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Created November 30, 2014 05:53
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#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
/***************************** Person Class **********************************/
class Person
// private attributes of a person object
int health, strength;
// public functions
// default constructor
health = 100;
strength = 10;
// constructor using health and strength inputs
Person(int h, int s)
// set the health of the person making sure health is valid
void setHealth(int h)
if(h < 0)
cerr << "Invalid Health value";
h = 0; // if invalid, health is zero
health = h; // set health to h
// set the strength of the person making sure strength is valid
void setStrength(int s)
if(s < 0)
cerr << "Invalid Strength value";
s = 0; // if invalid, strength is zero
strength = s; // set strength to s
/********************************** getters *********************************/
int getHealth(){ return health; }
int getStrength() { return strength; }
// getType shouldn't be called from the base Person class
virtual string getType() = 0;
// attack function based on Person's strength
virtual int attack(){ return rand() % strength; }
/***************************** Faculty Class **********************************/
class Faculty : public Person
// Default constructor calling parent class default
Faculty() : Person() { /*left blank intentionally*/ }
// Argumented constructor calling parent class argumented constructor
Faculty(int h, int s) : Person (h, s){ /*left blank intentionally*/ }
// getType returns the type of this class that's calling it.
// it's virtual to allow for polymorphism. We're interested in the
// child's type not the parent
virtual string getType() { return "Faculty"; }
// Child's attack function. It's virtual to all the child to call its
// own function and not the parent's attack function
virtual int attack()
int d; // d is for damage
d = Person::attack(); // d is assigned the parent's attack value
d = int(d * 1.5); // and then 50% is added because apparently
// faculty is 50% stronger than a regular
// person
return d; // return the final damage
/***************************** Student Class **********************************/
class Student : public Person
// Default constructor calling parent class default
Student() : Person() { /*left blank intentionally*/}
// Argumented constructor calling parent class argumented constructor
Student(int h, int s) : Person(h, s){ /*left blank intentionally*/}
// getType returns the type of this class that's calling it.
// it's virtual to allow for polymorphism. We're interested in the
// child's type not the parent
virtual string getType(){ return "Student"; }
// Child's attack function. It's virtual to all the child to call its
// own function and not the parent's attack function
virtual int attack()
int d; // d is for damage
d = Person::attack(); // d is assigned the parent's attack value
d = int(d * .75); // and then the damage is reduced by 25%
// because students don't sleep and they
// are 25% weaker than a regular person
return d; // return the final damage
/*********************** Chemistry Faculty Class *****************************/
class ChemistryFaculty : public Faculty
// Default constructor calling parent class default
ChemistryFaculty() : Faculty(){ cout << "Chemistry Faculty Created " << endl; /*left blank intentionally*/}
// Argumented constructor calling parent class argumented constructor
ChemistryFaculty(int h, int s) : Faculty(h, s){/*blank intentionally*/}
// getType returns the type of this class that's calling it.
// it's virtual to allow for polymorphism. We're interested in the
// child's type not the parent
virtual string getType(){ return "Chemistry Faculty"; }
// special defense move evaporate snow ball. reduce damage to zero.
void evaporateSnowBall(){}
/*********************** Chemistry Student Class *****************************/
class ChemistryStudent : public Student
// Default constructor calling parent class default
ChemistryStudent() : Student(){ /*left blank intentionally*/}
// Argumented constructor calling parent class argumented constructor
ChemistryStudent(int h, int s) : Student(h, s){/*blank intentionally*/}
// getType returns the type of this class that's calling it.
// it's virtual to allow for polymorphism. We're interested in the
// child's type not the parent
virtual string getType(){ return "Chemistry Student"; }
// special attack move informally called phase change. The snowball
// is hardened and the damage is increase by 50%-100%
virtual int attack()
int d; // d is for damage
double multiplierOffset; // random offset multiplier for special
// attack
d = Person::attack(); // call the parent's attack function
multiplierOffset = ((rand() % 50) + 50) / 100; // get random
// multiplier
d = int(d * multiplierOffset); // multiply the damage by the
// random multiplier
cout << "Chemistry student attacked " << endl;
return d; // return the final value
/*********************** Psychology Faculty Class *****************************/
class PsychologyFaculty : public Faculty
// Default constructor calling parent class default
PsychologyFaculty() : Faculty(){/*left blank intentionally*/}
// Argumented constructor calling parent class argumented constructor
PsychologyFaculty(int h, int s) : Faculty(h,s){/*blank intentionally*/}
// getType returns the type of this class that's calling it.
// it's virtual to allow for polymorphism. We're interested in the
// child's type not the parent
virtual string getType(){ return "Psychology Faculty"; }
// special defense to talk opponent out of throwing snowball
void letsTalkAboutIt(){}
/*********************** Psychology Student Class *****************************/
class PsychologyStudent : public Student
// Default constructor calling parent class default
PsychologyStudent() : Student(){/*left blank intentionally*/}
// Argumented constructor calling parent class argumented constructor
PsychologyStudent(int h, int s) : Student(h,s){/*intentionally blank*/}
// getType returns the type of this class that's calling it.
// it's virtual to allow for polymorphism. We're interested in the
// child's type not the parent
virtual string getType(){ return "Psychology Student"; }
// special attack talks opponent into throwing snowball at himself while
// also throwing his own snowball. Why are you hitting yourself?
virtual int attack()
return 10;
/************************* Music Faculty Class *******************************/
class MusicFaculty : public Faculty
// Default constructor calling parent class default
MusicFaculty() : Faculty(){/*left blank intentionally*/}
// Argumented constructor calling parent class argumented constructor
MusicFaculty(int h, int s) : Faculty(h,s){/*blank intentionally*/}
// getType returns the type of this class that's calling it.
