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Created April 25, 2016 04:10
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import CoreLocation
let metersPerMile: CLLocationDistance = 1_609.344
let secondsPerHour = 60.0 * 60.0
let yardsPerMile = 1_760.0
let feetPerMile = yardsPerMile * 3.0
/// Provides appropriately formatted, localized descriptions of linear distances.
class DistanceFormatter: NSLengthFormatter {
/// True to favor brevity over precision.
var approximate: Bool
/// True to insert hints for text-to-speech.
var forVoiceUse: Bool
let nonFractionalLengthFormatter = NSLengthFormatter()
init(approximate: Bool = false, forVoiceUse: Bool = false) {
self.approximate = approximate
self.forVoiceUse = forVoiceUse
required init?(coder decoder: NSCoder) {
approximate = decoder.decodeBoolForKey("approximate")
forVoiceUse = decoder.decodeBoolForKey("forVoiceUse")
super.init(coder: decoder)
override func encodeWithCoder(coder: NSCoder) {
coder.encodeBool(approximate, forKey: "approximate")
coder.encodeBool(forVoiceUse, forKey: "forVoiceUse")
func stringFromDistance(distance: CLLocationDistance) -> String {
let miles = distance / metersPerMile
let feet = miles * feetPerMile
var unit: NSLengthFormatterUnit = .Millimeter
unitStringFromMeters(distance, usedUnit: &unit)
let replacesYardsWithMiles = unit == .Yard && miles > 0.2
let showsMixedFraction = (unit == .Mile && miles < 10) || replacesYardsWithMiles
// An elaborate hack to use vulgar fractions with miles regardless of
// language.
if showsMixedFraction {
numberFormatter.positivePrefix = "|"
numberFormatter.positiveSuffix = "|"
numberFormatter.decimalSeparator = "!"
numberFormatter.alwaysShowsDecimalSeparator = true
} else {
numberFormatter.positivePrefix = ""
numberFormatter.positiveSuffix = ""
numberFormatter.decimalSeparator = nonFractionalLengthFormatter.numberFormatter.decimalSeparator
numberFormatter.alwaysShowsDecimalSeparator = nonFractionalLengthFormatter.numberFormatter.alwaysShowsDecimalSeparator
if approximate && !showsMixedFraction {
numberFormatter.usesSignificantDigits = true
numberFormatter.maximumSignificantDigits = 2
} else {
numberFormatter.usesSignificantDigits = false
numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = showsMixedFraction ? 2 : 0
numberFormatter.roundingIncrement = 0.25
var formattedDistance: String
if unit == .Yard {
if miles > 0.2 {
unit = .Mile
formattedDistance = stringFromValue(miles, unit: unit)
} else {
unit = .Foot
numberFormatter.roundingIncrement = 50
formattedDistance = stringFromValue(feet, unit: unit)
} else {
formattedDistance = stringFromMeters(distance)
// Elaborate hack continued.
if showsMixedFraction {
var parts = formattedDistance.componentsSeparatedByString("|")
assert(parts.count == 3, "Positive format should’ve inserted two pipe characters.")
var numberParts = parts[1].componentsSeparatedByString("!")
assert(numberParts.count == 2, "Decimal separator should be present.")
let decimal = Int(numberParts[0])
if let fraction = Double(".\(numberParts[1])0") {
let fourths = Int(round(fraction * 4))
if fourths == fourths % 4 {
if decimal == 0 && fourths != 0 {
numberParts[0] = ""
let vulgarFractions = ["", "¼", "½", "¾"]
numberParts[1] = vulgarFractions[fourths]
if forVoiceUse && !numberParts[0].isEmpty && !numberParts[1].isEmpty {
numberParts[0] += " & "
parts[1] = numberParts.joinWithSeparator("")
} else {
parts[1] = numberParts.joinWithSeparator(nonFractionalLengthFormatter.numberFormatter.decimalSeparator)
} else {
parts[1] = numberParts.joinWithSeparator(nonFractionalLengthFormatter.numberFormatter.decimalSeparator)
formattedDistance = parts.joinWithSeparator("")
return formattedDistance
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