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Created May 16, 2020 03:43
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clojure transducers
(ns transducers)
;; We use this function instead of `into` for debugging.
;; The reason is that this avoids using transient
;; structures which do not `print` nicely.
(defn slow-into [to xf from]
(transduce xf conj to from))
(def identity-transducer
(fn [rf]
;; 0-ary: identity (initialization? not used by clojure.core/transduce)
([] (rf))
;; 1-ary: finally
([x] (rf x))
;; 2-ary: process-element
([x y] (rf x y)))))
(defn debug
([] (debug 0))
([indent] (debug indent ">" "<"))
([in out] (debug 0 in out))
([indent in out]
(let [spaces (str/join (repeat indent " "))
in (str spaces in)
out (str spaces out)]
(fn [rf]
([] (rf))
([x] (rf x))
([x y]
(println in y)
(let [result (rf x y)]
(println out result)
(slow-into []
(comp (debug)
(debug 2)
(debug 4 ">" "<")
(debug " >" " <")) ; 6-spaces prefix
(range 3)))
(defn preserving-reduced [f]
(fn [x y]
(let [result (f x y)]
(if (reduced? result)
(reduced result)
(defn beg [n]
(fn [rf]
(let [preserving-rf (preserving-reduced rf)]
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result value]
(reduce preserving-rf
(repeat n value)))))))
(def beg-data (list :may :i :beg :your :pardon :?))
(slow-into []
(comp (debug 0)
(beg 2)
(debug 2)
(take 3)
(debug 4))
(def cat-data [[1 2 :fish 3] [:heat 4] [5 :sleep 6] [7]])
(def my-cat
(fn [rf]
(let [preserving-rf (preserving-reduced rf)]
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result value]
(reduce #(cond (#{:fish :heat} %2) %1
(= :sleep %2) (reduced (reduced %1))
:else (preserving-rf %1 %2)) result value))))))
(into [] my-cat cat-data)
[1 2 3 4 5]
(into [] (comp (take 2)
[1 2 3 4]
(into [] (comp my-cat
(take 2))
[1 2]
(slow-into [] (comp (debug 0)
my-cat ; try replacing it with `cat` and compare
(debug 2)
(take 2)
(debug 4))
[1 2]
;; > [1 2 :fish 3]
;; > 1
;; > 1
;; < [1]
;; < [1]
;; > 2
;; > 2
;; < [1 2]
;; < #reduced[{:status :ready, :val [1 2]} 0x6197a6fe]
;; < #reduced[{:status :ready, :val [1 2]} 0x6197a6fe]
(defn a-d-d
"Implement a transducer that daydream during a number of elements. While in
the daydream state, it buffers its input. When it stops daydreaming, it
processes all of its buffer as a batch, then daydreams again."
(fn [rf]
(let [preserving-rf (preserving-reduced rf)
buffer (volatile! [])
flush (fn [result]
(let [result' (reduce preserving-rf result @buffer)]
(vreset! buffer [])
([] (rf))
;; first flush the buffer, then finalize the inner transducer
(rf (flush result)))
([result value]
(vswap! buffer conj value)
(if (< (count @buffer) n)
(flush result)))))))
(into [] (a-d-d 3) (range 10))
;; =>
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
(slow-into [] (comp (debug 0)
(a-d-d 3)
(debug 2))
(range 10))
;; check that it terminates early when reduced
(slow-into [] (comp (debug 0)
(a-d-d 3)
(debug 2)
(take 5))
(range 10)))
(defn my-paritition-all [n]
(fn [rf]
(let [buffer (volatile! [])
flush (fn [result]
(if-let [b (seq @buffer)]
(let [result' (rf result @buffer)]
(vreset! buffer [])
([] (rf))
;; first flush the buffer, then finalize the inner transducer
(rf (flush result)))
([result value]
(vswap! buffer conj value)
(if (< (count @buffer) n)
(flush result)))))))
(into [] (my-paritition-all 3) (range 10))
[[0 1 2] [3 4 5] [6 7 8] [9]]
(slow-into [] (comp (debug 0)
(my-paritition-all 3)
(debug 2)
(take 2))
(range 10))
[[0 1 2] [3 4 5]])
(defn serieduce
(fn [rf]
(let [empty-sentinel (gensym)
state (volatile! empty-sentinel)]
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result value]
(rf result (vswap! state
#(if (= empty-sentinel %1)
(f %1 %2))
([f x]
(fn [rf]
(let [state (volatile! x)]
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result value]
(rf result (vswap! state f value))))))))
(into [] (serieduce conj [1 2]) (range 3 6))
[[1 2 3] [1 2 3 4] [1 2 3 4 5]]
(into [] (serieduce +) (range 5))
[0 1 3 6 10])
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