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Created May 26, 2016 10:21
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Aur searcher
from datetime import datetime
import shutil
import textwrap
import requests
API_URL = ''
def format_text(text, color=None, bold=False):
text = str(text)
result = ''
if color is not None:
result += '\x1b[38;5;%dm' % color
if bold:
result += '\x1b[1m'
result += text
result += '\x1b[0m'
return result
class Package:
def __init__(self, values): = values.get('Name', None)
self.version = values.get('Version', None)
self.description = values.get('Description', None)
self.url = values.get('URL', None)
self.aur_url = values.get('URLPath', None)
self.make_dependencies = values.get('MakeDepends', [])
self.dependencies = values.get('Depends', [])
self.maintainer = values.get('Maintainer')
self.votes = values.get('NumVotes')
self.opt_dependencies = values.get('OptDepends', [])
self.last_modified = values.get('LastModified', 0)
self.licenses = values.get('Licenses', [])
self.architecture = values.get('Architecture', None)
def get_info(self):
res = requests.get(API_URL, params={
'type': 'info',
if res['resultcount'] == 0:
def to_str(self, include_desc=True, colorize=False):
repo = 'aur/'
name =
version = self.version
votes = '(' + str(self.votes) + ')'
description = self.description
if colorize:
repo = format_text(repo, color=5, bold=True)
name = format_text(name, bold=True)
version = format_text(version, color=2, bold=True)
votes = format_text(votes, color=3, bold=True)
fmt = None
if include_desc:
fmt = '{repo}{name} {version} {votes}\n {description}'
fmt = '{name} {version}'
return fmt.format(**locals())
def time_str(self, ts):
dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts)
return dt.strftime('%a %d %b %Y %T %p')
def to_info_str(self, colorize=False):
pairs = (
('Version', self.version),
('Description', self.description),
('Architecture', self.architecture),
('URL', self.url),
('Licenses', ' '.join(self.licenses)),
('Depends On', ' '.join(sorted(self.make_dependencies +
('Optional Deps', ' '.join(self.opt_dependencies)),
('Maintainer', self.maintainer),
('Last Modified', self.time_str(self.last_modified)),
mkey_len = max(len(e[0]) for e in pairs)
tw_indent = ' ' * (mkey_len + 4)
result = []
for e in pairs:
left = e[0] + ' ' * (mkey_len - len(e[0]) + 2) + ':'
left = format_text(left, bold=True)
right = textwrap.wrap(str(e[1]), subsequent_indent=tw_indent,
width=shutil.get_terminal_size((70, 0))
.columns - len(tw_indent))
result.append(left + ' ' + '\n'.join(right))
return '\n'.join(result)
def search(keywords):
keywords = tuple(filter(None, [e.lower() for e in keywords.split()]))
keywords = tuple(e for e in keywords if len(e) > 1)
res = requests.get(API_URL, params={
'type': 'search',
'arg': keywords
matches = res['results']
if len(keywords) > 1:
upd_matches = []
for e in matches:
match_str = ''
for key in ('Description', 'Name'):
val = e.get(key, '')
if not isinstance(val, str):
match_str += val
match_str = match_str.lower()
if all(term in match_str for term in keywords):
matches = upd_matches
return list(map(Package, matches))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
pkgs = search(sys.argv[1])
pkgs = sorted(pkgs, key=lambda e: e.votes, reverse=True)
for e in pkgs:
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