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Created October 2, 2011 23:06
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""" Scans paths and stores them in a sqlite3 database
You can use PathScanner to detect changes in a directory structure. For
efficiency, only creations, deletions and modifications are detected, not
Modified files are detected by looking at the mtime.
- Use initial_scan() to build the initial database.
- Use scan() afterwards, to get the changes.
- Use scan_tree() (which uses scan()) to get the changes in an entire
directory structure.
- Use purge_path() to purge all the metadata for a path from the database.
- Use (add|update|remove)_files() to add/update/remove files manually (useful
when your application has more/faster knowledge of changes)
TODO: unit tests (with *many* mock functions). Stable enough without them.
__author__ = "Wim Leers ("
__version__ = "$Rev$"
__date__ = "$Date$"
__license__ = "GPL"
import os
import stat
import sqlite3
from sets import Set
class PathScanner(object):
"""scan paths for changes, persistent storage using SQLite"""
def __init__(self, dbcon, ignored_dirs=[], table="pathscanner", commit_interval=50):
self.dbcon = dbcon
self.dbcur = dbcon.cursor()
self.ignored_dirs = ignored_dirs
self.table = table
self.uncommitted_statements = 0
self.commit_interval = commit_interval
def __prepare_db(self):
"""prepare the database (create the table structure)"""
self.dbcur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s(path text, filename text, mtime integer)" % (self.table))
self.dbcur.execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS file_unique_per_path ON %s (path, filename)" % (self.table))
def __walktree(self, path):
rows = []
for path, filename, mtime, is_dir in self.__listdir(path):
rows.append((path, filename, mtime if not is_dir else -1))
if is_dir:
for childrows in self.__walktree(os.path.join(path, filename)):
yield childrows
yield rows
def __listdir(self, path):
"""list all the files in a directory
Returns (path, filename, mtime, is_dir) tuples.
filenames = os.listdir(path)
print "__listdir()", filenames
except os.error:
for filename in filenames:
path_to_file = os.path.join(path, filename)
st = os.stat(path_to_file)
mtime = st[stat.ST_MTIME]
if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
# If this is one of the ignored directories, skip it.
if filename in self.ignored_dirs:
# This is not an ignored directory, but if it's a symlink,
# we will prevent walking the directory tree below it by
# pretending it's just a file.
is_dir = not os.path.islink(path_to_file)
is_dir = False
row = (path, filename, mtime, is_dir)
except os.error:
yield row
def initial_scan(self, path):
"""perform the initial scan
Returns False if there is already data available for this path.
path = path.decode('utf-8')
# Check if there really isn't any data available for this path.
self.dbcur.execute("SELECT COUNT(filename) FROM %s WHERE path=?" % (self.table), (path,))
if self.dbcur.fetchone()[0] > 0:
return False
for files in self.__walktree(path):
def purge_path(self, path):
"""purge the metadata for a given path and all its subdirectories"""
path = path.decode('utf-8')
self.dbcur.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE path LIKE ?" % (self.table), (path + "%",))
self.dbcur.execute("VACUUM %s" % (self.table))
def add_files(self, files):
"""add file metadata to the database
Expected format: a set of (path, filename, mtime) tuples.
def update_files(self, files):
"""update file metadata in the database
Expected format: a set of (path, filename, mtime) tuples.
for row in files:
# Use INSERT OR REPLACE to let the OS's native file system monitor
# (inotify on Linux, FSEvents on OS X) run *while* missed events
# are being generated.
# See
self.dbcur.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s VALUES(?, ?, ?)" % (self.table), row)
# Commit the remaining rows.
def delete_files(self, files):
"""delete file metadata from the database
Expected format: a set of (path, filename) tuples.
for row in files:
self.dbcur.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE path=? AND filename=?" % (self.table), row)
# Commit the remaining rows.
def __db_batched_commit(self, force=False):
"""docstring for __db_commit"""
# Commit to the database in batches, to reduce concurrency: collect
# self.commit_interval rows, then commit.
self.uncommitted_statements += 1
if force == True or self.uncommitted_statements == self.commit_interval:
self.uncommitted_rows = 0
def scan(self, path):
"""scan a directory (without recursion!) for changes
The database is also updated to reflect the new situation, of course.
By design, so that this function can be used by scan_tree():
- Cannot detect newly created directory trees.
