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Last active August 2, 2016 04:31
Neocities' Rainbows! config file -
# This is Neocities' Rainbows! config file. We are using this in production to run all our web apps.
# It works really well for us and has been heavily load tested, so I wanted to share it with the community.
# In my opinion, this is the best way to deploy a ruby web application. Unlike EventMachine based solutions,
# it uses real ruby threads, which allows it to take advantage of the internal non-blocking IO pattern
# in MRI.
# Contrary to popular belief, MRI doesn't block execution to wait on IO when you are using threads, even
# with the GIL. The requests are done concurrently for anything that is based on the IO class. This
# includes things like Net::HTTP and even `system commands`. Grep the MRI Ruby source code for
# "rb_thread_blocking_region" if you'd like to explore how this works.
# This approach will likely be a little slower than EventMachine-based servers (like Thin), but I think this
# will provide better throughput for modern web applications (which almost always deal with a lot of slower IO).
# You can use existing ruby software and don't have to use special EventMachine code to make IO not
# block.
# The one potential caveat to this approach is that your code must be thread safe. But this problem is rare
# in practice, and when in doubt, you can always wrap the action in a Mutex lock.
# If you see a thread safety problem/bug, make sure to let the author know about it so it can get fixed!
# There are other benefits to using Rainbows! that aren't just related to concurrency:
# * It listens to unix signals, and can add/remove/restart workers with zero downtime!
# has never gone offline since we launched the site several months ago.
# * It provides mechanisms for logging and pid files, which we use to feed our process monitor.
# * When we restart, the master process starts one copy of the worker application, and then forks it to
# create the rest of the workers. This is -much- faster than the Mongrel/Thin approach, which has to start
# one worker at a time (the dreaded "rolling restart").
# If you haven't looked at Rainbows! yet, and you're using MRI, I strongly recommend taking a look:
# If you're using Heroku, check out Zbatery. Same as Rainbows!, but without the fork:
# If you're using JRuby, check out:
# If you're using Rubinius, check out Puma:
# If you have a completely insane amount of traffic (hint: you probably don't), want to use
# EventMachine and are okay with using custom EM libraries for IO, check out Sinatra::Synchrony:
# If this is too much and/or you don't care, check out Puma. Puma is basically Zbatery with ThreadPool, and it
# works on MRI, JRuby, and Rubinius. Ultimately I'd like to see Puma be the default web server of choice,
# and perhaps even have it replace Webrick as the ruby web server in the standard library.
Rainbows! do
# Set the app name so we can re-use this file easily.
name = 'website'
# This enables the Rainbows! Thread Pool, which is best for YARV (1.9.x)
use :ThreadPool
# This is set in nginx for us, so we don't set it here.
client_max_body_size nil
# This is the number of worker processes there will be. You can remove/add using signals during runtime.
# One per core isn't a bad rule of thumb, but there is still the GIL so I usually add a few more.
worker_processes 6
# This variable is different based on what concurrency strategy you use, but for ThreadPool it sets the
# number of threads in the pool. Don't set this too high or else you'll starve your app. 32 works well for us.
worker_connections 32
# How long to hold the request open until timing out.
timeout 30
# Listen on a socket, and set a high backlog to avoid "resource unavailable" errors under heavy load.
# It has been suggested that you should lower the backlog if you are using an HTTP load balancer.
# Sockets are a little more efficient than TCP/IP, generally 5-10% faster. You may need to tweak sysctl,
# the default settings on many unix machines don't allow the app to have enough open files to queue a lot
# of traffic up.
listen "unix:/var/run/#{name}.sock", :backlog => 2048
pid "/var/run/#{name}.pid"
stderr_path "/var/log/#{name}.log"
stdout_path "/var/log/#{name}.log"
# Hardcore performance tweaks, described here:
# This loads the app in master, and then forks workers. Kill with USR2 and it will do a graceful restart
# using the block proceeding.
preload_app true
before_fork do |server, worker|
# When sent a USR2, Rainbows! will suffix its pidfile with .oldbin and
# immediately start loading up a new version of itself (loaded with a new
# version of our app). When this new Rainbows! is completely loaded
# it will begin spawning workers. The first worker spawned will check to
# see if an .oldbin pidfile exists. If so, this means we've just booted up
# a new Rainbows! and need to tell the old one that it can now die. To do so
# we send it a QUIT.
# Using this method we get 0 downtime deploys.
old_pid = "/var/run/neocities/#{name}.pid.oldbin"
if File.exists?(old_pid) && != old_pid
rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ESRCH
# someone else did our job for us
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Love to know somebody else is using Rainbows! + ThreadPool out there :-)

How are you guys handling log rotation? I wonder if it would make sense to log to syslog?

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We're using syslog to rotate the logs, and I highly recommend that.

Here is what we use basically:

Note that it uses the right signal to restart the logs, as per the signals documentation:

Seriously, how many other servers can do this? Rainbows is the shit.

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Great, thank you :-)

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Important addendum:

kill -USR2 to restart, not -HUP. With this config, kill -HUP will not reload a fresh copy of the application code!

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