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Last active December 26, 2023 04:38
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import time
import os
Script to find dead modules and unused functions inside swift project
DIR = 'abs path to your project'
def time_tracer(func):
def inner():
start = time.time()
finish = time.time()
spent = finish - start
print(f'\n✅ Success! Done for {round(spent, 3)} sec.')
except BaseException as e:
print(f'\n💥 Failure! Error: {e}')
return inner
def find_unused_modules():
route_maps = {}
functions = set()
funcs_storage = {}
def get_route_maps():
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(DIR):
for file in files:
path = f'{subdir}/{file}'
name = os.path.splitext(file)
_format = name[1]
if _format == '.swift' and 'RouteMap' in file and 'Default' not in file and 'Assembly' not in file:
route_maps[file] = path
def get_functions():
nonlocal functions
def get_names(el):
if 'func ' in el:
no_spaces = el.strip()
no_func = no_spaces.replace('func ', '')
return no_func.split('(')[0]
for route_map in route_maps:
path = route_maps[route_map]
contents = open(f'{path}', 'r').readlines()
filtered = map(lambda el: get_names(el), contents)
map_functions = list(filter(lambda el: el is not None, filtered))
def get_functions_usage_frequency():
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(DIR):
for file in files:
path = f'{subdir}/{file}'
name = os.path.splitext(file)
_format = name[1]
if _format == '.swift':
contents = open(f'{path}', 'r').read()
for func in functions:
if func in contents:
if func not in funcs_storage.keys():
funcs_storage[func] = 1
funcs_storage[func] += 1
def find_garbage_functions():
""" In our project unused usage count is 2: in protocol and class. If so,
func is not called anywhere else, thus it can be deleted
print('Potentially unused modules: \n')
for el in funcs_storage:
if funcs_storage[el] <= 2:
print(f'{el} :', funcs_storage[el])
def find_unused_functions():
functions = set()
funcs_storage = {}
def get_functions():
nonlocal functions
def get_names(el):
no_spaces = el.strip()
if 'func ' in el:
no_func = no_spaces.replace('func ', '')
no_contents_name = no_func.split('(')[0]
if ' ' in no_contents_name:
devided = no_contents_name.split(' ')
name = devided[len(devided) - 1]
return name
return no_contents_name
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(DIR):
for file in files:
path = f'{subdir}/{file}'
name = os.path.splitext(file)
_format = name[1]
if _format == '.swift':
contents = open(f'{path}', 'r').readlines()
filtered = map(lambda el: get_names(el), contents)
map_functions = list(filter(lambda el: el is not None, filtered))
def get_functions_usage_frequency():
nonlocal functions
for func in functions:
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(DIR):
for file in files:
path = f'{subdir}/{file}'
name = os.path.splitext(file)
_format = name[1]
if _format == '.swift':
contents = open(f'{path}', 'r').read().split()
for word in contents:
if func in word:
if func not in funcs_storage.keys():
funcs_storage[func] = 1
funcs_storage[func] += 1
def find_garbage_functions():
Usage count equal 1 means func is just inited, not called anywhere, thus it can be deleted (except override, libs funcs etc.)
print('Potentially unused functions: \n')
for el in funcs_storage:
if funcs_storage[el] == 1 and 'test' not in el.lower():
print(f'{el} :', funcs_storage[el])
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('\nStep 1: searching unused modules... ⏳\n')
print('\nStep 2: searching unused functions...⏳\n')
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