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Last active December 20, 2015 08:19
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Facebook: InviteThemAll
// ==UserScript==
// @name Facebook: InviteThemAll
// @namespace Aspi
// @description Adds a button to select multiple, thus all, friends in the "invite friends" dialog at Facebook.
// @include /https?://(|.*\.)*/
// @require
// @require
// @version 2.17
// ==/UserScript==
// ==ChangeLog==
// @history 2.17 (02.08.2012) Hotfix.
// @history 2.16 (18.07.2012) Improved friend enumeration method.
// @history 2.15 (13.07.2012) Added friend enumeration (sloppy version).
// @history 2.14 (28.06.2012) Increased invite dialog detection redundancy.
// @history 2.13 (21.06.2012) Made compatible with arrangements one is not attending to.
// @history 2.12 (20.06.2012) Addressed bug with use of "button" element.
// @history 2.11 Enhanced fade function, plus minor fixes.
// @history 2.10 Added, among much, non-blocking error alerting.
// @history 2.03 Added selection span option.
// @history 2.02 Changed the scrolling method.
// @history 2.01 Hotfix.
// @history 2.00 Major rewrite.
// @history 1.05 Changed updater to usoCheckup.
// @history 1.04 Added selection option ("Select ALL").
// @history 1.03 Removed the (deleted) updater.
// @history 1.02 Added manual update search command and fixed selection bug.
// @history 1.01 Added this awesome script updater, privatized the data, fixed small bugs and re-wrote the button injection method.
// @history 1.00 Initial release.
// ==/ChangeLog==
(function ()
// Global variables.
var inviteDialog, friendContainer, executing, i, l, scrollTimer, fieldError = false,
classNames = {
inviteDialog: ['eventInviteLayout', 'standardLayout'],
friendUpperNodeClassName: 'checkableListItem',
friendContainer: 'fbProfileBrowserListContainer',
textFieldDefaultValue: 'textInput inputtext DOMControl_placeholder',
textFieldModifiedValue: 'textInput inputtext',
enumeration: 'enumeration'
}, names = {
friendCheckButtons: 'checkableitems[]'
}, ids = {
inviteDialog: 'fb_multi_friend_selector_wrapper'
// Function for clicking links (<a> tags).
function clickLink(elm)
var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
// Function to get cumulative (real) position of element.
// Thanks to Patrick H. Lauke at QuirksMode (
function getCumulativePosition(obj)
var currentLeft = 0, currentTop = 0;
// Iterate through all offsetParents.
if (obj.offsetParent)
do {
// Add the offsetParent's offsets to the variables holding the offset-values.
currentLeft += obj.offsetLeft;
currentTop += obj.offsetTop;
// Iterate.
obj = obj.offsetParent;
} while (obj);
return [currentLeft, currentTop];
// Function for checking if an element is below the viewPort / out of view.
function isBelowViewPort(container, element)
// Gather necessary data.
var scrolledFromTop = container.scrollTop,
viewPortHeight = container.offsetHeight,
totalHeight = container.scrollHeight,
elementHeight = element.offsetHeight;
// Calculate how much is left from bottom of viewPort to top of page.
var leftFromTop = scrolledFromTop + viewPortHeight;
// Calculate how much is left from bottom of viewPort to bottom of page.
var leftFromBottom = totalHeight - leftFromTop;
// If "bottom of viewPort to bottom of page" > "element height", element is below viewPort.
return leftFromBottom > elementHeight;
// Fade function (element, duration in seconds, from opacity, to opacity[, callback]).
function fade(elm, time, from, to, fadeCallback)
updateRate = interval (in ms) between each execution of the fade function (below)
neededCalculations = (milliseconds in one second * input seconds) / milliseconds to allot on
currentCalculations = number incrementing with the number of calculations performed
opacityPerLoop = (from what opacity - to what opacity)[array of opacity to loop through] / calculations to allot on
currentOpacity = well ... current opacity :)
var updateRate = 10, neededCalculations = (1000 * time) / updateRate,
currentCalculations = 0, opacityPerLoop = (from - to) / neededCalculations, currentOpacity = from;
// Check for already executing function, remove if found.
if (this.fadeTimer)
delete this.fadeTimer;
// Initiate fade.
