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Simple Python implementation of the classic Tic Tac Toe game. Goal : Unbeatable AI.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Tic Tac Toe game in Python
# Author: Mawuli Adzaku <>
# Date: 20-05-2013
# Tested with Python 2.7
# sudo chmod a+x
# ./
# OR JUST RUN : python
# @todo: parse user commands, log game scores, run game over telnet
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# import modules
import random
import sys
import copy
class Game:
"Tic-Tac-Toe class. This class holds the user interaction, and game logic"
def __init__(self):
self.board = [' '] * 9
self.player_name = ''
self.player_marker = ''
self.bot_name = 'TBot'
self.bot_marker = ''
self.winning_combos = (
[6, 7, 8], [3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2], [0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8],
[0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6],
self.corners = [0,2,6,8]
self.sides = [1,3,5,7]
self.middle = 4
self.form = '''
\t| %s | %s | %s |
\t| %s | %s | %s |
\t| %s | %s | %s |
def print_board(self,board = None):
"Display board on screen"
if board is None:
print self.form % tuple(self.board[6:9] + self.board[3:6] + self.board[0:3])
# when the game starts, display numbers on all the grids
print self.form % tuple(board[6:9] + board[3:6] + board[0:3])
def get_marker(self):
marker = raw_input("Would you like your marker to be X or Y?: ").upper()
while marker not in ["X","Y"]:
marker = raw_input("Would you like your marker to be X or Y? :").upper()
if marker == "X":
return ('X', 'Y')
return ('Y','X')
def help(self):
print '''
\n\t The game board has 9 sqaures(3X3).
\n\t Two players take turns in marking the spots/grids on the board.
\n\t The first player to have 3 pieces in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row wins the game.
\n\t To place your mark in the desired square, simply type the number corresponding with the square on the grid
\n\t Press Ctrl + C to quit
def quit_game(self):
"exits game"
print "\n\t Thanks for playing :-) \n\t Come play again soon!\n"
def is_winner(self, board, marker):
"check if this marker will win the game"
# order of checks:
# 1. across the horizontal top
# 2. across the horizontal middle
# 3. across the horizontal bottom
# 4. across the vertical left
# 5. across the vertical middle
# 6. across the vertical right
# 7. across first diagonal
# 8. across second diagonal
for combo in self.winning_combos:
if (board[combo[0]] == board[combo[1]] == board[combo[2]] == marker):
return True
return False
def get_bot_move(self):
find the best space on the board for the bot. Objective
is to find a winning move, a blocking move or an equalizer move.
Bot must always win
# check if bot can win in the next move
for i in range(0,len(self.board)):
board_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.board)
if self.is_space_free(board_copy, i):
if self.is_winner(board_copy, self.bot_marker):
return i
# check if player could win on his next move
for i in range(0,len(self.board)):
board_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.board)
if self.is_space_free(board_copy, i):
if self.is_winner(board_copy, self.player_marker):
return i
# check for space in the corners, and take it
move = self.choose_random_move(self.corners)
if move != None:
return move
# If the middle is free, take it
if self.is_space_free(self.board,self.middle):
return self.middle
# else, take one free space on the sides
return self.choose_random_move(self.sides)
def is_space_free(self, board, index):
"checks for free space of the board"
# print "SPACE %s is taken" % index
return board[index] == ' '
def is_board_full(self):
"checks if the board is full"
for i in range(1,9):
if self.is_space_free(self.board, i):
return False
return True
def make_move(self,board,index,move):
board[index] = move
def choose_random_move(self, move_list):
possible_winning_moves = []
for index in move_list:
if self.is_space_free(self.board, index):
if len(possible_winning_moves) != 0:
return random.choice(possible_winning_moves)
return None
def start_game(self):
"welcomes user, prints help message and hands over to the main game loop"
# welcome user
print '''\n\t-----------------------------------
\n\t TIC-TAC-TOE by Mawuli Adzaku
self.player_name = self.get_player_name()
# get user's preferred marker
self.player_marker, self.bot_marker = self.get_marker()
print "Your marker is " + self.player_marker
# randomly decide who can play first
if random.randint(0,1) == 0:
print "I will go first"
# self.make_move(self.board,random.choice(self.corners), self.bot_marker)
print "You will go first"
# now, enter the main game loop
def get_player_move(self):
move = int(input("Pick a spot to move: (1-9) "))
while move not in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] or not self.is_space_free(self.board,move-1) :
move = int(input("Invalid move. Please try again: (1-9) "))
return move - 1
def get_player_name(self):
return raw_input("Hi, i am %s" % self.bot_name + ". What is your name? ")
def enter_game_loop(self,turn):
"starts the main game loop"
is_running = True
player = turn #h for human, b for bot
while is_running:
if player == 'h':
user_input = self.get_player_move()
self.make_move(self.board,user_input, self.player_marker)
if(self.is_winner(self.board, self.player_marker)):
print "\n\tCONGRATULATIONS %s, YOU HAVE WON THE GAME!!! \\tn" % self.player_name
is_running = False
if self.is_board_full():
print "\n\t-- Match Draw --\t\n"
is_running = False
player = 'b'
# bot's turn to play
bot_move = self.get_bot_move()
self.make_move(self.board, bot_move, self.bot_marker)
if (self.is_winner(self.board, self.bot_marker)):
print "\n\t%s HAS WON!!!!\t\n" % self.bot_name
is_running = False
if self.is_board_full():
print "\n\t -- Match Draw -- \n\t"
is_running = False
player = 'h'
# when you break out of the loop, end the game
def end_game(self):
play_again = raw_input("Would you like to play again? (y/n): ").lower()
if play_again == 'y':
self.__init__() # necessary for re-initialization of the board etc
print "\n\t-- GAME OVER!!!--\n\t"
if __name__ == "__main__":
TicTacToe = Game()
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