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Created August 8, 2016 15:23
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from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import input
#Python 2.7.6
"""A text-based Python 2.7.6 implementation of the game Rock-Paper-Scissors.
Game play:
* each round, both players select from: rock, paper, or scissors
* rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, paper beats rock
* a player receives 1 point per round (s)he wins
* 0 points for ties
* first player to win user designated number of rounds is the victor
# Import libraries
# let's remove sys and see if we can't figure out a workflow not using it
#import sys # work with runtime environment
from random import choice # randomize bot moves
# Declarations
# let's make these all caps to distinguish them from normal variables
MOVES = ["r", "p", "s"] # Possible moves
WINNING_COMBOS = {("r", "s"), ("s", "p"), ("p", "r")} # Winning outcomes
# this next one is a different kind of thing, let's move it somewhere
#human_score, bot_score = 0, 0 # Initialize player scores
# Define functions
def rounds():
""" Prompt user for number of rounds to play"""
while True:
num_rounds = int(input("Type the number of rounds you want to play, and press Enter: "))
print("Cool! Let\'s play %d round(s) of Rock-Paper-Scissors."
return num_rounds
# naked excepts are evil -- just catch what you want to catch,
except ValueError:
print ("Sorry, that\'s not a valid number. Please try again.")
def human():
""" Prompt user for input, and limit options to acceptable moves."""
valid = MOVES + ['q']
while True:
print ("R: Rock P: Paper S: Scissor Q: Quit")
human_move = input("Enter your choice: ").lower()
if human_move in valid:
return human_move
else: # else ask the user to try again
print("Sorry, that\'s invalid input." )
def bot():
""" Randomize bot's move."""
bot_move = choice(MOVES)
return bot_move
def play_round():
'''play a single round and either return the winner's name of 'q' to
while True: # while loop to compare output of players, decide on winner, and keep score
hu, bo = human(), bot()
if hu == "q": # Allow user to quit at anytime
return hu
if hu == bo: # conditions for a tie
print("You both choose %s. Grr... a tie!" % (bo))
elif (hu, bo) in WINNING_COMBOS: # conditions for user win
print("You picked %s and the bot picked %s. Woo-hoo! You win this one, human." %(hu, bo))
return 'human'
else: # conditions for bot win
print("You picked %s and the bot picked %s. Bwahahaha! The almighty bot wins!" %(hu, bo))
return 'bot'
def play():
********** Welcome to Rock-Paper-Scissors! **********
See if you can beat the bot!
Keep in mind:
* rock breaks scissors,
* scissors cut paper,
* paper covers rock.
Good luck!
game_length = rounds()
scores = {'human':0, 'bot':0}
while True:
result = play_round()
if result == 'q':
scores[result] += 1
print("Your score: {human}, Bot score: {bot}".format(**scores))
if scores['bot'] == game_length:
print("The bot wins, you puny human. " )
elif scores['human'] == game_length:
print("The puny human wins." )
if __name__ == '__main__':
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