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Last active June 11, 2021 11:52
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  • Save 19h47/2c3b51418bdeae7efdfa9cae9a181143 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save 19h47/2c3b51418bdeae7efdfa9cae9a181143 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Install BufferScroll for Sublime Text directly from Github


I love when my folds are collapsed and I would like to save this state. So BufferScrool seems to do the job.

Before I start, I hope you use Package Control, it's very usefull when you working with Sublime Text.


BufferScroll is a very cool package for Sublime Text, it saves your folds, cursor state and more.

Unfortunately, it seems that because of weird version number format, Package Control doesn't accept BufferScroll anymore. So we have to install manually the package.

Clone the repository

On Mac OS, go to your package folder

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages

The keyboard shortcut for the tilde punctuation mark on macOS is alt + n

And then clone the BufferScroll repo

git clone

Package Control

Now that we have cloned the repository in the package folder of Sublime Text, we can retrieve BufferScroll in the Package Control.
So, in Sublime Text hit cmd + maj + p, and directly in the list of install package you can now view BufferScroll.
Install it!

Oh yeah, now you can playing with BufferScroll 😎


Background story

Bonus: Add image to a gist

As you can see, I added an screenshot to the Gist.

For that I clone the Gist repo, added the image to the freshly created folder, and then push all the stuff.

Before cloning, go where you want to put your local repo. cd /path/of/your/amazing/folder

git clone

Add all the stuff you've changed to the index

git add .

Then commit

git commit --message "🔧 Add image"

Finally push the current remote to the master branch

git push remote master

Maybe at this stage, before pushing, your terminal asks your Github user and password, fill it!

Now that we have the image on our Gist, we can get the url create by Github for the image and fill our url in our file.

That's it!


Add images to a Gist

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