } from "@coral-xyz/anchor";
import { LiquidityLockbox } from "../target/types/liquidity_lockbox";
import { TestPosition } from "../target/types/test_position";
import { createMint, mintTo, transfer, getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount, unpackAccount, TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID } from "@solana/spl-token";
import {
WhirlpoolContext, buildWhirlpoolClient, ORCA_WHIRLPOOL_PROGRAM_ID,
PDAUtil, PoolUtil, PriceMath, increaseLiquidityQuoteByInputTokenWithParams,
decreaseLiquidityQuoteByLiquidityWithParams, toTx, WhirlpoolIx, collectFeesQuote
} from "@orca-so/whirlpools-sdk";
import { DecimalUtil, Percentage, SimpleAccountFetcher } from "@orca-so/common-sdk";
import Decimal from "decimal.js";
import expect from "expect";
describe("Liquidity Lockbox", () => {
// Configure the client to use the local cluster.
const provider = anchor.AnchorProvider.env();
// @ts-ignore
console.log("Provider wallet:", provider.wallet.payer.publicKey.toBase58());
const program = anchor.workspace.LiquidityLockbox as Program<LiquidityLockbox>;
const positionProgram = anchor.workspace.TestPosition as Program<TestPosition>;
const orca = new anchor.web3.PublicKey("whirLbMiicVdio4qvUfM5KAg6Ct8VwpYzGff3uctyCc");
const whirlpool = new anchor.web3.PublicKey("7qbRF6YsyGuLUVs6Y1q64bdVrfe4ZcUUz1JRdoVNUJnm");
const sol = new anchor.web3.PublicKey("So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112");
const usdc = new anchor.web3.PublicKey("EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v");
const tokenVaultA = new anchor.web3.PublicKey("9RfZwn2Prux6QesG1Noo4HzMEBv3rPndJ2bN2Wwd6a7p");
const tokenVaultB = new anchor.web3.PublicKey("BVNo8ftg2LkkssnWT4ZWdtoFaevnfD6ExYeramwM27pe");
const tickArrayLower = new anchor.web3.PublicKey("DJBLVHo3uTQBYpSHbVdDq8LoRsSiYV9EVhDUguXszvCi");
const tickArrayUpper = new anchor.web3.PublicKey("ZPyVkTuj9TBr1ER4Fnubyz1w7bm5LsXctLiZb8Fs2Do");
it("Adding liquidity to the Lockbox in exchange of tokens and decreasing it when getting tokens back", async () => {
// User wallet is the provider payer
// @ts-ignore
const userWallet = provider.wallet.payer;
console.log("User wallet:", userWallet.publicKey.toBase58());
const ctx = WhirlpoolContext.withProvider(provider, orca);
const client = buildWhirlpoolClient(ctx);
const whirlpoolClient = await client.getPool(whirlpool);
// Get the current price of the pool
const sqrt_price_x64 = whirlpoolClient.getData().sqrtPrice;
const price = PriceMath.sqrtPriceX64ToPrice(sqrt_price_x64, 9, 6);
console.log("price:", price.toFixed(6));
// Set price range, amount of tokens to deposit, and acceptable slippage
const usdc_amount = DecimalUtil.toBN(new Decimal("10" /* usdc */), 6);
const slippage = Percentage.fromFraction(10, 1000); // 1%
// Full range price
const lower_tick_index = -443632;
const upper_tick_index = 443632;
// Adjust price range (not all prices can be set, only a limited number of prices are available for range specification)
// (prices corresponding to InitializableTickIndex are available)
const whirlpool_data = whirlpoolClient.getData();
const token_a = whirlpoolClient.getTokenAInfo();
const token_b = whirlpoolClient.getTokenBInfo();
console.log("lower & upper tick_index:", lower_tick_index, upper_tick_index);
console.log("lower & upper price:",
PriceMath.tickIndexToPrice(lower_tick_index, token_a.decimals, token_b.decimals).toFixed(token_b.decimals),
PriceMath.tickIndexToPrice(upper_tick_index, token_a.decimals, token_b.decimals).toFixed(token_b.decimals)
// Obtain deposit estimation
let quote = increaseLiquidityQuoteByInputTokenWithParams({
// Pass the pool definition and state
sqrtPrice: whirlpool_data.sqrtPrice,
tickCurrentIndex: whirlpool_data.tickCurrentIndex,
// Price range
tickLowerIndex: lower_tick_index,
tickUpperIndex: upper_tick_index,
// Input token and amount
inputTokenMint: usdc,
inputTokenAmount: usdc_amount,
// Acceptable slippage
slippageTolerance: slippage,
// Output the estimation
console.log("SOL max input:", DecimalUtil.fromBN(quote.tokenMaxA, token_a.decimals).toFixed(token_a.decimals));
console.log("USDC max input:", DecimalUtil.fromBN(quote.tokenMaxB, token_b.decimals).toFixed(token_b.decimals));
// Create a transaction
// Use openPosition method instead of openPositionWithMetadata method
const open_position_tx = await whirlpoolClient.openPosition(
// Send the transaction to open a position
let signature = await open_position_tx.tx.buildAndExecute();
console.log("signature:", signature);
console.log("position NFT:", open_position_tx.positionMint.toBase58());
const positionMint = open_position_tx.positionMint;
// Wait for the transaction to complete
let latest_blockhash = await ctx.connection.getLatestBlockhash();
await ctx.connection.confirmTransaction({ signature, ...latest_blockhash }, "confirmed");
// Find a PDA account for the program
const [pdaProgram, bump] = await anchor.web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddress([Buffer.from("pdaProgram", "utf-8")], program.programId);
const bumpBytes = Buffer.from(new Uint8Array([bump]));
console.log("Program PDA:", pdaProgram.toBase58());
// Create new bridged token mint with the pda mint authority
const bridgedTokenMint = await createMint(provider.connection, userWallet, pdaProgram, null, 9);
console.log("Bridged token mint:", bridgedTokenMint.toBase58());
// Get the ATA of the userWallet address, and if it does not exist, create it