// First, set initial opacity. = currentOpacity;
// Use recursive loop with setTimeout instead of setInterval to make sure previous execution is finished before next starts.
(function loop()
this.fadeTimer = setTimeout(function ()
// If haven't reached number of calculations yet.
if (currentCalculations !== neededCalculations)
// Reduce / increase current opacity.
currentOpacity -= opacityPerLoop;
// Set opacity. = currentOpacity;
// Iterate.
currentCalculations += 1;
// Continue.
// If done.
// If element has negative opacity, remove it.
if (opacityPerLoop > 0)
// Delete timer variable to clear up and rid place for later.
delete this.fadeTimer;
// If callback is passed, execute it.
if (fadeCallback)
}, updateRate);
// Function to alert errors in a non-blocking way.
// Message is an array, each element (created with document.createTextNode) being one line.
// Position is an array consisting of two elements, a "padding-left" value and a "padding-top" value.
function errorAlert(message, positionArray, errorAlertCallback)
// Try executing the non-blocking way. If nothing else works, fall back to window.alert.
// Function for appending the message to the container.
function appendText(textArray, elm)
for (i = 0, l = textArray.length; i < l; i += 1)
// Append line break after element.
// Outer container.
var container = document.createElement('div');
container.className = 'alertBox'; = 'errorMessageBox'; = 0;
// Inner container.
var innerContainer = document.createElement('div');
innerContainer.className = 'textContainer';
// Header. Easier implemented separately than appending to message array.
var header = document.createElement('b');
// OK button.
var OKButtonContainer = document.createElement('div'),
OKButton = document.createElement('input');
OKButton.type = 'button';
OKButton.value = 'OK';
OKButton.className = 'uiButton';
// It's function.
// If any callback is present, append it as a callback to the fade function.
OKButton.addEventListener('click', function ()
fade(container, 0.1,, 0, (errorAlertCallback && function ()
}, false);
// OK button container.
OKButtonContainer.className = 'OKButtonContainer';
// Append elements.
appendText(message, innerContainer);
// Append container to outer container.
// Try first at the inviteDialog, and fall back to document.body.
catch (e)
// Apply position. = 'fixed';
// If position array is present, and if two values exact, set it to those.
if (positionArray && positionArray.length === 2)
// Remove the width and height of the container from the given positions,
// to make the lower left corner what the position is relative to.
var pixelsFromLeft = positionArray[0], pixelsFromTop = positionArray[1] - container.offsetHeight; = pixelsFromLeft.toString() + 'px'; = pixelsFromTop.toString() + 'px';
// Else, set it to default values.
{ = '4em'; = '5em';
// Fade it in.
fade(container, 0.2,, 0.9);
// If nothing else works, fall back to window.alert.
catch (f)
if (message)
var messageInString = '';
for (i = 0, l = message.length; i < l; i += 1)
messageInString += message[i].textContent + '\n';
if (errorAlertCallback)
// Function for adding the button.
function addButton(inviteDialogParameter)
inviteDialog = inviteDialogParameter;
if (inviteDialog !== undefined && !executing && !document.getElementById('selectAllButton'))
// Set variable indicating that the script has been executed already, to prevent multiple executions.
executing = true;
// Create button.
var selectButton = document.createElement('input');
selectButton.type = 'button';
selectButton.className = 'uiButton'; = 'selectAllButton';
// Button texts.
var selectButtonText1 = 'Select', selectButtonText2 = 'Deselect all';
// Set default button text value.
selectButton.value = selectButtonText1;
// Variable for determining when user has selected people and not (clicked the button).
var btnClicked;
// Friend-select function.
function selectFriends(btn)
// Get the checkboxes, as it's easiest to figure out if the friend is disabled this way, as well as other advantages.
var friends = document.getElementsByName(names.friendCheckButtons)[0] ?
document.getElementsByName(names.friendCheckButtons) :
forceChoose = false,
// Set the first friend to select.
// If no user set value, start from beginning.
// Else, start from the given number.
selectionStart = fields[0].value === fields[0].defaultValue ?
0 :
// Translate first (#1) to #0.
parseInt(fields[0].value, 10) - 1,
// Set the last friend to select.
