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Last active March 22, 2023 11:33
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Create responsive image sizes attribute with JavaScript
const responsiveImageSizes = (sizes, feConfig = {}, relativeUnits = true) => {
if (!feConfig.structure || !feConfig.structure.columns || !feConfig.structure.container || !feConfig.structure.gutters || !feConfig.structure.gutters.inner) {
return '100vw';
// remSize - base for rem calcs
const remSize = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).fontSize) || 16;
const remCalc = (px) => `${ parseFloat(px) / remSize }rem`;
const getUnitValue = (val) => {
var result = {};
if (typeof val === 'number') {
result.value = val;
if (typeof val === 'string') {
result.value = parseFloat(val);
result.unit = val.substr(('' + result.value).length).trim();
result.unit = result.unit ? result.unit : null;
return result;
// parse CSS type data from config
const cssColumns = feConfig.structure.columns;
const cssContainerWidths = feConfig.structure.container;
const cssInnerGutters = feConfig.structure.gutters.inner;
// sizesSet is going to be a complete list of breakpoints with null values
// that we'll later update to fill in size at bp
let sizesSet = {};
// size media query prefixes (except the smallest breakpoint)
const breakpointsArr = Object.entries(feConfig.structure.breakpoints).sort((a, b) => parseFloat(a[1]) - parseFloat(b[1]));
const mqPrefixes = {};
breakpointsArr.forEach(bp => {
let [name, size] = bp;
mqPrefixes[name] = size !== '0' ? `(min-width: ${relativeUnits ? remCalc(size) : size})` : '';
sizesSet[name] = null;
// generate sizes
if (sizes !== {}) {
// if a string for sizes is passed through
if (typeof sizes === 'string') {
return sizes;
// if an object of sizes is passed through, convert to an array
if (typeof sizes === 'object' && !Array.isArray(sizes)) {
// merge the objects
sizesSet = Object.assign(sizesSet, sizes);
// set up to fill in ALL values for ALL bps
const sizesSetKeys = Object.keys(sizesSet);
let lastKnownSize;
let sizesArr = [];
// fill in any missing BP values
// if user sends { `lg`: 3 } or { `sm`: 2, `lg`: 3 }
// this fills out the missing `sm`, `md`, `xl` values
// incase the amount of columns changes per breakpoint
// but the column spanning doesn't
sizesSetKeys.forEach((bp, index) => {
if (sizesSet[bp] === null) {
if (index === 0) {
sizesSet[bp] = '100vw';
lastKnownSize = '100vw';
} else {
sizesSet[bp] = lastKnownSize;
} else {
lastKnownSize = sizesSet[bp];
// calculate size string for bp
let bpSizeStr = '';
const sizeAtBreakpoint = getUnitValue(sizesSet[bp]);
const cssColumnsAtBreakpoint = cssColumns[bp];
const colWidth = cssContainerWidths[bp] === 'auto' ? 'auto' : parseFloat(cssContainerWidths[bp]);
if (typeof sizeAtBreakpoint.value !== 'number') {
// no number found, perhaps a `calc()` or something else was passed
bpSizeStr = sizeAtBreakpoint.value || '100vw';
} else if (sizeAtBreakpoint.unit) {
// has some other unit
bpSizeStr = `${sizeAtBreakpoint.value}${sizeAtBreakpoint.unit}`;
// px values will be converted to rem later
} else if (colWidth !== 'auto') {
// calculate based on how much of main col width wide
const innerGutter = parseFloat(cssInnerGutters[bp]);
let px = (((colWidth - (innerGutter * (cssColumnsAtBreakpoint - 1))) / cssColumnsAtBreakpoint) * sizeAtBreakpoint.value) + ((sizeAtBreakpoint.value - 1) * innerGutter);
px = px % 1 !== 0 ? px.toFixed(2) : px;
bpSizeStr = `${px}px`; // will be converted to rem later
} else {
// else calculate one based on %/vw
let percent = (sizeAtBreakpoint.value / cssColumnsAtBreakpoint) * 100;
percent = percent % 1 !== 0 ? percent.toFixed(2) : percent;
bpSizeStr = percent + 'vw';
sizesSet[bp] = bpSizeStr;
// don't add sequential duplicate sizes so we have the most minimal output possible
let lastSize = -1;
sizesSetKeys.forEach(bp => {