- Can detect deleted directory trees.
path = path.decode('utf-8')
# Fetch the old metadata from the DB.
self.dbcur.execute("SELECT filename, mtime FROM %s WHERE path=?" % (self.table), (path, ))
old_files = {}
for filename, mtime in self.dbcur.fetchall():
old_files[filename] = (filename, mtime)
# Get the current metadata.
new_files = {}
for path, filename, mtime, is_dir in self.__listdir(path):
new_files[filename] = (filename, mtime if not is_dir else -1)
scan_result = self.__scanhelper(path, old_files, new_files)
# Add the created files to the DB.
files = Set()
for filename in scan_result["created"]:
(filename, mtime) = new_files[filename]
files.add((path, filename, mtime))
# Update the modified files in the DB.
files = Set()
for filename in scan_result["modified"]:
(filename, mtime) = new_files[filename]
files.add((path, filename, mtime))
# Remove the deleted files from the DB.
files = Set()
for filename in scan_result["deleted"]:
if len(os.path.dirname(filename)):
realpath = path + os.sep + os.path.dirname(filename)
realpath = path
realfilename = os.path.basename(filename)
files.add((realpath, realfilename))
return scan_result
def scan_tree(self, path):
"""scan a directory tree for changes"""
print "scan_tree()", path, type(path)
path = path.decode('utf-8')
print "\t", path
# Scan the current directory for changes.
result = self.scan(path)
print "\tchanges at this path:", result
# Prepend the current path.
for key in result.keys():
tmp = Set()
for filename in result[key]:
tmp.add(path + os.sep + filename)
result[key] = tmp
yield (path, result)
# Also scan each subdirectory.
for path, filename, mtime, is_dir in self.__listdir(path):
if is_dir:
for subpath, subresult in self.scan_tree(os.path.join(path, filename)):
yield (subpath, subresult)
def __scanhelper(self, path, old_files, new_files):
"""helper function for scan()
old_files and new_files should be dictionaries of (filename, mtime)
tuples, keyed by filename
Returns a dictionary of sets of filenames with the keys "created",
"deleted" and "modified".
# The dictionary that will be returned.
result = {}
result["created"] = Set()
result["deleted"] = Set()
result["modified"] = Set()
# Create some sets that will make our work easier.
old_filenames = Set(old_files.keys())
new_filenames = Set(new_files.keys())
# Step 1: find newly created files.
result["created"] = new_filenames.difference(old_filenames)
# Step 2: find deleted files.
result["deleted"] = old_filenames.difference(new_filenames)
# Step 3: find modified files.
# Only files that are not created and not deleted can be modified!
possibly_modified_files = new_filenames.union(old_filenames)
possibly_modified_files = possibly_modified_files.symmetric_difference(result["created"])
possibly_modified_files = possibly_modified_files.symmetric_difference(result["deleted"])
for filename in possibly_modified_files:
(filename, old_mtime) = old_files[filename]
(filename, new_mtime) = new_files[filename]
if old_mtime != new_mtime:
# Step 4
# If a directory was deleted, we also need to retrieve the filenames
# and paths of the files within that subtree.
deleted_tree = Set()
for deleted_file in result["deleted"]:
(filename, mtime) = old_files[deleted_file]
# An mtime of -1 means that this is a directory.
if mtime == -1:
dirpath = path + os.sep + filename
self.dbcur.execute("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE path LIKE ?" % (self.table), (dirpath + "%",))
files_in_dir = self.dbcur.fetchall()
# Mark all files below the deleted directory also as deleted.
for (subpath, subfilename, submtime) in files_in_dir:
deleted_tree.add(os.path.join(subpath, subfilename)[len(path) + 1:])
result["deleted"] = result["deleted"].union(deleted_tree)
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Sample usage
path = "/Users/wimleers/Downloads"
db = sqlite3.connect("pathscanner.db")
db.text_factory = unicode # This is the default, but we set it explicitly, just to be sure.
ignored_dirs = ["CVS", ".svn"]
scanner = PathScanner(db, ignored_dirs)
# Force a rescan
# Detect changes in a single directory
#print scanner.scan(path)
# Detect changes in the entire tree
report = {}
report["created"] = Set()
report["deleted"] = Set()
report["modified"] = Set()
for path, result in scanner.scan_tree(path):
report["created"] = report["created"].union(result["created"])
report["deleted"] = report["deleted"].union(result["deleted"])
report["modified"] = report["modified"].union(result["modified"])
print report
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