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Last active October 22, 2019 08:01
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Save 1d10t/bd99865d6003b9a686ee68f1c44d9ff9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Every monday
[]'button[data-control-name="commentary_expand"]'), e =>
var textNode, textNodes = document.evaluate( '//div[contains(@class,"feed-shared-text-view")]', document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null );
while (textNode = textNodes.iterateNext()) {
let text = textNode.textContent, m = text.match(/\b[a-z\d][a-z\d._-]*@[a-z\d._-]+[a-z\d]\b/i);
if(!m) continue;
url = '',
name = (function findLi(n){ return n.tagName == 'LI' ? n : findLi(n.parentNode); })(textNode).querySelector('span.feed-shared-actor__name').innerText,
tr = {
EMAIL: `${name} <${m[0]}>`,
SUBJ: 'CV Full Stack Developer Remote PHP/JS',
TEXT: `Hi ${name},
I hope u'r doing well.
I am a Software Web Developer with 10+ years of experience.
My main stack is PHP + JavaScript.
Let me describe my skills in actual technologies.
I worked with Yii framework, jQuery.
Familiar with Linux/Bash, Git,
little bit with React, Node.js, Three.js.
Eventually I looking for full-/part-time role. I want to start working remotely from Russia, but in feature I would not refuse relocation.
For more info look at my Linkedin profile
Additionally to qualify my JS skill, here is a link to 1-hour writen script generated this email message
Have a nice day,
> ${text.split("\n").join("\n > ")}
for(let k in tr){
url = url.replace(k, encodeURIComponent(tr[k]));
if(confirm(`Write to ${name} ?`));
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