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Created September 9, 2011 20:52
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Takeaways from Jasmine Class
group :development, :test do
gem "growl_notify"
gem "guard-jasmine-headless-webkit"
# Can bring this back in when we're ready to go with 3.1
# gem "jasmine-rails"
gem "jasmine-headless-webkit"
gem "rb-fsevent"
gem "guard-jammit", :git => "git://"
// This was a generic class that Justin gave us, when we can avoid constructors
window.Game = function(){
var self = {};
//public methods = function(){}
//private methods
var score = function() {};
return self;
var game = Game();
//game.score => error
# ==========
# = Idioms =
# ==========
# Nested spies
graphSpy =
pokeDataInto: jasmine.createSpy 'pokeDataInto'
updateSummary: jasmine.createSpy 'updateSummary'
# Test Generator
for val in [45..90]
((val) -> it "...", ->
# DOM Fixtures
$dz = $.jasmine.inject("<div class='danger-zone' />")
# DOM Ready
spyOn($.fn, 'ready')
domready = $.fn.ready.mostRecentCall.args[0]
# or
domready = $.fn.ready.calls[0].args[0]
# Constructors
class window.App.Collections.FooBars
constructor: (attrs) ->
@attrs = attrs
# Conditional spy: ensure the double gets a particular value
# Removes more than 1 expectation in the spec
getter = spyOn(patient, 'get').andCallFake (attrName) ->
'some existing foobars' if attrName == 'fooBars'
# Custom Matchers
# expect(8).toHavePrimeFactors(2,2,2)
beforeEach ->
toHavePrimeFactors: ->
result = primeFactors(@actual)
@env.equals_(result, arguments)
# In case the above is buggy, here's the tested original:
# beforeEach(function () {
# this.addMatchers({
# toHavePrimeFactors: function() {
# var result = primeFactors(this.actual);
# return this.env.equals_(result, arguments);
# }
# });
# });
# Deep equals
@env.equals_(result, arguments)
# function arguments
@env.equals_(result, arguments)


Setting up Jenkins

  1. wget

  2. Invoke the .war file (in OS X, double click)

  3. Visit Jenkins at http://localhost:8080

  4. Add some plugins: AnsiColor Git Github Authentication plugin Github plugin

  5. Setup a build

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