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Last active March 13, 2017 22:50
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open System.Net
open System.Text
open Akka
open Akka.FSharp
open Akka.IO
open Akka.Actor
let system = System.create "system" (Configuration.defaultConfig())
type GreeterMsg =
| Hello of string
| Goodbye of string
let greeter = spawn system "greeter" <| fun mailbox ->
let rec loop() = actor {
let! msg = mailbox.Receive()
let sender = mailbox.Sender()
match msg with
| Hello name -> sender <! sprintf "Hello, %s!\n" name
| Goodbye name -> sender <! sprintf "Goodbye, %s!\n" name
return! loop()
let handler connection (mailbox: Actor<obj>) =
let rec loop connection = actor {
let! msg = mailbox.Receive()
match msg with
| :? Tcp.Received as received ->
let data = (Encoding.ASCII.GetString (received.Data.ToArray())).Trim().Split([|' '|], 2)
match data with
| [| "hello"; name |] -> greeter <! Hello (name.Trim())
| [| "goodbye"; name |] -> greeter <! Goodbye (name.Trim())
| _ -> connection <! Tcp.Write.Create (ByteString.FromString "Invalid request.\n")
| :? string as response ->
connection <! Tcp.Write.Create (ByteString.FromString response)
| _ -> mailbox.Unhandled()
return! loop connection
loop connection
let server = spawn system "server" <| fun (mailbox: Actor<obj>) ->
let rec loop() = actor {
let! msg = mailbox.Receive()
let sender = mailbox.Sender()
match msg with
| :? Tcp.Bound as bound ->
printf "Listening on %O\n" bound.LocalAddress
| :? Tcp.Connected as connected ->
printf "%O connected to the server\n" connected.RemoteAddress
let handlerName = "handler_" + connected.RemoteAddress.ToString().Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "")
let handlerRef = spawn mailbox handlerName (handler sender)
sender <! Tcp.Register handlerRef
| _ -> mailbox.Unhandled()
return! loop()
mailbox.Context.System.Tcp() <! Tcp.Bind(mailbox.Self, IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 9090))
System.Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
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