// This account will have bridged tokens
const pdaBridgedTokenAccount = await getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount(
true // allowOwnerOfCurve - allow pda accounts to be have associated token account
console.log("PDA ATA for bridged token:", pdaBridgedTokenAccount.address.toBase58());
// Deploy the LiquidityLockbox program
// @ts-ignore
signature = await, bridgedTokenMint, pdaBridgedTokenAccount.address, bumpBytes)
.accounts({ dataAccount: pdaProgram })
//console.log("Your transaction signature", signature);
// Wait for program creation confirmation
await provider.connection.confirmTransaction({
signature: signature,
...(await provider.connection.getLatestBlockhash()),
// Get all token accounts
const token_accounts = (await ctx.connection.getTokenAccountsByOwner(ctx.wallet.publicKey, { programId: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID })).value;
let parsed;
let position;
for (let i = 0; i < token_accounts.length; i++) {
const ta = token_accounts[i];
parsed = unpackAccount(ta.pubkey, ta.account);
if (parsed.amount.toString() === "1") {
position = PDAUtil.getPosition(ctx.program.programId,;
// NFT position mint
let accountInfo = await provider.connection.getAccountInfo(positionMint);
// Get the ATA of the userWallet address, and if it does not exist, create it
// This account has an NFT token
const userPositionAccount = parsed.address;
console.log("User ATA for NFT:", userPositionAccount.toBase58());
// Get the ATA of the userWallet address, and if it does not exist, create it
// This account will have bridged tokens
const userBridgedTokenAccount = await getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount(
console.log("User ATA for bridged:", userBridgedTokenAccount.address.toBase58());
// accountInfo = await provider.connection.getAccountInfo(userPositionAccount);
// console.log(accountInfo);
let balance = await program.methods.getBalance()
.accounts({ account: userPositionAccount })
console.log("User ATA must have one NFT, balance:", balance.toNumber());
// ATA for the PDA to store the position NFT
const pdaPositionAccount = await getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount(
true // allowOwnerOfCurve - allow pda accounts to be have associated token account
console.log("PDA ATA", pdaPositionAccount.address.toBase58());
// Get the tokenA ATA of the userWallet address, and if it does not exist, create it
// This account will have bridged tokens
const userTokenAccountA = await getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount(
console.log("User ATA for tokenA:", userTokenAccountA.address.toBase58());
// Get the tokenA ATA of the userWallet address, and if it does not exist, create it
// This account will have bridged tokens
const userTokenAccountB = await getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount(
console.log("User ATA for tokenB:", userTokenAccountB.address.toBase58());
// Get the status of the position
const positionSDK = await client.getPosition(position.publicKey);
const data = positionSDK.getData();
// Get the price range of the position
const lower_price = PriceMath.tickIndexToPrice(data.tickLowerIndex, token_a.decimals, token_b.decimals);
const upper_price = PriceMath.tickIndexToPrice(data.tickUpperIndex, token_a.decimals, token_b.decimals);
// Calculate the amount of tokens that can be withdrawn from the position
const amounts = PoolUtil.getTokenAmountsFromLiquidity(
// Output the status of the position
console.log("position:", position.publicKey.toBase58());
console.log("\twhirlpool address:", data.whirlpool.toBase58());
console.log("\tliquidity:", data.liquidity.toNumber());
console.log("\tlower:", data.tickLowerIndex, lower_price.toFixed(token_b.decimals));
console.log("\tupper:", data.tickUpperIndex, upper_price.toFixed(token_b.decimals));
console.log("\tamountA:", DecimalUtil.fromBN(amounts.tokenA, token_a.decimals).toString());
console.log("\tamountB:", DecimalUtil.fromBN(amounts.tokenB, token_b.decimals).toString());
// Test updateFeesAndRewards with the SDK when totalLiquidity is 0
const decQuote = decreaseLiquidityQuoteByLiquidityWithParams({
// Pass the pool state as is
sqrtPrice: whirlpool_data.sqrtPrice,
tickCurrentIndex: whirlpool_data.tickCurrentIndex,
// Pass the price range of the position as is
tickLowerIndex: data.tickLowerIndex,
tickUpperIndex: data.tickUpperIndex,
// Liquidity to be withdrawn. Remove the entire liquidity
liquidity: data.liquidity,
// Acceptable slippage
slippageTolerance: slippage,
console.log("decQuote", decQuote);
// Create a transaction
const decrease_liquidity_tx = await positionSDK.decreaseLiquidity(decQuote);
// Overwrite the tokenA ATA as it is the only difference
decrease_liquidity_tx.instructions[2].instructions[0].keys[5].pubkey = userTokenAccountA.address;
// Send the transaction
signature = await decrease_liquidity_tx.buildAndExecute();
console.log("signature:", signature);
// Wait for the transaction to complete
latest_blockhash = await ctx.connection.getLatestBlockhash();
await ctx.connection.confirmTransaction({ signature, ...latest_blockhash }, "confirmed");
// liquidity is 0
const liquidityAfter = (await positionSDK.refreshData()).liquidity.toNumber();
await toTx(ctx, WhirlpoolIx.updateFeesAndRewardsIx(ctx.program, {
whirlpool: whirlpool,
position: positionSDK.getAddress(),
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