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Last active July 6, 2020 13:21
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type DateTime = Date
type Url = string
namespace OpenGraph {
// Object Types
type WebsiteType = "website"
type ArticleType = "article"
type BookType = "book"
type ProfileType = "profile"
type MusicType = "" | "music.album" | "music.playlist" | "music.radio_station"
type VideoType = "video" | "" | "video.episode"
type ObjectType = WebsiteType | ArticleType | BookType | ProfileType | VideoType
interface Alternate {
alternate: string
interface Basic {
// Basic
title: string
image: Url | Image
url: Url
// Optional
audio?: Url | Audio
description?: string
determiner?: string
locale?: string | Array<string | Alternate>
site_name?: string
interface Image {
url: string
secure_url?: Url
type?: string
width?: string
height?: string
alt?: string
interface Audio {
url: string
secure_url?: string
type?: string
namespace Music {
interface Disc {
// music:song:disc - The disc number this song is on within this album [defaults to ‘1’]
disc: number
interface Track {
// music:song:track - The track number of this song on this album [relative to the disc number]
track: number
export interface Song {
// music:duration - integer >= 1 - The song's length in seconds.
duration: number
// music:album - music.album array - The album this song is from.
album: Url | Array<Url | Disc | Track>
// music:musician - profile array - The musician that made this song.
musician: Url
export interface Album {
// music:song - - The song on this album.
song: Url | Url[] | Array<Url | Disc | Track>
// music:musician - profile - The musician that made this song.
musician: Url
// music:release_date - datetime - The date the album was released.
release_date: DateTime
export interface Playlist {
// music:song - Identical to the ones on music.album
song: Url | Url[] | Array<Url | Disc | Track>
// music:creator - profile - The creator of this playlist.
creator: Url
export interface RadioStation {
// music:creator - profile - The creator of this station.
creator: Url
export type Props<T extends MusicType> =
T extends "" ? Music.Song :
T extends "music.album" ? Music.Album :
T extends "music.playlist" ? Music.Playlist :
T extends "music.radio_station" ? Music.RadioStation :
namespace Video {
interface Role {
role: string
export interface Base {
url: string
secure_url?: string
type?: string
width?: string
height?: string
export interface Movie extends Base {
// video:actor - profile array - Actors in the movie.
actor: string | string[] | Array<string | Role>
// video:director - profile array - Directors of the movie.
director: Url | Url[]
// video:writer - profile array - Writers of the movie.
writer: Url | Url[]
// video:duration - integer >=1 - The movie's length in seconds.
duration: number
// video:release_date - datetime - The date the movie was released.
release_date: DateTime
// video:tag - string array - Tag words associated with this movie.
tag: string | string[]
export interface Episode extends Base {
// video:actor - profile array - Actors in the movie.
actor: string | string[] | Array<string | Role>
// video:director - profile array - Directors of the movie.
director: string | string[]
// video:writer - profile array - Writers of the movie.
writer: string | string[]
// video:duration - integer >=1 - The movie's length in seconds.
duration: number
// video:release_date - datetime - The date the movie was released.
release_date: DateTime
// video:tag - string array - Tag words associated with this movie.
tag: string | string[]
// video:series - video.tv_show - Which series this episode belongs to.
series: string
export type Props<T extends VideoType> =
T extends "video" ? Video.Base :
T extends "" ? Video.Movie :
T extends "video.episode" ? Video.Episode :
interface Website<T extends WebsiteType> extends Basic {
type: T
interface Article<T extends ArticleType> extends Basic {
type: T
article: {
// article:published_time - datetime - When the article was first published.
published_time: DateTime
// article:modified_time - datetime - When the article was last changed.
modified_time: DateTime
// article:expiration_time - datetime - When the article is out of date after.
expiration_time: DateTime
// article:author - profile array - Writers of the article.
author: Url | Url[]
// article:section - string - A high - level section name.E.g.Technology
section: string
// article:tag - string array - Tag words associated with this article.
tag: string | string[]
interface Book<T extends BookType> extends Basic {
type: T
book: {
// book:author - profile array - Who wrote this book.
author: Url | Url[]
// book:isbn - string - The ISBN
isbn: string
// book:release_date - datetime - The date the book was released.
release_date: DateTime
// book:tag - string array - Tag words associated with this book.
tag: string | string[]
interface Profile<T extends ProfileType> extends Basic {
type: T
book: {
// profile:first_name - string - A name normally given to an individual by a parent or self-chosen.
first_name: string
// profile:last_name - string - A name inherited from a family or marriage and by which the individual is commonly known.
last_name: string
// profile:username - string - A short unique string to identify them.
username: string
// profile:gender - enum(male, female) - Their gender.
gender: "male" | "female"
interface Music<T extends MusicType> extends Basic {
type: T
music: Url | Music.Props<T>
interface Video<T extends VideoType> extends Basic {
type: T
video: Url | Video.Props<T>
export type Metadata<T extends ObjectType> =
T extends WebsiteType ? Website<T> :
T extends ArticleType ? Article<T> :
T extends BookType ? Book<T> :
T extends ProfileType ? Profile<T> :
T extends MusicType ? Music<T> :
T extends VideoType ? Video<T> :
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