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Created December 27, 2021 12:29
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# dfListingSales.explain("FORMATTED")
== Physical Plan ==
AdaptiveSparkPlan (14)
+- Project (13)
+- SortMergeJoin LeftOuter (12)
:- Sort (4)
: +- Exchange (3)
: +- Project (2)
: +- Scan csv (1)
+- Sort (11)
+- HashAggregate (10)
+- Exchange (9)
+- HashAggregate (8)
+- Project (7)
+- Filter (6)
+- Scan csv (5)
(1) Scan csv
Output [2]: [id#2732, name#2736]
Batched: false
Location: InMemoryFileIndex [dbfs:/FileStore/tables/airbnb_listings.csv]
ReadSchema: struct<id:string,name:string>
(2) Project
Output [2]: [id#2732 AS listing_id#3270, name#2736 AS listing_name#3271]
Input [2]: [id#2732, name#2736]
(3) Exchange
Input [2]: [listing_id#3270, listing_name#3271]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(cast(listing_id#3270 as int), 200), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [id=#1373]
(4) Sort
Input [2]: [listing_id#3270, listing_name#3271]
Arguments: [cast(listing_id#3270 as int) ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
(5) Scan csv
Output [3]: [listing_id#2718, available#2720, price#2721]
Batched: false
Location: InMemoryFileIndex [dbfs:/FileStore/tables/airbnb_calendar.csv]
PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(available), EqualTo(available,f), IsNotNull(listing_id)]
ReadSchema: struct<listing_id:int,available:string,price:string>
(6) Filter
Input [3]: [listing_id#2718, available#2720, price#2721]
Condition : ((isnotnull(available#2720) AND (available#2720 = f)) AND isnotnull(listing_id#2718))
(7) Project
Output [2]: [listing_id#2718, cast(regexp_extract(price#2721, [0-9]+.[0-9]+, 0) as double) AS price#2986]
Input [3]: [listing_id#2718, available#2720, price#2721]
(8) HashAggregate
Input [2]: [listing_id#2718, price#2986]
Keys [1]: [listing_id#2718]
Functions [2]: [partial_sum(price#2986) AS sum#3076, partial_count(1) AS count#3078L]
Aggregate Attributes [2]: [sum#3075, count#3077L]
Results [3]: [listing_id#2718, sum#3076, count#3078L]
(9) Exchange
Input [3]: [listing_id#2718, sum#3076, count#3078L]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(listing_id#2718, 200), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [id=#1369]
(10) HashAggregate
Input [3]: [listing_id#2718, sum#3076, count#3078L]
Keys [1]: [listing_id#2718]
Functions [2]: [finalmerge_sum(merge sum#3076) AS sum(price#2986)#3062, finalmerge_count(merge count#3078L) AS count(1)#3064L]
Aggregate Attributes [2]: [sum(price#2986)#3062, count(1)#3064L]
Results [3]: [listing_id#2718, sum(price#2986)#3062 AS price_order#3063, count(1)#3064L AS count_order#3065L]
(11) Sort
Input [3]: [listing_id#2718, price_order#3063, count_order#3065L]
Arguments: [listing_id#2718 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
(12) SortMergeJoin
Left keys [1]: [cast(listing_id#3270 as int)]
Right keys [1]: [listing_id#2718]
Join condition: None
(13) Project
Output [4]: [listing_id#3270, listing_name#3271, coalesce(price_order#3063, 0.0) AS price_order#3284, coalesce(count_order#3065L, 0) AS count_order#3285L]
Input [5]: [listing_id#3270, listing_name#3271, listing_id#2718, price_order#3063, count_order#3065L]
(14) AdaptiveSparkPlan
Output [4]: [listing_id#3270, listing_name#3271, price_order#3284, count_order#3285L]
Arguments: isFinalPlan=false
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