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Created April 11, 2016 17:08
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import numpy as np
from itertools import product
from random import shuffle,random
def blank_road(**args):
lanes, cells = args['lanes'], args['cells']
return np.zeros((lanes, cells))
def all_spots(**args):
this is a bit tricky, but useful: yields out all possible spots on road
return product(range(args['lanes']), range(args['cells']))
def populate(**args):
populates a blank road with cars number of cars
road = blank_road(**args)
positions = list(all_spots(**args))
positions = positions[:args['start_cars']]
for position in positions:
road[position] = 1
return road
def next_positions(current, **args):
return all future possible positions from position current
# first possible check is always one car length ahead
possibles = [ (current[0], current[1]+1)] # move one forward
# next check if can overtake in lane -1
if current[0]-1 >= 0:
possibles.append( (current[0]-1, current[1]+1))
# next check if can overtake in lane +1
if current[0]+1 < args['lanes']:
possibles.append( (current[0]+1, current[1]+1))
return possibles
def path(road, current, **args):
return the next valid position from current
given the road state of road
for possible in next_positions(current, **args):
if road[possible] == 0:
return possible
# no possible positions, so retun current spot
return current
def check_stall(**args):
return random() < args['stall_chance']
def cycle(road, **args):
does one cycle walking road forward into a new state
return a new road array
result = blank_road(**args)
for current in all_spots(**args):
if current[1]+1 == args['cells']:
# at final cell, skip b/c we assume that you have a clear shot at
# next
if road[(current)] == 0:
# no car at current, so move on
if check_stall(**args):
print('car at {} stalled'.format(current))
new_position = current
# try and move forward
new_position = path(road, current, **args)
if new_position == current:
print('car at {} blocked'.format(current))
result[new_position] = 1
return result
def print_road(road, **args):
print the current road state to screen
# here i break out lanes and cells from args to make the comprehension a bit
# easier to follow
lanes = args['lanes']
cells = args['cells']
for lane in range(lanes):
output = ''.join('O' if road[(lane, cell)] else '.' for cell in range(cells))
def test():
defaults = {
'start_cars': 15,
'stall_chance': .4, # chance car will not move in a cycle
road = populate(**defaults)
for i in range(10):
print_road(road, **defaults)
road = cycle(road, **defaults)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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