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Last active October 31, 2017 12:38
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SSB task solution
import angr
p = angr.Project('./task_0.elf', auto_load_libs=False)
# Create a blank state
st = p.factory.blank_state()
# Constrain to be non-null and non-newline:
for _ in xrange(12):
k = st.posix.files[0].read_from(1) != 0) != 10)
# Reset the symbolic stdin's properties and set its length.
st.posix.files[0].length = 12
# Construct a SimulationManager to perform symbolic execution.
# Step until there is nothing left to be stepped.
sm = p.factory.simgr(st)
# Get the stdout of every path that reached an exit syscall. The flag
# should be in one of these!
out = ''
for pp in sm.deadended:
out = pp.posix.dumps(1)
if 'Done' in out:
print 'Result: ', out
print 'Flag is (hex): ', pp.posix.dumps(0).encode('hex')
print 'Flag is:', pp.posix.dumps(0)
fo = open('solution2.txt', 'wb')
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