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Created February 7, 2012 05:12
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Backbone Simple Cache
Lightweight Backbone Cache
Mike Knoop, 2012 (,
Simply execute this script file sometime after you load Backbone.
It hooks into the Backbone sync function to give a lightweight local
cache for models and collections. Will work for both models and collections.
Only GET requests are eligible for cacheing and caches are stored by URL.
Example "usage"
MyModel.fetch() # will GET from server on first call, from cache then on
MyModel.fetch({cache: false}) # force GET from server
MyModel.fetch({expiry: 5000}) # GET from server if cache is expiry milliseconds old
# initialize cache store
window.BackboneCache = {}
# namespace cache methods
Backbone.cache = () ->
# save sync for later use
Backbone._sync = Backbone.sync
# map sync methods
methodMap =
'create': 'POST'
'update': 'PUT'
'delete': 'DELETE'
'read': 'GET'
# convienence method to access properties as either props or urls
getValue = (object, prop) ->
return null if not object? or not object[prop]?
return object[prop]() if _.isFunction(object[prop])
return object[prop]
# returns boolean if a cache exists/non-expired for a url
Backbone.cache.exists = (url) ->
if window.BackboneCache?[url]?
return true
return false
# set some json into the cache
Backbone.cache.set = (url, json, status, xhr) ->
time = new Date().getTime()
window.BackboneCache[url] = {}
window.BackboneCache[url].url = url
window.BackboneCache[url].time = time
window.BackboneCache[url].json = json
window.BackboneCache[url].status = status
window.BackboneCache[url].xhr = xhr
# retrieve som json from the cache
Backbone.cache.get = (url) ->
return window.BackboneCache?[url]
# clear a specific cache
Backbone.cache.clear = (url) ->
if window.BackboneCache[url]?
delete window.BackboneCache[url]
# clear a specific cache if expired (expiry milliseconds have elapsed)
Backbone.cache.expire = (url, expiry) ->
if Backbone.cache.exists(url)
now = new Date().getTime()
cache = Backbone.cache.get(url)
if (cache.time + expiry) < now
# define cached sync method to hook in
Backbone.sync = (method, model, options) ->
type = methodMap[method]
url = getValue(model, 'url')
# cache only GET request responses
# and make sure we have a url
if type == 'GET' and url?
# if `cache: false` passed the cache for the url is cleared
# forcing a refresh from the server
if options.cache? and not options.cache
# if `expiry: int` passed, compare lifespan of cache and clear
# it if lifespan > expiry
if options.expiry?
Backbone.cache.expire(url, options.expiry)
# short-circuit fetch and return cache if it exists
if Backbone.cache.exists(url)
cache = Backbone.cache.get(url)
options.success(cache.json, cache.status, cache.xhr)
# callback to set cache from successful response
success = options.success
options.success = (resp, status, xhr) =>
Backbone.cache.set(url, resp, status, xhr)
success(resp, status, xhr)
# sync to actual server
Backbone._sync(method, model, options)
var getValue, methodMap;
Backbone._sync = Backbone.sync;
window.BackboneCache = {};
Backbone.cache = function() {};
methodMap = {
'create': 'POST',
'update': 'PUT',
'delete': 'DELETE',
'read': 'GET'
getValue = function(object, prop) {
if (!(object != null) || !(object[prop] != null)) return null;
if (_.isFunction(object[prop])) return object[prop]();
return object[prop];
Backbone.cache.exists = function(url) {
var _ref;
if (((_ref = window.BackboneCache) != null ? _ref[url] : void 0) != null) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Backbone.cache.set = function(url, json, status, xhr) {
var time;
time = new Date().getTime();
window.BackboneCache[url] = {};
window.BackboneCache[url].url = url;
window.BackboneCache[url].time = time;
window.BackboneCache[url].json = json;
window.BackboneCache[url].status = status;
return window.BackboneCache[url].xhr = xhr;
Backbone.cache.get = function(url) {
var _ref;
return (_ref = window.BackboneCache) != null ? _ref[url] : void 0;
Backbone.cache.clear = function(url) {
if (window.BackboneCache[url] != null) return delete window.BackboneCache[url];
Backbone.cache.expire = function(url, expiry) {
var cache, now;
if (Backbone.cache.exists(url)) {
now = new Date().getTime();
cache = Backbone.cache.get(url);
if ((cache.time + expiry) < now) return Backbone.cache.clear(url);
Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {
var cache, success, type, url,
_this = this;
type = methodMap[method];
url = getValue(model, 'url');
if (type === 'GET' && (url != null)) {
if ((options.cache != null) && !options.cache) Backbone.cache.clear(url);
if (options.expiry != null) Backbone.cache.expire(url, options.expiry);
if (Backbone.cache.exists(url)) {
cache = Backbone.cache.get(url);
options.success(cache.json, cache.status, cache.xhr);
success = options.success;
options.success = function(resp, status, xhr) {
Backbone.cache.set(url, resp, status, xhr);
return success(resp, status, xhr);
return Backbone._sync(method, model, options);
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Thanks! Works like a charm. :)

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mikeknoop commented Jul 18, 2012 via email

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Mike can you update this gist??


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Hey Mike,
I would love to see your updated version!


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mooreds commented Dec 14, 2012

Ditto, would love to see the updated version.


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