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Created June 19, 2017 08:16
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# This script will calculate Shannon entropy from a MSA.
# Dependencies:
# Biopython, Matplotlib [optionally], Math
Shannon's entropy equation (latex format):
H=-\sum_{i=1}^{M} P_i\,log_2\,P_i
Entropy is a measure of the uncertainty of a probability distribution (p1, ..... , pM)
Where, Pi is the fraction of nuleotide bases of nuleotide base type i,
and M is the number of nuleotide base types (A, T, G or C)
H ranges from 0 (only one base/residue in present at that position) to 4.322 (all 20 residues are equally
represented in that position).
Typically, positions with H >2.0 are considerered variable, whereas those with H < 2 are consider conserved.
Highly conserved positions are those with H <1.0 (Litwin and Jores, 1992).
A minimum number of sequences is however required (~100) for H to describe the diversity of a protein family.
import os
import sys
import warnings
import traceback
__author__ = "Joe R. J. Healey"
__version__ = "1.0.0"
__title__ = "ShannonMSA"
__license__ = "GPLv3"
__author_email__ = ""
def parseArgs():
"""Parse command line arguments"""
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Compute per base/residue Shannon entropy of a Multiple Sequence Alignment.')
help='The multiple sequence alignment (MSA) in any of the formats supported by Biopython\'s AlignIO.')
help='Specify the format of the input MSA to be passed in to AlignIO.')
help='Verbose behaviour, printing parameters of the script.')
help='Return the running mean (a.k.a moving average) of the MSAs Shannon Entropy. Makes for slightly smoother plots. Providing the number of points to average over switches this on.')
help='Plot the results via Matplotlib.')
print "An exception occurred with argument parsing. Check your provided options."
return parser.parse_args()
def parseMSA(msa, alnformat, verbose):
"""Parse in the MSA file using Biopython's AlignIO"""
from Bio import AlignIO
alignment =, alnformat)
# Do a little sanity checking:
seq_lengths_list = []
for record in alignment:
seq_lengths = set(seq_lengths_list)
if verbose > 0: print("Alignment length is:" + str(list(seq_lengths)))
if len(seq_lengths) != 1:
sys.stderr.write("Your alignment lengths aren't equal. Check your alignment file.")
index = range(1, list(seq_lengths)[0]+1)
return alignment, list(seq_lengths), index
# Function to calcuate the Shannon's entropy per alignment column
# H=-\sum_{i=1}^{M} P_i\,log_2\,P_i (
# Gaps and N's are included in the calculation
def shannon_entropy(list_input):
"""Calculate Shannon's Entropy per column of the alignment (H=-\sum_{i=1}^{M} P_i\,log_2\,P_i)"""
import math
unique_base = set(list_input)
M = len(list_input)
entropy_list = []
# Number of residues in column
for base in unique_base:
n_i = list_input.count(base) # Number of residues of type i
P_i = n_i/float(M) # n_i(Number of residues of type i) / M(Number of residues in column)
entropy_i = P_i*(math.log(P_i,2))
sh_entropy = -(sum(entropy_list))
return sh_entropy
def shannon_entropy_list_msa(alignment):
"""Calculate Shannon Entropy across the whole MSA"""
shannon_entropy_list = []
for col_no in xrange(len(list(alignment[0]))):
list_input = list(alignment[:, col_no])
return shannon_entropy_list
def plot(index, sel, verbose):
""""Create a quick plot via matplotlib to visualise"""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if verbose > 0: print("Plotting data...")
plt.plot(index, sel)
plt.xlabel('MSA Position Index', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Shannon Entropy', fontsize=16)
def running_mean(l, N):
sum = 0
result = list(0 for x in l)
for i in range( 0, N ):
sum = sum + l[i]
result[i] = sum / (i+1)
for i in range( N, len(l) ):
sum = sum - l[i-N] + l[i]
result[i] = sum / N
return result
def main():
"""Compute Shannon Entropy from a provided MSA."""
# Parse arguments
args = parseArgs()
# Convert object elements to standard variables for functions
msa = args.alignment
alnformat = args.alnformat
verbose = args.verbose
makeplot = args.makeplot
runningmean = args.runningmean
# Start calling functions to do the heavy lifting
alignment, seq_lengths, index = parseMSA(msa, alnformat, verbose)
sel = shannon_entropy_list_msa(alignment)
if runningmean > 0:
sel = running_mean(sel, runningmean)
if makeplot is True:
plot(index, sel, verbose)
if verbose > 0: print("Index" + '\t' + "Entropy")
for c1, c2 in zip(index, sel):
print(str(c1) + '\t' + str(c2))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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luisafmc commented Feb 3, 2020

Hi, I'm having a problem with xrange, it says that is not define.

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You will need to ensure you use the script with python2 not 3, since it was removed. Alternatively just replace xrange with range and it should be fine

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Thanks!! It's works perfectly

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I was wondering, it is possible to recover the positions with low or high entropy? Because the graph it's really helpful, but it's kind of difficult to do this task only by look the x axis. Thank you again. You help me a lot.

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If you run the code in Verbose mode, it should print out the index and the entropy tab separated. You can direct the output in to a file and then post process it with another script or spreadsheet. You probably won't want to enable the running_mean functionality for this.

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mashu94 commented Mar 2, 2020

Does it work for Protein MSA? And I would also like to know if i can get the output in a text file.

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Yes it should work for a protein file.

To get a text output just redirect the STDOUT to a file: python3 <options> > output.tsv

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mashu94 commented Mar 2, 2020


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luisafmc commented Mar 2, 2020 via email

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mashu94 commented Mar 3, 2020

I used it on a Protein MSA file. It gave me the entropy scores

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luisafmc commented Apr 15, 2020 via email

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mashu94 commented Apr 15, 2020

Yes, it takes gaps into account

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luisafmc commented Apr 15, 2020 via email

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jrjhealey commented Apr 15, 2020

Gaps should be considered. It's been a long time since I looked at the code, but essentially a gap character is treated like an additional base character. If you had a column which was entirely gaps (which obviously couldn't happen in a real alignment), it would be treated as low entropy since all the characters are the same.

If you need gaps to be treated differently (e.g. perhaps you want columns which are majority gap columns disregarded altogether) then some additional extra logic will need to be added to the script, but it shouldn't be all that difficult to do.

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