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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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import Data.Char
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe
data BFChar = Lt | Gt | Plus | Minus | Dot | Comma | LPar | RPar
deriving (Eq, Show)
type BFCode = [BFChar]
type State = ([Int], Int)
operateAt :: Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
operateAt n f a
| n == 0 = (f . head $ a):(tail a)
| otherwise = (head a):(operateAt (n - 1) f (tail a))
influence :: (Int -> Int) -> State -> State
influence f (a, p) = (operateAt p f a, p)
goRight :: State -> State
goRight (a,p) = (a,p+1)
goLeft :: State -> State
goLeft (a,p) = (a,p-1)
increment :: State -> State
increment = influence (+1)
decrement :: State -> State
decrement = influence (\x -> x - 1)
ioIntAInt :: IO (Int -> Int)
ioIntAInt = do
n <- ord <$> getChar
return (\_ -> n)
inputChar :: State -> IO State
inputChar s = influence <$> ioIntAInt <*> (pure s)
outputChar :: State -> IO ()
outputChar (a,p) = putChar . chr $ (a !! p)
mapSnd :: (a -> b) -> (c, a) -> (c, b)
mapSnd f (c, a) = (c, f a)
separateHelp :: Int -> BFCode -> BFCode -> (BFCode, BFCode)
separateHelp n cs1 (c:cs2)
| n == 0 && c == RPar = (cs1, cs2)
| c == LPar = separateHelp (n + 1) cs1' cs2
| c == RPar = separateHelp (n - 1) cs1' cs2
| otherwise = separateHelp n cs1' cs2
where cs1' = cs1 ++ [c]
separate :: BFCode -> (BFCode, BFCode)
separate cs = separateHelp 0 [] cs
pick :: State -> Int
pick (a, n) = a !! n
interpret :: BFCode -> State -> IO State
interpret [] s = pure s
interpret (c:cs) s
| c == Lt = interpret cs (goLeft s)
| c == Gt = interpret cs (goRight s)
| c == Plus = interpret cs (increment s)
| c == Minus = interpret cs (decrement s)
| c == Dot = do
outputChar s
interpret cs s
| c == Comma = do
s' <- inputChar s
interpret cs s'
| c == LPar = do
let (bef, aft) = separate cs
s' <- interpret bef s
if (pick s') == 0
then interpret aft s'
else interpret (LPar:cs) s'
charToBFChar :: Char -> Maybe BFChar
charToBFChar c
| c == '>' = Just Gt
| c == '<' = Just Lt
| c == '+' = Just Plus
| c == '-' = Just Minus
| c == '.' = Just Dot
| c == ',' = Just Comma
| c == '[' = Just LPar
| c == ']' = Just RPar
| otherwise = Nothing
stringToBFCode :: String -> BFCode
stringToBFCode = catMaybes . map charToBFChar
eval :: String -> IO State
eval s = interpret (stringToBFCode s) (take 30000 (repeat 0), 0)
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