// If no user set value, select until end.
// Else if element "selectSpanTypeCheckBox" is set, try select until the given value.
// Else, select exactly the given number of friends.
friendsToSelect = fields[1].value === fields[1].defaultValue ?
selectSpanTypeCheckBox.checked ?
// Starting later = ending sooner.
friends.length - selectionStart :
// Just take whole bunch; loop will break anyways.
friends.length :
selectSpanTypeCheckBox.checked ?
// to #: b
parseInt(fields[1].value, 10) - selectionStart :
// How many?: b
parseInt(fields[1].value, 10),
selectedFriends = 0,
// Checked = select b friends, starting from #a. Iterate only when selecting.
// Not checked = select from #a to #b, iterate always.
alwaysIterate = selectSpanTypeCheckBox.checked,
currentFriendNumber = selectionStart;
// Select friends.
if (!btnClicked)
// If there is more to select, and if the next friend to select exists.
while (friendsToSelect > selectedFriends && friends[currentFriendNumber])
// Variable for determining if loop has iterated already.
var iterated = false;
// If friends is not selected and not disabled, or if user has chosen to select it anyway -> select the friend.
if ((!friends[currentFriendNumber].checked && !friends[currentFriendNumber].disabled) || forceChoose)
// The anchors(links) are next to the checkboxes in the DOM.
// Clicking the links has better performance than clicking the checkboxes.
// Iterate variable "selectedFriends".
selectedFriends += 1;
iterated = true;
if (!iterated && alwaysIterate)
selectedFriends += 1;
// Iterate currentFriendNumber.
currentFriendNumber += 1;
// Change button text, and set it clicked.
btn.value = selectButtonText2;
btnClicked = true;
// Disable user interaction because only "Deselect" is available.
for (i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i += 1)
fields[i].disabled = true;
selectSpanTypeCheckBox.disabled = true;
// Deselect friends.
for (i = 0, l = friends.length; i < l; i += 1)
// If friends is selected and not disabled, or if user has chosen to select it anyway -> deselect the friend.
if ((friends[i].checked && !friends[i].disabled) || forceChoose)
// The anchors(links) are next to the checkboxes in the DOM.
// Clicking the links has better performance than clicking the checkboxes.
// Change button text, and set it deselect.
btn.value = selectButtonText1;
btnClicked = false;
// Enable user interaction again.
for (i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i += 1)
fields[i].disabled = '';
selectSpanTypeCheckBox.disabled = '';
// Button function.
selectButton.addEventListener('click', function ()
// Return if variable fieldError is set.
if (fieldError)
if (autoScrollCheckBox.checked)
autoScroll(function ()
// Add enumeration afterwards, as it is disabled meanwhile scrolling.
}, false);
// Function to create container for an array of elements.
function createContainer(contElmType, elmArray)
var divElm = document.createElement(contElmType);
for (i = 0, l = elmArray.length; i < l; i += 1)
return divElm;
// Function to create a label for an element.
function createLabel(textParam, forElm)
var dLabel = document.createElement('label');
return dLabel;
// Create the autoScroll dialog and function.
// Create the checkbox.
var autoScrollCheckBox = document.createElement('input');
autoScrollCheckBox.type = 'checkbox'; = 'autoScrollCheckBox';
// Pre-check it.
autoScrollCheckBox.defaultChecked = 'true';
// Align the label on line with checkbox. = 'middle';
// Auto scroll function.
function autoScroll(callback)
// Store previous last friends scrolled into view to check for progress.
var autoScrollDisabled, watcher;
function scrollFriends(callingFromWatcher)
if (autoScrollDisabled)
var lastUL = inviteDialog.getElementsByTagName('ul')[inviteDialog.getElementsByTagName('ul').length - 1],
scrollableDiv = lastUL.offsetParent,
lastFriend = lastUL.lastChild;
// If last element is below viewPort, scroll it into view.
if (isBelowViewPort(scrollableDiv, lastFriend))
// Only clear timer if going to scroll.
if (scrollTimer)
// Scroll last visible friend into view.
// Old version.
