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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Save 1206yaya/05343dd1ea7859dd8c76 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
play tettei 3.2
package controllers;
import models.*;
import java.util.*;
import play.*;
import play.mvc.*;
import views.html.*;
public class Application extends Controller {
// フォーム管理用クラス
public static class SampleForm {
public String input;
public String pass;
public boolean check;
public String radio;
public String sel;
public String area;
public Date date;
// ルートにアクセスした際のAction
public static Result index() {
SampleForm sf = new SampleForm(); = "windows";
sf.check = true;
sf.input = "default value";
sf.sel = "uk";
Form<SampleForm> form = new Form(SampleForm.class).fill(sf);
return ok(index.render("please set form.", form));
// POST送信された際のAction
public static Result send() {
Form<SampleForm> f = new Form(SampleForm.class).bindFromRequest();
if (!f.hasErrors()) {
SampleForm sf = f.get();
String res = "value: ";
res += "input=" + sf.input
+ ", pass=" + sf.pass
+ ", check=" + sf.check + ", radio=" + + ", sel=" + sf.sel
+ ", area=" + sf.area
+ ", date=" +;
return ok(index.render(res, f));
} else {
return badRequest(index.render("ERROR", f));
@(msg: String, form1: Form[Application.SampleForm])
@main("Sample Page") {
<h1>Hello!</h1> <p>@msg</p>
@helper.form(action = routes.Application.send){
@(helper.inputText (
field = form1("input"), args = 'size->30
)) @(helper.inputPassword (
field = form1("pass"),
args = 'size->30
@(helper.checkbox (
field = form1("check")
@(helper.inputRadioGroup (
field = form1("radio"),
options = Seq("windows"->"MS-Windows",
"mac"->"Mac OS X","linux"->"Linux")
@( (
field = form1("sel"), options = Seq("jp"->"日本",
"us"->"米国","uk"->"英国"), args = 'size -> 3
@(helper.textarea (
field = form1("area"),
args = 'cols -> 30, 'rows -> 3 ))
@(helper.inputDate ( field = form1("date")
<input type="submit">
GET / controllers.Application.index
POST / controllers.Application.send
@(msg: String, form1: Form[Application.SampleForm])
@main("Sample Page") {
<h1>Hello!</h1> <p>@msg</p>
@helper.form(action = routes.Application.send) {
field = form1("input"),
args = '_label -> "Your Name:", '_help -> "名前を書いてください。", 'size -> 30
field = form1("pass"),
args = '_label -> "Password:", '_help -> "パスワードを書いてください。", 'size -> 30
<input type="submit">
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