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Created November 1, 2011 21:33
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Simplified Ontology for Bibliographic Resources (sobr)
@prefix gnd: <> .
@prefix daia: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix sobr: <> .
# Work level
<> a bibo:Document,
schema:CreativeWork, foaf:Document, frbr:Endevaour ;
dct:title "Die Welt in 100 Jahren"@de ;
owl:sameAs <> .
# see LibraryThing API to get this via title search
# Edition level
<> a sobr:Edition ;
owl:sameAs <> .
# eki:619067829
# Item level
<> a frbr:Item ;
daia:exemplarOf <> .
<> a frbr:Item ;
daia:exemplarOf <> .
@prefix bibo: <> .
@prefix daia: <> .
@prefix dbo: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix frbr: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix sobr: <> . # NO URI NAMESPACE YET
# Emma Goldman's biography
a bibo:Document, bibo:Book, dbo:Work, dbo:Book
<> ,
<> ;
<> , # German 2010 edition
<> , # German 1978-1980 Three-volume edition
<> , # volume 1
<> . # volume 2
# German 2010 edition
a bibo:Document, bibo:Book, sobr:Edition ;
daia:editionOf <> ;
bibo:isbn13 "9783894017316" .
# English 1970 Two-volume edition, volume 1/2
a bibo:Document, bibo:Book, sobr:Edition ;
bibo:isbn10 "0486225437" ;
owl:sameAs <> .
# English 1970 Two-volume edition, volume 2/2
a bibo:Document, bibo:Book, sobr:Edition ;
bibo:isbn10 "0486225445" ;
owl:sameAs <> .
# German 1978-1980 Three-volume edition
a bibo:Document, bibo:Collection, bibo:MultiVolumeBook, sobr:Edition ;
<> ,
<> ,
<> .
# German 1978-1980 Three-volume edition, volume 1/3
a bibo:Document, bibo:Book, sobr:Edition ;
bibo:isbn10 "3879560692" .
# German 1978-1980 Three-volume edition, volume 2/3
a bibo:Document, bibo:Book, sobr:Edition ;
bibo:isbn10 "3879560951" .
# German 1978-1980 Three-volume edition, volume 3/3
a bibo:Document, bibo:Book, sobr:Edition ;
bibo:isbn10 "3879561117" .
@prefix bibo: <> .
@prefix daia: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix frbr: <> .
@prefix frbrer: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix sobr: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
# About this ontology
sobr: a owl:Ontology;
rdfs:label "Simplified Ontology for Bibliographic Resources"@en ;
dct:created "2011-11-01"^^xsd:date ;
dct:description """While FRBR is too complex, the bibliographic Ontotology (BIBO)
and other ontologies do not really cover bibliographic resources as managed in
libraries. This ontology is probably the simplest ontology that could work.""" .
# Classes
sobr:Document a owl:Class ;
schema:CreativeWork, bibo:Document, foaf:Document, frbr:Endevaour ;
skos:altLabel "work"@en , "document"@en ;
dct:description "a document is anything perceived as a document"@en ;
rdfs:seeAlso <> ;
skos:scopeNote "this class includes both abstract works and concrete, possibly physical, documents"@en .
# by the way, collections can also be documents:
# bibo:Collection rdf:subClassOf bibo:Document .
sobr:Item a owl:Class ;
rdf:subClassOf sobr:Document ;
owl:equivalentClass frbr:Item ;
skos:altLabel "copy"@en , "holding"@en, "exemplar"@en, "item"@en ;
dct:description "a document that is a single copy"@en ;
skos:scopeNote "most items are physical copies, unique or exemplars of a document"@en .
# this class is disputable
sobr:Edition a owl:Class ;
rdf:subClassOf sobr:Document ;
owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Class;
owl:unionOf (frbr:Expression frbr:Manifestation)
] ;
dct:description "a document that can exist in multiple copies"@en ;
"every edition is edition-of some document but also a document by itself."@en .
# Properties
## Already defined in DAIA ontology:
daia:exemplar a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain bibo:Document ;
rdfs:range sobr:Item ;
owl:inverseOf daia:exemplarOf ;
rdfs:seeAlso frbr:exemplar .
daia:exemplarOf a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain frbr:Item ;
rdfs:range bibo:Document ;
owl:inverseOf daia:exemplar ;
rdfs:seeAlso frbr:isExemplarOf, frbrer:P2006 .
# { ?d daia:extract ?i } <=> { ?d dct:hasPart [ daia:exemplar ?i ] }"
daia:extract a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain bibo:Document ;
rdfs:range frbr:Item .
## Not defined yet:
sobr:edition a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain sobr:Document ;
rdfs:range sobr:Edition ;
owl:inverseOf sobr:editionOf .
sobr:editionOf a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain sobr:Edition ;
rdfs:range sobr:Document ;
owl:inverseOf sobr:edition ;
rdfs:seeAlso <> .
# { ?D sobr:editionPart ?EP } <=> { ?D dcterms:hasPart [ sobr:edition ?EP ] } .
sobr:editionPart a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain sobr:Document ;
rdfs:range sobr:Edition .
# Rules (to be discussed)
# The exemplar of an edition is also exemplar of the edition's document.
# { ?edition sobr:editionOf ?work ; sobr:exemplar ?copy } => { ?work sobr:exemplar ?copy }
# If a document is both edition and exemplar of the same document, it is it's own exemplar.
# For instance you can view a museum object as object with only one copy (itself).
# { ?work sobr:edition ?both . ?work sobr:exemplar ?both } => { ?both sobr:exemplar ?both }
# The following rules are disputable:
# They can be assumed as always given because they add no information.
# Every edition is it's own edition
# { ?edition a sobr:Edition } => { ?edition sobr:edition ?edition } .
# Every item is it's own exemplar
# { ?copy a sobr:Item } => { ?copy sobr:exemplar ?copy } .
digraph {
document [label="Document"];
edition [label="Edition"];
exemplar [label="Item"];
edition -> document [arrowhead=empty];
exemplar -> document [arrowhead=empty];
document -> edition [label=edition];
document -> exemplar [label=exemplar];
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By the way, SOBR does not accept disjointedness of bibo:Document and bibo:Collection.

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