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Created July 1, 2019 20:26
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Auth HOC, React.js
// Test every passed-in auth verification function.
const verifyAuth = (authCriteria, props) => {
if (authCriteria.length === 0) return true;
return authCriteria.every(criterion => criterion(props));
// Authentication HoC
const withAuth = ({
authCriteria = [],
redirectPath = '/',
} = {}) => Component => props => {
const isAuthorized = verifyAuth(authCriteria, props);
return (
isAuthorized ? (
<Component {...props} />
) : (
pathname: redirectPath,
state: { from: props.location },
// TODO: authenticate user
const validUser = _props => true;
// The next route must have been referred by a previous route
const internalReferral = props => defined(props.location.state);
// The Store route has different authentication requirements
// than the other two routes
const storeCriteria = [validUser];
const mainCriteria = [validUser, internalReferral];
const authRoute = withAuth({ authCriteria: mainCriteria });
const ProtectedRoutes = {
Store: withAuth({ authCriteria: storeCriteria })(Store),
Shipping: authRoute(Shipping),
Checkout: authRoute(Checkout),
const AppRouter = () => {
return (
<Route exact path='/' component={ProtectedRoutes.Store} />
<Route exact path='/shipping' component={ProtectedRoutes.Shipping} />
<Route exact path='/checkout' component={ProtectedRoutes.Checkout} />
<Route render={() => (<h2>Not Found</h2>)} />
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197291 commented Nov 20, 2020

where do you import Redirect from?

probably react-router-dom

You absolutely right.

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