// lastFriend.scrollIntoView(alignToTop);
// Top of viewPort scrolled from top = total height - viewPort height.
scrollableDiv.scrollTop = scrollableDiv.scrollHeight - scrollableDiv.offsetHeight;
// Set timer to check if there is any new elements loaded after x milliseconds.
// If not, remove scrolling on new element insertion and initiate callback.
scrollTimer = setTimeout(function ()
autoScrollDisabled = true;
inviteDialog.removeEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', watcher, false);
if (callback)
}, 1000);
// If last friend is visible (all scrolled down already) before any scrolling is executed,
// disable the scroll function, initiate callback and return.
else if (!callingFromWatcher)
autoScrollDisabled = true;
if (callback)
return true;
watcher = function ()
if (!scrollFriends(true))
// If returning positively from scroll-function (which indicates that watching for new elements should be stopped),
// remove the watcher and re-enable the scroll-function for later use.
inviteDialog.removeEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', watcher, false);
autoScrollDisabled = false;
// Initiate, and initiate watcher if not already scrolled to the bottom (indicated by a negative return).
if (scrollFriends())
inviteDialog.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', watcher, false);
// Create it's label.
var autoScrollCheckBoxLabel = createLabel('Enable auto scrolling?', autoScrollCheckBox);
// Append them to a container.
var autoScrollCont = createContainer('span', [autoScrollCheckBoxLabel, autoScrollCheckBox]);
// Create select span dialogs and their labels.
// Create and style the "from friend #x field".
var fromField = document.createElement('input');
fromField.type = 'text'; = 'fromField';
fromField.className = classNames.textFieldDefaultValue; = '2.5em'; = 'right';
var fromFieldDefaultValues = ['first', 'first'];
fromField.defaultValue = fromFieldDefaultValues[0];
// Create it's label
var fromFieldLabelValues = ['Select friends from #:', 'Select friends from #:'],
fromFieldLabel = createLabel(fromFieldLabelValues[0], fromField);
// Create and style the "to friend #x field".
var toField = document.createElement('input');
toField.type = 'text'; = 'toField';
toField.className = classNames.textFieldDefaultValue; = '2.5em'; = 'right';
var toFieldDefaultValues = ['all', 'last'];
toField.defaultValue = toFieldDefaultValues[0];
// Create it's label
var toFieldLabelValues = ['How many? :', 'to #:'],
toFieldLabel = createLabel(toFieldLabelValues[0], toField);
// Variable holding the fields, to avoid having to namely reference them.
var fields = [fromField, toField];
// Create the fields' functions
// Error alerting function. See it's implementation for information.
function fieldErrorAlert(message, concerningElementParam)
// Set error variable ("fieldError").
fieldError = true;
// The concerningElement variable is either the passed element, or "this".
// The relativeElement variable is "this" because this function is called with ", [msg])"
// to pass the "thisField" in a good way.
var concerningElement = concerningElementParam || this, relativeElement = this, positionArray;
function errorAlertCallback()
concerningElement.value = '';
// If a relativeElement is present, calculate it's position, and set positionArray from calculations.
if (relativeElement)
var relativeElementPosition = getCumulativePosition(relativeElement), offsetPixelsToRight = 30, offsetPixelsToBottom = 10;
positionArray = [relativeElementPosition[0] - offsetPixelsToRight, relativeElementPosition[1] - offsetPixelsToBottom];
errorAlert(message, positionArray, errorAlertCallback);
function fieldFocusEventListener()
// Get this field.
var thisField = this;
// Reset value if no user set value.
if (thisField.value === thisField.defaultValue)
thisField.value = '';
thisField.className = classNames.textFieldModifiedValue;
function fieldBlurEventListener()
// Get this field and the other field.
var thisField = this;
// Loop through possibilities of "thisField.value".
switch (thisField.value)
case '':
thisField.value = thisField.defaultValue;
case thisField.defaultValue:
thisField.className = classNames.textFieldDefaultValue;
// Set variable "fieldError" to false.
fieldError = false;
// Make it an integer.
thisField.value = parseInt(thisField.value, 10);
if (isNaN(thisField.value))
{, [document.createTextNode('You can\'t insert a non-numeric value.'),
document.createTextNode('Please insert a valid value.')]);
// If thisField.previousSibling.textContent (the associated label) does not contain "#",
// it is not a matter of friend #x, so "0" will simply make the script select 0 friends.
