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Last active March 23, 2023 18:18
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Create responsive image sizes attribute with PHP
* Generate responsive image sizes
* Takes a sizes object:
* responsiveImageSizes({
* "sm": "100vw",
* "md": 4,
* "lg": 7,
* "xl": "80%",
* "xxl": "300px"
* });
* And generates an image `sizes` attribute string,
* complete with breakpoints
function responsiveImageSizes($sizes, $feConfig = [], $relativeUnits = true) {
// Doc:
if (!$feConfig['structure'] || !$feConfig['structure']['columns'] || !$feConfig['structure']['container'] || !$feConfig['structure']['gutters'] || !$feConfig['structure']['gutters']['inner']) {
return '100vw';
// convert to rems
$remCalc = function($px) {
$rem = floatval($px) / 16;
return "{$rem}rem";
$getUnitValue = function($val) {
$result = [];
if (gettype($val) === 'integer') {
$result['value'] = $val;
if (gettype($val) === 'string') {
if (strpos($val, 'calc') > -1) {
$result['calc'] = $val;
} else {
$result['value'] = floatval($val);
$result['unit'] = trim(substr($val, strlen(''.$result['value'])));
$result['unit'] = isset($result['unit']) ? $result['unit'] : null;
return $result;
// parse CSS type data from config
$cssColumns = $feConfig['structure']['columns'];
$cssContainerWidths = $feConfig['structure']['container'];
$cssInnerGutters = $feConfig['structure']['gutters']['inner'];
// $sizesSet is going to be a complete list of breakpoints with null values
// that we'll later update to fill in size at bp
$sizesSet = [];
// size media query prefixes (except the smallest breakpoint)
$breakpointsArr = array_map(fn($val) => floatval($val), $feConfig['structure']['breakpoints']);
$mqPrefixes = [];
foreach ($breakpointsArr as $name=>$size) {
$size = $relativeUnits ? $remCalc($size) : "{$size}px";
$mqPrefixes[$name] = (floatval($size) > 0) ? "(min-width: {$size})" : '';
$sizesSet[$name] = null;
// generate $sizes
if (isset($sizes)) {
// if a string for $sizes is passed through
if (gettype($sizes) === 'string') {
return $sizes;
// if an object of $sizes is passed through, convert to an array
if (is_array($sizes)) {
// merge the objects
$sizesSet = array_merge((array) $sizesSet, (array) $sizes);
// set up to fill in ALL values for ALL bps
$sizesSetKeys = array_keys($sizesSet);
$lastKnownSize = '';
$sizesArr = [];
// fill in any missing BP values
// if user sends { "lg": 3 } or { "sm": 2, "lg": 3 }
// this fills out the missing "sm", "md", "xl" values
// incase the amount of columns changes per breakpoint
// but the column spanning doesn't
foreach($sizesSetKeys as $index=>$bp) {
if (gettype($sizesSet[$bp]) === 'NULL') {
if ($index === 0) {
$sizesSet[$bp] = '100vw';
$lastKnownSize = '100vw';
} else {
$sizesSet[$bp] = $lastKnownSize;
} else {
$lastKnownSize = $sizesSet[$bp];
foreach($sizesSetKeys as $index=>$bp) {
// calculate size string for bp
$bpSizeStr = '';
$sizeAtBreakpoint = $getUnitValue($sizesSet[$bp]);
$cssColumnsAtBreakpoint = $cssColumns[$bp];
