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Last active June 23, 2021 16:50
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List emails using apps script
* Creates and runs a search query on gmail.
* @param {Object} [$0] - params.
* @param {String} [$0.from=null] - email sender.
* @param {String} [$] - email receiver.
* @param {String} [$0.label=null] - email label.
* @param {String} [$0.period="id"] - period to search for.
* @returns {{Assunto: "Subject of the thread", Emails: "Quantity of emails on the thread", lastMessageDate: "Date of the last message", lastMessageSender: "Contact that sent the last message on the thread"}}
function searchEmails({from = null, to = null, label=null, period='1d'}){
let query = `{
} newer_than:${period}`;
let getThread = (thread) => {
let count = thread.getMessageCount();
return {
Assunto: thread.getFirstMessageSubject(),
Emails: count,
lastMessageDate: thread.getLastMessageDate(),
lastMessageSender: thread.getMessages()[count-1].getFrom()
let threads =;
let emails =;
return emails;
function main(){
let emails = searchEmails({
label: "[Strike]/Banco Carrefour",
period: "7d"
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