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Created April 16, 2012 01:27
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Automated Eventfiring HTML5 Javascript fireEvent Titanium NODE.JS-Compatbile
fire = function (b, d, e) {
if ("undefined" !== typeof module && module.exports) {
if (b instanceof require("events").EventEmitter) {
// Note for me (Array.prototype.reverse.apply(arguments)).pop() // remove first argument, give rest, arguments instanceof Object!
// NOTE: As Node.js's emit takes a name and an array, q should be typeof Array.. so we're fixing it here.
for (var c = 0, f = []; c < e.length; ++c) void 0 !== f[c] && (e[c] = f[c]);
return b.emit(d, f)
return !1
document.createEvent ? (a = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"), a.initEvent(d, !0, !0)) : (a = document.createEventObject(), a.eventType = "on" + d);
a.eventName = d;
a.memo = e || {};
return document.createEvent ? b.dispatchEvent(a) : b.fireEvent(a.eventType, a)
//Test: NodeJS
if ("undefined" !== typeof module && module.exports) { // just to be sure, if being executed without thinking, we better do not use the Node.JS Part.
z = function () {
return this.prototype = new require("events").EventEmitter();
console.log(z, z());
z().on("foo", function (x){ // function is called with all arguments but the first given to emit
return console.log(x);
fire(z, "foo", {0:"oh yeah"});
} else { // this is a browser instance or some beenie-wheenie nodeJS-fake
//Test: Browser
document.body.addEventListener("test", function (b) {
fire(document.body, "test", {
text: "Win!"
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