// Else, there is no friend #0, so report an error.
else if (thisField.previousSibling.textContent.indexOf('#') !== -1 && thisField.value === '0')
{, [document.createTextNode('There does not exist a friend #0.'),
document.createTextNode('Please insert a valid value.')]);
else if (parseInt(thisField.value, 10) < 0)
{, [document.createTextNode('You can\'t insert a negative value.'),
document.createTextNode('Please insert a valid value.')]);
// Set variable "fieldError" to false.
fieldError = false;
// Assign the functions to the fields.
fromField.addEventListener('focus', fieldFocusEventListener, false);
fromField.addEventListener('blur', fieldBlurEventListener, false);
toField.addEventListener('focus', fieldFocusEventListener, false);
toField.addEventListener('blur', fieldBlurEventListener, false);
// Create and style checkbox for option to select all.
var selectSpanTypeCheckBox = document.createElement('input');
selectSpanTypeCheckBox.type = 'checkbox'; = 'selectSpanTypeCheckBox';
// Align the label on line with checkbox. = 'middle';
// Create it's label.
var selectSpanTypeCheckBoxLabel = createLabel('Type?', selectSpanTypeCheckBox);
// Create it's function.
selectSpanTypeCheckBox.addEventListener('change', function ()
// Change both the fields' values.
fromFieldLabel.textContent = fromFieldLabel.textContent === fromFieldLabelValues[0] ? fromFieldLabelValues[1] : fromFieldLabelValues[0];
toFieldLabel.textContent = toFieldLabel.textContent === toFieldLabelValues[0] ? toFieldLabelValues[1] : toFieldLabelValues[0];
// Change both the fields' defaultValues if their values equals their defaultValues.
// If the value of the field equals it's defaultValue, change the value to the new defaultValue.
// Else, skip the value assignment.
if (fromField.value === fromField.defaultValue)
fromField.defaultValue = fromField.value = fromField.defaultValue === fromFieldDefaultValues[0] ? fromFieldDefaultValues[1] : fromFieldDefaultValues[0];
fromField.defaultValue = fromField.defaultValue === fromFieldDefaultValues[0] ? fromFieldDefaultValues[1] : fromFieldDefaultValues[0];
if (toField.value === toField.defaultValue)
toField.defaultValue = toField.value = toField.defaultValue === toFieldDefaultValues[0] ? toFieldDefaultValues[1] : toFieldDefaultValues[0];
toField.defaultValue = toField.defaultValue === toFieldDefaultValues[0] ? toFieldDefaultValues[1] : toFieldDefaultValues[0];
}, false);
// Add elements to an array, for easier later use.
var selectSpanArray = [fromFieldLabel, fromField, toFieldLabel, toField, selectSpanTypeCheckBox];
// Create space between elements.
for (i = 0, l = selectSpanArray.length; i < l; i += 1)
// Add space to the right
// Exclude specified elements
if (selectSpanArray[i] !== toField && selectSpanArray[i] !== selectSpanTypeCheckBoxLabel)
selectSpanArray[i].style.marginRight = '5px';
// Append to a container.
var selectSpanCont = createContainer('span', selectSpanArray);
// Create the container and inner container.
var outerContainer = document.createElement('tr');
var innerContainer = document.createElement('td');
// Style/modify inner container.
innerContainer.setAttribute('colspan', '0'); = 'right';
// Append elements.
// Inject the button.
executing = false;
// Function to add additional elements to the page.
function addFriendEnumeration(friendContainerParameter)
friendContainer = friendContainerParameter;
// Get the upper element of each friend.
var friends = friendContainer.getElementsByClassName(classNames.friendUpperNodeClassName)[0] ?
friendContainer.getElementsByClassName(classNames.friendUpperNodeClassName) :
// If fails to find the upper elements directly, find each checkbox and build an array of their parents, which are the upper elements.
