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Created August 17, 2020 12:04
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const m = (...args)=>{
let [attrs, [head, ...tail]] = [{}, args]
let [tag, ...classes] = head.split('.')
if (tail.length && !m.isRenderable(tail[0])) [attrs, ...tail] = tail
if (attrs.class) classes = [...classes, ...attrs.class]
attrs = {...attrs}; delete attrs.class
const children = []
const addChildren = v=>v === null? null : Array.isArray(v)? : children.push(v)
return {__m: true, tag: tag || 'div', attrs, classes, children}
m.isRenderable = v =>v === null || ['string', 'number'].includes(typeof v) || v.__m || Array.isArray(v)
m.update = (el, v)=>{
if (!v.__m) return === `${v}` || ( = v)
for (const name of v.classes) if (!el.classList.contains(name)) el.classList.add(name)
for (const name of el.classList) if (!v.classes.includes(name)) el.classList.remove(name)
for (const name of Object.keys(v.attrs)) if (el[name] !== v.attrs[name]) el[name] = v.attrs[name]
for (const {name} of el.attributes) if (!Object.keys(v.attrs).includes(name) && name !== 'class') el.removeAttribute(name)
m.makeEl = v=>v.__m? document.createElement(v.tag) : document.createTextNode(v)
m.render = (parent, v)=>{
const olds = parent.childNodes || []
const news = v.children || []
for (const _ of Array(Math.max(0, olds.length - news.length))) parent.removeChild(parent.lastChild)
for (const [i, child] of news.entries()){
let el = olds[i] || m.makeEl(child)
if (!olds[i]) parent.appendChild(el)
const mismatch = (el.tagName || '') !== (child.tag || '').toUpperCase()
if (mismatch) (el = m.makeEl(child)) && parent.replaceChild(el, olds[i])
m.update(el, child)
m.render(el, child)
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