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Please put so more EmberJS with Mike North or maybe some EmberJS + Electron App. Some Full EmberJS App with Mike would be good also, but a real world app, not just an app that get stuff from github.. realworld example! Thanks
Cordova and Phonegap!
Facebook's Reason OCAML to JS would be nice
Holy crap I missed all these comments!
@rivadeveira absolutely, any ideas on the teacher?
@CBedzz @lesniall v2 covered router v4 alpha -- this one covers v4 stable. Also this will be 3 days which will cover more stuff like Prettier, Flow, etc. Also createClass is deprecated so will use ES6 classes. Updates to universal routing -- lots of updates!
@chmanie fixed.
@himanshupnt check out Real-time web with Node -- definitely something we can expand on!
@mlpassos we already have Ember 2.x AND Advanced Ember 2.x. I don't think we'll be doing any more Ember for a while.
@mlpassos we have React Native and we might cover Nativescript. Seems like more people are moving towards those...
@mattferderer good suggestion!
@1Marc i don't know if he is interested,
but @sethvincent is author of a book about leafletJS
Possible teachers:
- Nicholas C. Zakas
- Eric Elliot
- Steve Souders
- Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
And maybe two people that can be more unknown, but they wrote one of the best books I ever read:
Lawrence Spencer,
Seth Richards
@1Marc A course on LoopBack would be nice. We already have content for Express and Hapi, but I feel LoopBack can still add value.
Also, can we have something like User Voice? Would help you prioritize course and feature requests.
A course of create rest api, authentacion api, microservices, use swagger for documentation, how deal with changes in api, versioning, etc
A WebRTC workshop can be added to the list?