// it's virtual to allow for polymorphism. We're interested in the
// child's type not the parent
virtual string getType(){ return "Music Faculty"; }
// increases the defense by creating an impenetrable wall of sound
void wallOfSound(){}
/************************* Music Student Class *******************************/
class MusicStudent : public Student
// Default constructor calling parent class default
MusicStudent() : Student(){/*left blank intentionally*/}
// Argumented constructor calling parent class argumented constructor
MusicStudent(int h, int s) : Student(h,s){/*blank intentionally*/}
// getType returns the type of this class that's calling it.
// it's virtual to allow for polymorphism. We're interested in the
// child's type not the parent
virtual string getType(){ return "Music Student"; }
// special attack sonic fury.
// Student fills his instrument with multiple snowballs and fires
// them all by playing the instrument.
virtual int attack()
int d = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// add together 10 snowballs at 20% power
d += int(Person::attack() * .20);
return d;
class SnowBallFight
const static int NUM_PLAYERS = 12;
Faculty teamFaculty[NUM_PLAYERS];
Student teamStudents[NUM_PLAYERS];
void initTeams()
const int GENERAL = 0;
const int CHEMISTRY = 1;
const int PSYCHOLOGY = 2;
const int MUSIC = 3;
int playerType;
for(int player = 0; player < NUM_PLAYERS; player++)
// Init Faculty Team
playerType = rand() % 4;
cout << "General Faculty" << endl;
teamFaculty[player] = Faculty();
cout << "Chemistry Faculty" << endl;
teamFaculty[player] = ChemistryFaculty();
cout << "Psychology Faculty" << endl;
teamFaculty[player] = PsychologyFaculty();
case MUSIC:
cout << "Music Faculty" << endl;
teamFaculty[player] = MusicFaculty();
default: break;
// Init Student Team
playerType = rand() % 4;
cout << "General Student" << endl;
teamStudents[player] = Student();
cout << "Chemistry Student" << endl;
teamStudents[player] = ChemistryStudent();
cout << "Psychology Student" << endl;
teamStudents[player] = PsychologyStudent();
case MUSIC:
cout << "Music Student" << endl;
teamStudents[player] = MusicStudent();
default: break;
virtual void battle(Person& p1, Person& p2)
cout << "Person 1 is: " << p1.getType() << endl;
cout << "Attack Value: " << p1.attack() << endl;
cout << "Person 2 is: " << p2.getType() << endl;
cout << "Attack Value: "<< p2.attack() << endl;
Person& getFaculty(int playerIndex)
return teamFaculty[playerIndex];
Person& getStudent(int playerIndex)
return teamStudents[playerIndex];
bool isGameOver()
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++)
if(fac[i].getHealth() < 100 || stu[i].getHealth() < 100)
return false;
cout << "Game is Over" << endl;
return true;
const static int NUM_PLAYERS = 12;
int main();
void init();
void initTeams(Person *fac, Person *stu);
void printStatus();
bool isGameOver(Person *fac, Person *stu);
void battle(Person& p1, Person& p2);
/*********************************** main ************************************/
int main()
bool gameOver;
SnowBallFight currentFight;
Person teamFaculty[NUM_PLAYERS];
Person teamStudents[NUM_PLAYERS];
// seed the random number generator
// print out initalization stuff
gameOver = false;
// run game while there are elligble players
for(int player = 0; player < NUM_PLAYERS; player++)
gameOver = currentFight.isGameOver();
return 0;
/*********************************** Init ************************************/
void init()
cout << "\n\n====================================================" << endl;
cout << " Charles Davis - CPSC 246.01 - Snow Ball Fight " << endl;
cout << "====================================================\n\n" << endl;
void initTeams(Person *fac, Person *stu)
const int GENERAL = 0;
const int CHEMISTRY = 1;
const int PSYCHOLOGY = 2;
const int MUSIC = 3;
int playerType;
for(int player = 0; player < NUM_PLAYERS; player++)
// Init Faculty Team
playerType = rand() % 4;
cout << "General Faculty" << endl;
fac[player] = Faculty();
cout << "Chemistry Faculty" << endl;
fac[player] = ChemistryFaculty();
cout << "Psychology Faculty" << endl;
fac[player] = PsychologyFaculty();
case MUSIC:
cout << "Music Faculty" << endl;
fac[player] = MusicFaculty();
default: break;
// Init Student Team
playerType = rand() % 4;
cout << "General Student" << endl;
stu[player] = Student();
cout << "Chemistry Student" << endl;
stu[player] = ChemistryStudent();
cout << "Psychology Student" << endl;
stu[player] = PsychologyStudent();
case MUSIC:
cout << "Music Student" << endl;
stu[player] = MusicStudent();
default: break;
/******************************** Print Status *******************************/
void printStatus()
bool isGameOver(Person *fac, Person *stu)
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++)
if(fac[i].getHealth() < 100 || stu[i].getHealth() < 100)
return false;
cout << "Game is Over" << endl;
return true;
void battle(Person& p1, Person& p2)
cout << "Person 1 is: " << p1.getType() << endl;
cout << "Attack Value: " << p1.attack() << endl;
cout << "Person 2 is: " << p2.getType() << endl;
cout << "Attack Value: "<< p2.attack() << endl;
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