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Forked from nacmartin/
Created February 20, 2014 17:33
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class ProgressBar
private int max
private int current
private int width
private String name
private long start
private long lastUpdate
private PrintStream ps
def ProgressBar (int max, String name)
this.width = 20
this.start = System.currentTimeMillis() = System.out = name
this.max = max
ps.println(name+ ':')
def void setVal (int value)
current = value
def void setVal (int value, int maxValue)
current = value
max = maxValue
def int getVal ()
def void finish ()
current = max
private void printBar(boolean finished)
def millis = System.currentTimeMillis()
if (!finished && (millis - lastUpdate) < 1000)
lastUpdate = millis
StringBuilder strStats = new StringBuilder('')
String strElapsed = '--:--'
String strETA = '--:--'
String strLineEnd
long timeElapsed = (millis - start)
strElapsed = getFormattedTime(timeElapsed)
if (!finished && !(timeElapsed < 2000))
long timeETA = timeElapsed * (long) ((double) max / (double) current)
strETA = getFormattedTime(timeETA)
double percent = 100 / (double) max * (double) current
StringBuilder strBar = getBarString(percent, width)
strBar << ' '
if (finished)
strBar << 'Finished: '
strBar << strElapsed
strBar << ' '
strBar <<'\n'
strBar << 'Elapsed: '
strBar << strElapsed
strBar << ' ETA: '
strBar << strETA
strBar << ' '
strBar <<'\r'
private static def StringBuilder getBarString (double percent, int width)
int numBar = Math.floor(width / 100 * percent)
StringBuilder strBar = new StringBuilder()
strBar << '|'
strBar << ('=' * numBar)
strBar << (' ' * (width - numBar))
strBar << '|'
private static def String getFormattedTime (long millis)
int etaSeconds = ((int) (millis / 1000)) % 60
int etaMinutes = ((int) (millis / 1000)) / 60
String.format('%02d:%02d', etaMinutes, etaSeconds)
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