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Last active March 22, 2024 18:42
This script takes simple Markdown lists and converts them for use in Bike
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
# This script takes simple Markdown lists and converts them for use in
# Bike (, a Mac outliner app from
# Hog Bay Software.
# It doesn't handle nested code blocks or any non-list Markdown. It just
# turns simple lists into text Bike will recognize when it's pasted into
# a Bike document. Multiple paragraphs in a list item become additional
# nodes at the same level.
require 'shellwords'
require 'fcntl'
stdin = $ if $stdin.stat.size.positive? || $stdin.fcntl(Fcntl::F_GETFL, 0).zero?
if !stdin && ARGV.count != 1
exe = File.basename(__FILE__)
puts "#{exe} requires one argument"
puts "#{exe} [markdown file]"
Process.exit 1
source = ARGV[0]
# Read input file
content = stdin ? stdin :
# Remove spaces from empty lines
content.gsub!(/^\s*\n/, "\n")
# Replace consecutive empty lines with a single newline
content.gsub!(/\n+/, "\n")
# Replace 2 or 4 spaces with tabs (based on detected indentation)
m = content.match(/^ {2,4}/) # find first indentation
indentation = m ? m[0].length : 1 # determine whether first indent is 2 or 4 spaces
content.gsub!(/^( {#{indentation}})+(?=\S)/) do |m| # Replace leading spaces with tabs
mtch = Regexp.last_match(0)
mtch ? "\t" * (mtch.length / indentation) : m # tab * detected indent / detected indentation
# Replace markdown list markers
content.gsub!(/(\s*)[+*\-] /, '\1')
# Copy result to clibpoard
`echo #{Shellwords.escape(content)} | pbcopy`
puts "Results in clipboard. Paste into a Bike document."
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