$colWidth = $cssContainerWidths[$bp] === 'auto' ? 'auto' : floatval($cssContainerWidths[$bp]);
if (isset($sizeAtBreakpoint['calc'])) {
// if a calc has been passed
$bpSizeStr = $sizeAtBreakpoint['calc'];
} else if (isset($sizeAtBreakpoint['value']) && gettype($sizeAtBreakpoint['value']) !== 'integer' && gettype($sizeAtBreakpoint['value']) !== 'double') {
// no number found, perhaps a "calc()" or something else was passed
$bpSizeStr = $sizeAtBreakpoint['value'] || '100vw';
} else if (isset($sizeAtBreakpoint['unit'])) {
// has some other unit
$bpSizeStr = "{$sizeAtBreakpoint['value']}{$sizeAtBreakpoint['unit']}";
// px values will be converted to rem later
} else if ($colWidth !== 'auto') {
// calculate based on how much of main col width wide
$innerGutter = floatval($cssInnerGutters[$bp]);
$px = ((($colWidth - ($innerGutter * ($cssColumnsAtBreakpoint - 1))) / $cssColumnsAtBreakpoint) * $sizeAtBreakpoint['value']) + (($sizeAtBreakpoint['value'] - 1) * $innerGutter);
$px = (int) round($px * 100) / 100;
$bpSizeStr = "{$px}px"; // will be converted to rem later
} else {
// else calculate one based on %/vw
$percent = ($sizeAtBreakpoint['value'] / $cssColumnsAtBreakpoint) * 100;
$percent = (int) round($percent * 100) / 100;
$bpSizeStr = $percent.'vw';
$sizesSet[$bp] = $bpSizeStr;
// don't add sequential duplicate $sizes so we have the most minimal output possible
$lastSize = -1;
foreach ($sizesSet as $bp => $size) {
if ($size != $lastSize) {
$sizesArr[$bp] = $size;
$lastSize = $size;
// set $sizes to the newly made $sizes array, so that it can be converted to a string for output below
$sizes = $sizesArr;
// convert array to string and return
// NB: if an object was passed, its been converted to an array for final output
// make final size string for output
$sizesStr = '';
$index = 0;
foreach(array_reverse($sizes) as $bp=>$size) {
if ($relativeUnits && isset($getUnitValue($size)['unit']) && $getUnitValue($size)['unit'] === 'px') {
$size = $remCalc($size);
$sizesStr .= $index > 0 ? ', ' : '';
$sizesStr .= strlen($mqPrefixes[$bp]) ? $mqPrefixes[$bp].' ' : '';
$sizesStr .= $size;
// return generated string
return $sizesStr;
// catch other entries and do something sensible
return json_encode($sizes);
// default return if all else fails
return '100vw';
// load me via PHP file_get_contents etc.
$feConfig = [
'structure' => [
'breakpoints' => [
'sm' => '0',
'md' => '600px',
'lg' => '900px',
'xl' => '1200px',
'xxl' => '1500px',
'xxxl' => '1944px',
'columns' => [
'sm' => '4',
'md' => '8',
'lg' => '12',
'xl' => '12',
'xxl' => '12',
'xxxl' => '12',
'container' => [
'sm' => 'auto',
'md' => 'auto',
'lg' => 'auto',
'xl' => 'auto',
'xxl' => 'auto',
'xxxl' => '1800px',
'gutters' => [
'inner' => [
'sm' => '20px',
'md' => '36px',
'lg' => '36px',
'xl' => '48px',
'xxl' => '60px',
'xxxl' => '60px',
'outer' => [
'sm' => '24px',
'md' => '28px',
'lg' => '48px',
'xl' => '60px',
'xxl' => '72px',
'xxxl' => '0px',
// would also contain colors, typography etc.
