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Created March 15, 2014 02:10
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Some livescript functions
window <<<<
isGradient: -> (it |> /^\s*([a-z]+)\-gradient\(\s*(.*)\s*\)\s*$/gmi.exec)?[1] in <[ linear radial ]>
toFixedOrInt: (precision, value)-->
power = 10 `Math.pow` (precision or 0)
value = Math.round(value * power) / power
rounded = value |> Math.round
if rounded is value then value = rounded
value |> String
toFixed: (precision, value)-->
power = 10 `Math.pow` precision or 0
(Math.round(value * power) / power) |> String
compare: (f, x, y) -->
| (f x) > (f y) => 1
| (f x) < (f y) => -1
| otherwise => 0
prop: (obj, path)-->
each path.split \., (o) ->
if typeof! prop[o] is \Function then prop[o]() else prop = prop[o]
normalizeEvent: (event)->
if not event.offsetX?
event <<<<
offsetX: event.pageX - $(!.left
offsetY: event.pageY - $(!.top
toDot: (obj, base = '')->
result = {}
if typeof! obj isnt \Object
result[base] = obj
for key,val of obj
result <<<< toDot val, "#base#{ if base then '.' else '' }#key"
toDash: (camel)-> camel.replace /([A-Z])/g, (letter)-> "-#{letter.toLowerCase!}"
expand: (something)->
if something |> $.isArray
something |> -> expand it
obj = {}
$.each something, (dotpath,value)->
path = ("#{dotpath}".split \.) |> reverse
nested = obj
while (key = path.pop!)
nested = nested[key] =
if path.length then
if nested[key]? and typeof! nested[key] isnt \Object
console.log \expand:TYPE_WARNING:, something, key, nested[key]
nested[key] or {}
if typeof! value is \Object
result = value |> expand
listTo: (fn, arr=[]) --> arr |> (map fn) |> listToObj
between: (a,b,val) --> minimum [b, maximum [a, val]]
indexIf: (arr,func) -->
for i, el of arr
if func(el)
return i
return -1
deepClone: ->
if typeof! it isnt \Object
return it
$.extend on, {}, it
deepFilter: (f, xs) -->
f = objToFunc f if typeof! f isnt \Function
if typeof! xs is \Object
{ [key, (deepfilter f, x)] for key, x of xs when (typeof! x is \Object) or f x }
#result = [x for x in xs when f x]
#if type is \String then result * '' else result
isTextSelected: (input)->
startPos = input.selectionStart
endPos = input.selectionEnd
doc = document.selection
if doc and doc.createRange!.text.length isnt 0
return yes
else if not doc and ( input?.value?.substring startPos, endPos ).length isnt 0
return yes
strDiff: (a,b)-->
result = ''
for x,i in a
if a[i] != b[i]
result += a[i]
arrDiff: (a, b)-->
| not a.length or not b.length => {A : a, B : b}
| a.length is b.length is 0 => no
| _ => [ diff for i from 0 til maximum [ a.length, b.length ] | diff = objDiff(a[i], b[i]) ]
deepFilterEmptyObj: (obj)->
#if TEST =>
#console.log \obj==, obj
#console.log ( not obj? or (typeof! obj isnt \Object))
#console.log ( Obj.empty obj )
| not obj? or (typeof! obj isnt \Object) => obj
| Obj.empty obj => {}
| otherwise => {[key, val] for key,val of obj
| ( (typeof! val isnt \Object) or
not (Obj.empty deepFilterEmptyObj val) ) }
objDiff: (A, B)-->
recurse = (A,B)->
| (not A?) and (not B?) => no
| (typeof! A) isnt (typeof! B) => { A : A, B : B }
| (typeof! A) is \Array => arrDiff A, B
| (typeof! A) is \Object => { [ key, diff ] for key, val of A | diff = (recurse val, B[key]) }
| A isnt B => "#{A} -> #{B}"
| otherwise => {}
result = recurse(A,B)
a = if result.A? or result.B?
result.A = (result.A or {} ) |> deepFilterEmptyObj |> toDot
result.B = (result.B or {} ) |> deepFilterEmptyObj |> toDot
result |> deepFilterEmptyObj |> toDot
#objDiff: (A, B, debug)->
#recurse = (A,B)->
#| (not A?) or (not B?) => {}
#| (typeof! A) isnt (typeof! B) => { 'A' : A, 'B' : B }
#| (typeof! A) is \Array => arrDiff A, B
#| (typeof! A) is \Object => { [ key, diff ] for key, val of A when diff = recurse val, B[key] }
#| A isnt B => "#{A} -> #{B}"
#| _ => {}
#result = recurse(A,B)
#result.A = (result.A |> deepFilterEmptyObj |> toDot) if result.A?
#result.B = (result.B |> deepFilterEmptyObj |> toDot) if result.B?
flat-with-keys: ->
recurse = ->
| it |> is-type \Object => it |> obj-to-pairs |> map -> [it.0, (it.1 |> recurse)]
| _ => it
it |> recurse |> flatten
find-path-of: (something, object)-->
recurse = (place)->
| place is something => [ true ]
| place |> is-type \Object => [ [k, path] for k, v of place when (path = recurse(v))?.length > 0 ]
| place |> is-type \Array => [ [i, path] for i, v in place when (path = recurse(v))?.length > 0 ]
| _ => false
object |> recurse
find-path-of-val-or-key: (something, object)-->
recurse = (place)->
| place is something => [ true ]
| place |> is-type \Object => do ->
| (something in (place |> keys)) => [ true ]
| _ => [ [k, path] for k, v of place when (path = recurse(v))?.length > 0 ]
| place |> is-type \Array => [ i for v, i in place when (path = recurse(v))?.length > 0 ]
| _ => false
object |> recurse
filter-by-key: (fn, object) --> { [key, object[key]] for key in keys(object) when fn(key) }
in-deep: (target, something) -->
| something is target => true
| something |> is-type \Array => something |> any -> target `in-deep` it
| something |> is-type \Object => something |> values |> any -> target `in-deep` it
| otherwise => no
find-root: (target, object) -->
return if typeof! object isnt \Object
for key, val of object
return key if target `in-deep` val
return void
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