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Created April 28, 2023 20:25
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Generate 31 passcodes
# This script is part of my blog post:
PASSCODES_JSON_PATH = "passcodes.json"
from secrets import token_urlsafe as secrets_token_urlsafe
from hashlib import sha1
passcodes_file = open(PASSCODES_JSON_PATH, "w")
hashes_generated = []
for day_num in range(31):
passcode_raw = secrets_token_urlsafe(4)
while (passcode_hashed:=sha1(passcode_raw.encode()).hexdigest()) in hashes_generated: passcode_raw = secrets_token_urlsafe(4)
passcodes_file.write(f"\"{passcode_hashed}\"{',' if day_num != 30 else ''}")
print(f"{str(day_num+1).zfill(2)} | {passcode_raw}", end="")
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This script is part of my blog post: My 31 Days Passcode Based System for My Sunrise Alarm.

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