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Last active April 26, 2023 00:59
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add codeowners to github repo
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $repoName,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $teamName, #allows multiple teams speatated by comma
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $orgName,
$CodeOwnerTeam, #allows multiple teams speatated by comma, use this to define what team has the rights to change the codeowners file itself
$branch, #if not specified default branch is used
[switch]$overwrite, #automatically overwrite the existing CODEOWNERS FILE
[switch]$addperms, #automatically add the required perm for the select team. WILL OVERWRITE CURRENT PERMISSIONS
[switch]$enablebranchprotectioncodeowners #automatically add the required perm for the select team. WILL OVERWRITE CURRENT PERMISSIONS
$pat = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$($env:GH_PAT)"))
$file = ".github/CODEOWNERS"
$teamName = $teamName.ToLower()
if($CodeOwnerTeam){ #if codeownerteam is defined, also add a restriction for what team that can modify the CODEOWNERS file.
$content = "* $($teamName | % {"@$orgName/$_ "})
$file $($CodeOwnerTeam | % {"@$orgName/$_ "})
$content = "* $($teamName | % {"@$orgName/$_ "})"
$b64Content = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($content)"))
$body = @{
message = "Added CODEOWNERS to Repo"
content = $b64Content
if ($branch) {
$body | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name branch -Value $branch
if ($overwrite) {
#check if file already exists, and if it does append the sha to the request body aswell. Required to overwrite the file
$paramsexisting = @{
'Uri' = ('{0}/{1}/contents/{2}' -f $orgName, $repoName, $file)
'Headers' = @{'Authorization' = 'Basic ' + $pat }
'Method' = 'Get'
'ContentType' = 'application/json'
'Body' = ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
if ($branch){
$paramsexisting | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name branch -Value $branch
$existingresult = Invoke-RestMethod @paramsexisting -SkipHttpErrorCheck
$body | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name sha -Value $existingresult.sha
$params = @{
'Uri' = ('{0}/{1}/contents/{2}' -f $orgName, $repoName, $file)
'Headers' = @{'Authorization' = 'Basic ' + $pat }
'Method' = 'Put'
'ContentType' = 'application/json'
'Body' = ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
#Add codeowners file
Invoke-RestMethod @params
#add team to permissions
if ($addperms) {
$teamName | foreach-object {
$body = @{
permission = "push"
$params = @{
'Uri' = ('{0}/teams/{1}/repos/{0}/{2}' -f $orgName, $_, $repoName)
'Headers' = @{'Authorization' = 'Basic ' + $pat }
'Method' = 'Put'
'ContentType' = 'application/json'
'Body' = ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
#Add permissions for team
Invoke-RestMethod @params
$CodeOwnerTeam | foreach-object {
$body = @{
permission = "push"
$params = @{
'Uri' = ('{0}/teams/{1}/repos/{0}/{2}' -f $orgName, $_, $repoName)
'Headers' = @{'Authorization' = 'Basic ' + $pat }
'Method' = 'Put'
'ContentType' = 'application/json'
'Body' = ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
#Add permissions for team
Invoke-RestMethod @params
#enable rule in branch protection for codeowners
$body = @{
required_status_checks = @{
strict = $true
contexts = @("continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge")
required_pull_request_reviews = @{
dismiss_stale_reviews = $true
require_code_owner_reviews = $true
required_approving_review_count = 2
enforce_admins = $false
restrictions = $null
$params = @{
'Uri' = ('{0}/{1}/branches/{2}/protection' -f $orgName, $repoName, $branch)
'Headers' = @{'Authorization' = 'Basic ' + $pat }
'Method' = 'Put'
'ContentType' = 'application/json'
'Body' = ($body | ConvertTo-Json)
#Add pbranch protection rules
Invoke-RestMethod @params
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