const size = sizesSet[bp];
if (size !== lastSize) {
[`${bp}`]: size
lastSize = size;
// set sizes to the newly made sizes array, so that it can be converted to a string for output below
sizes = sizesArr;
// convert array to string and return
// NB: if an object was passed, its been converted to an array for final output
if (Array.isArray(sizes)) {
// make final size string for output
let sizesStr = '';
sizes.reverse().forEach((item, index) => {
let bp = Object.keys(item)[0];
let size = Object.values(item)[0];
if (relativeUnits && getUnitValue(size).unit === 'px') {
size = remCalc(size);
sizesStr += index > 0 ? ', ' : '';
sizesStr += mqPrefixes[bp].length ? mqPrefixes[bp] + ' ' : '';
sizesStr += size;
return sizesStr;
// catch other entries and do something sensible
return JSON.stringify(sizes);
return '100vw';
// load me in via PHP injection, fetch or bundle in the build process
const frontendConfig = {
"structure": {
"breakpoints": {
"sm": "0",
"md": "600px",
"lg": "900px",
"xl": "1200px",
"xxl": "1500px",
"xxxl": "1944px"
"columns": {
"sm": "4",
"md": "8",
"lg": "12",
"xl": "12",
"xxl": "12",
"xxxl": "12"
"container": {
"sm": "auto",
"md": "auto",
"lg": "auto",
"xl": "auto",
"xxl": "auto",
"xxxl": "1800px"
"gutters": {
"inner": {
"sm": "20px",
"md": "36px",
"lg": "36px",
"xl": "48px",
"xxl": "60px",
"xxxl": "60px"
"outer": {
"sm": "24px",
"md": "28px",
"lg": "48px",
"xl": "60px",
"xxl": "72px",
"xxxl": "0px"
// would also contain colors, typography etc.
* outputs HTML sizes string
* @param {object, array, string} sizes - size information to convert
* @param {object} feConfig - front end breakpoint, columns
* @param {boolean} relativeUnits - convert PX to REM, defaults to true
* @returns {string} - for image `sizes` attribute
"sm": "100vw",
"md": 4,
"lg": 7,
"xl": "80%",
"xxl": "300px"
}, feConfig);
// '(min-width: 93.75rem) 18.75rem, (min-width: 75rem) 80%, (min-width: 56.25rem) 58.33vw, (min-width: 37.5rem) 50vw, 100vw'
// calcs are passed through, PX values inside calc's aren't updated
"sm": "100vw",
"md": 4,
"lg": "calc(100vw - 20px)",
"xl": "80%",
"xxl": "300px"
}, feConfig);
// '(min-width: 93.75rem) 18.75rem, (min-width: 75rem) 80%, (min-width: 56.25rem) calc(100vw - 20px), (min-width: 37.5rem) 50vw, 100vw'
// fills in missing values, 2 column spanning requires different values as the amount of columns changes per breakpoint
"sm": 2,
}, feConfig);
// '(min-width: 121.5rem) 15.625rem, (min-width: 56.25rem) 16.67vw, (min-width: 37.5rem) 25vw, 50vw'
// to maintain pixel value ouputs
"sm": "100vw",
"md": 4,
"lg": 7,
"xl": "80%",
"xxl": "300px"
}, feConfig, false);
// '(min-width: 1500px) 300px, (min-width: 1200px) 80%, (min-width: 900px) 58.33vw, (min-width: 600px) 50vw, 100vw'
// maintaining pixel value outputs with missing set values
"sm": 2,
}, feConfig, false);
// '(min-width: 1944px) 250px, (min-width: 900px) 16.67vw, (min-width: 600px) 25vw, 50vw'
// if the smallest breakpoints are set, assumes 100vw until it finds a breapoint setting
"lg": 2,
}, feConfig);
// '(min-width: 121.5rem) 15.625rem, (min-width: 56.25rem) 16.67vw, 100vw'
// if nothing passed, assumes 100vw
responsiveImageSizes({}, feConfig);
// '100vw'
// if a string is passed instead of an object or array, its returned
responsiveImageSizes('100vw', feConfig);
// '100vw'
// if a string is passed instead of an object or array, its returned (PX values inside calc's aren't updated)
responsiveImageSizes('calc(100vw - 20rem)', feConfig);
// 'calc(100vw - 20rem)'
// if an array of values is passed, its converted to a string (with PX optionally converted to REM)
{ sm: '100vw' },
{ md: '50vw' },
{ lg: '58.33vw' },
{ xl: '80%' },
{ xxl: '300px' }
], feConfig);
// '(min-width: 93.75rem) 18.75rem, (min-width: 75rem) 80%, (min-width: 56.25rem) 58.33vw, (min-width: 37.5rem) 50vw, 100vw';
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