(function ()
var checkboxes = friendContainer.getElementsByName(names.friendCheckButtons)[0] ?
friendContainer.getElementsByName(names.friendCheckButtons) :
friendArray = [];
for (i = 0, l = checkboxes.length; i < l; i += 1)
friendArray[friendArray.length] = checkboxes[i].parentNode;
return friendArray;
function createEnumerationElement(number)
var elm = document.createElement('div');
elm.appendChild(document.createTextNode('' + number));
elm.className = classNames.enumeration;
return elm;
// Loop through friends and enumerate each.
for (i = 0, l = friends.length; i < l; i += 1)
var currentFriend = friends[i];
// If it is not enumerated already, enumerate it.
if (!currentFriend.getElementsByClassName(classNames.enumeration)[0])
// Add 1 to each enumeration to start at 1, as compensation for the non-adaptable common mind.
var enumerationElement = createEnumerationElement(i + 1), imgChild = currentFriend.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
// If an IMG element is found under friend container, append the enumeration next to it in the DOM.
// This is done to make the blur of non-selectable friends also apply to the enumeration.
if (imgChild)
imgChild.parentNode.insertBefore(enumerationElement, imgChild);
// Else, just append it to the container.
// Function to watch for node insertion (to see if the "invite box" has appeared).
function checkForInviteDialog()
// Get container of invite dialog.
var inviteDialogCheck = document.getElementsByClassName(classNames.inviteDialog[0])[0] ||
document.getElementsByClassName(classNames.inviteDialog[1])[0] ||
// If the parent DIV needed is not found directly, find it relatively to the lower friend container.
if (!inviteDialogCheck)
var friendContainerCheck = document.getElementsByClassName(classNames.friendContainer)[0];
if (friendContainerCheck)
// Loop trough parent nodes, and use first parent node containing a TABLE element.
var containerParentNode = friendContainerCheck, containerTableElement;
do {
containerParentNode = containerParentNode.parentNode;
containerTableElement = containerParentNode.getElementsByTagName('table')[0];
} while (!containerTableElement);
// Use the successful parent node for container parameter.
inviteDialogCheck = containerParentNode;
// Also, flag for enumeration by setting the friend container element to be passed.
enumerateContainerParameter = friendContainerCheck;
// Still flag for enumeration, just using the invite dialog already found as container.
enumerateContainerParameter = inviteDialogCheck;
// Check for match of inviteDialogCheck, the TBODY that is later used as an insertion anchor and a selectable friend.
if (inviteDialogCheck && inviteDialogCheck.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0] &&
(inviteDialogCheck.getElementsByClassName(classNames.friendUpperNodeClassName)[0] ||
// Add the button.
// Add friend enumeration.
if (enumerateContainerParameter)
// Can not be used at the moment. I have not found a way to re-apply the event handler.
/* Remove node insertion watcher (it's strange, but it needs to be delayed a ms)
window.setTimeout(function () {
window.removeEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', checkForInviteDialog, false);
}, 1);
// Initialize!
// Initialize the watch.
window.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', checkForInviteDialog, false);
// Add CSS to error alert box and it's sub elements.
GM_addStyle('.alertBox {\n z-index: 100 !important;\n text-align: center;\n display: table;\n background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #FFFFFF, #BBBBBB);\n border-radius: 1em;\n border: 0.1em solid #999999; border-bottom-color: #888888;\n box-shadow: 2px 3px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), inset 0 0 3px #888888;\n moz-box-shadow: 2px 3px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), inset 0 0 3px #888888;\n}\n\n.alertBox b {\n line-height: 2em;\n}\n\n.alertBox .textContainer {\n text-align: left;\n display: table-cell;\n vertical-align: middle;\n padding: 0.5em 1em;\n}\n\n.alertBox .OKButtonContainer {\n text-align: right;\n padding-top: 1em;\n line-height: 2em;\n}\n\n.alertBox .OKButtonContainer button {\n font-size: 0.8em;\n}\n\n.alertBox .OKButtonContainer button:hover {\n color: #FFFFFF;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n.enumeration {\n position: absolute;\n left: 2.4em;\n top: 0.1em;\n opacity: 0.7;\n color: white;\n font-weight: bold;\n text-shadow: 1px 0 0 #000000, 0 -1px 0 #000000, 0 1px 0 #000000, -1px 0 0 #000000;\n}\n\n.checkableListItem {\n position: relative;\n}');
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