echo "\n";
$sizes = responsiveImageSizes([
"sm" => "100vw",
"md" => 4,
"lg" => 7,
"xl" => "80%",
"xxl" => "300px"
], $feConfig);
$expected = '(min-width: 93.75rem) 18.75rem, (min-width: 75rem) 80%, (min-width: 56.25rem) 58.33vw, (min-width: 37.5rem) 50vw, 100vw';
echo "generates a sizes string with rem units (1) ".($sizes === $expected ? "✅" : "❌");
echo "\n";
echo "EXPECTED: ".$expected;
echo "\n";
echo "RECEIVED: ".$sizes;
echo "\n\n";
$sizes = responsiveImageSizes([
"sm" => "100vw",
"md" => 4,
"lg" => "calc(100vw - 20px)",
"xl" => "80%",
"xxl" => "300px"
], $feConfig);
$expected = '(min-width: 93.75rem) 18.75rem, (min-width: 75rem) 80%, (min-width: 56.25rem) calc(100vw - 20px), (min-width: 37.5rem) 50vw, 100vw';
echo "generates a sizes string with rem units (2) ".($sizes === $expected ? "✅" : "❌");
echo "\n";
echo "EXPECTED: ".$expected;
echo "\n";
echo "RECEIVED: ".$sizes;
echo "\n\n";
$sizes = responsiveImageSizes([
"sm" => 2,
], $feConfig);
$expected = '(min-width: 121.5rem) 15.625rem, (min-width: 56.25rem) 16.67vw, (min-width: 37.5rem) 25vw, 50vw';
echo "generates a sizes string with rem units (3) ".($sizes === $expected ? "✅" : "❌");
echo "\n";
echo "EXPECTED: ".$expected;
echo "\n";
echo "RECEIVED: ".$sizes;
echo "\n\n";
// --
$sizes = responsiveImageSizes([
"sm" => "100vw",
"md" => 4,
"lg" => 7,
"xl" => "80%",
"xxl" => "300px"
], $feConfig, false);
$expected = '(min-width: 1500px) 300px, (min-width: 1200px) 80%, (min-width: 900px) 58.33vw, (min-width: 600px) 50vw, 100vw';
echo "generates a sizes string with pixel units (1) ".($sizes === $expected ? "✅" : "❌");
echo "\n";
echo "EXPECTED: ".$expected;
echo "\n";
echo "RECEIVED: ".$sizes;
echo "\n\n";
$sizes = responsiveImageSizes([
"sm" => 2,
], $feConfig, false);
$expected = '(min-width: 1944px) 250px, (min-width: 900px) 16.67vw, (min-width: 600px) 25vw, 50vw';
echo "generates a sizes string with pixel units (2) ".($sizes === $expected ? "✅" : "❌");
echo "\n";
echo "EXPECTED: ".$expected;
echo "\n";
echo "RECEIVED: ".$sizes;
echo "\n\n";
// --
$sizes = responsiveImageSizes([
"lg" => 2,
], $feConfig);
$expected = '(min-width: 121.5rem) 15.625rem, (min-width: 56.25rem) 16.67vw, 100vw';
echo "if no bp passed, defaults to 100vw (1) ".($sizes === $expected ? "✅" : "❌");
echo "\n";
echo "EXPECTED: ".$expected;
echo "\n";
echo "RECEIVED: ".$sizes;
echo "\n\n";
$sizes = responsiveImageSizes([], $feConfig);
$expected = '100vw';
echo "if no bp passed, defaults to 100vw (2) ".($sizes === $expected ? "✅" : "❌");
echo "\n";
echo "EXPECTED: ".$expected;
echo "\n";
echo "RECEIVED: ".$sizes;
echo "\n\n";
// ---
$sizes = responsiveImageSizes('100vw', $feConfig);
$expected = '100vw';
echo "returns a passed string (1) ".($sizes === $expected ? "✅" : "❌");
echo "\n";
echo "EXPECTED: ".$expected;
echo "\n";
echo "RECEIVED: ".$sizes;
echo "\n\n";
$sizes = responsiveImageSizes('calc(100vw - 20px)', $feConfig);
$expected = 'calc(100vw - 20px)';
echo "returns a passed string (2) ".($sizes === $expected ? "✅" : "❌");
echo "\n";
echo "EXPECTED: ".$expected;
echo "\n";
echo "RECEIVED: ".$sizes;
echo "\n\n";
$sizes = responsiveImageSizes([
'sm' => '100vw',
'md' => '50vw',
'lg' => '58.33vw',
'xl' => '80%',
'xxl' => '300px'
], $feConfig);
$expected = '(min-width: 93.75rem) 18.75rem, (min-width: 75rem) 80%, (min-width: 56.25rem) 58.33vw, (min-width: 37.5rem) 50vw, 100vw';
echo "converts a passed array ".($sizes === $expected ? "✅" : "❌");
echo "\n";
echo "EXPECTED: ".$expected;
echo "\n";
echo "RECEIVED: ".$sizes;
echo "\n\n";
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