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Created January 12, 2019 17:29
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JSON.stringify(undefined); // undefined
JSON.stringify(function() {}); // undefined
JSON.stringify([1, undefined, function() {}, 4]); // "[1,null,null,4]"
JSON.stringify({a: 2, b: function() {}}); // "{"a":2}"
// The second argument is called a replacer. It filters out which will be in stringified JSON
var a = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3,
JSON.stringify(a, ['a', 'b']); // "{"a":1,"b":2}"
// If an array is passed, it recursively checks if the key is in array
JSON.stringify(a, (k, v) => {
if (['a','b', ''].indexOf(k) >= 0)) {
return v;
}) // "{"a":1,"b":2}"
// If the second argument is a function, it receives a key and the value. Return the value if it's in the stringified format. Return undefined if not. The first time is called with the object itself, and the k will be an empty string. After that, k and v are called recursively.
// The third argument is the "space". It defines an indentation.
JSON.stringify(a, null, 2);
// "{
// "a": 1,
// "b": 2,
// "c": 3
// }"
/****** ToNumber ******/
Number([1,2,3]); // NaN
Number([1]); // 1
Number(['-12']); // -12
Number([]); // 0
Number(''); // 0. In other languages, this throws an error.
Number(undefined); // NaN
Number(null); // 0
// It first uses valueOf. If it doesn't exist or not return the primitive, it goes toString(). If toString() could not provide a primitive, it results TypeError
a = { valueOf: function() { return "42"; } };
b = { toString: function() { return "42"; } };
c = [4, 2];
c.toString = function() { return this.join('') }; // "42"
Number(a); // 42. valueOf() is used
Number(b); // 42 toString() is used
Number(c); // 42 toString() is used
a = {
valueOf: () => 'a',
toString: () => 12,
Number(a); // NaN. As long as the primitive is returned, the conversion happens.
Number([""]); // [""].valueOf() => [""]. It's not pritmitive. [""].toString() => "". Number("") => 0
Number(["0"]); // 0
Number(["-0"]); // -0
Number([null]); // 0/ [null].valueOf() => [null]. [null].toString() => ""
Number([undefined]); // 0
Number([1,2,3]); // NaN
Number([[[]]]); // 0
// The difference between parseInt and Number
var a = "42";
var b = "42px";
Number(a); // 42
parseInt(a); // 42
Number(b); // NaN
parseInt(b); // 42
// for parseInt, it returns the result up to the point it was able to parse.
var c = 'a12';
Number(c); // NaN
parseInt(c); // NaN
// If there is nothing it can parse, it will return NaN as well
var d = '1a2d';
Number(d); // NaN
parseInt(d); // 1
parseInt(NaN); // NaN
parseInt(Infinity); // NaN
parseInt(-Infinity); // NaN
// Cannot handle Infinity.
/****** Implicit coercion ******/
var a = '42';
var b = '0';
var c = 42;
var d = 0;
a + b; // "420"
c + d; // 42
a + c; // "420"
b + d; // "420"
So one of the operands is applied to the string, it will be coerced to the string!
c + 1 + a; // (42 + 1 + '42') => "4342"
// It first sums by the number and then coerce them to the string!
a = [1, 2];
b = [3, 4];
a + b; // 1,23,4
// Here, if anything other than string is passed, it first tries to coerces to the string. If either operand becomes string, it performs string concatenation. Otherwise, it does numeric addition.
a = 42;
a + ''; // "42"
a = "3.14"
a - 0; // 3.14
// || and && doesn't result the boolean value.
// They select only one of operands
var a = 42;
var b = 'abc';
var c = null;
a || b; // 42
a && b; // "abc"
c || b; // "abc"
c && b; // null
// The same rule applies to Python and Ruby
// For ||, if the first argument is true, it uses it. If the first argument is false, it uses the second argument. no matter what
// undefined || 0; // 0
// For &&, if the first argument is false, uses. If the argument is true, it uses the second operands.
1 && 2; // 2
null && 2; // null
var foo = '123';
if (foo == true) {
console.log('123'); // This doesn't print out. WHY!?
// This is because double coercion compares the number!
// So look at these
if (1 == true) {
console.log('abc'); // abc
if ('1' == true) {
console.log('abc'); // abc
if ('00001' == true) {
console.log('abc'); // abc
if ('00001 ' == true) {
console.log('abc'); // abc
// Another example
var foo = [];
if (foo) {
console.log('abc'); // "abc" This is exepcted.
if (foo == false) {
- console.log('xyz'); // "xyz" WHAT?y
// == allows coercion in the equality comparison and === disallows coercion.
// How can this make evaluated to be true?
if (a == 2 && a == 3) {
// Easy, you need to modify the valueOf() function
var i = 2;
Number.prototype.valueOf = function() { return i++; };
var a = new Number(42);
if (a == 2 && a == 3) {
console.log('true!'); // Now this prints out!
// Relational comparison (> and <)
// First, it calls ToPrimitive. If they are not the string, values are coerced to number and compared numerically
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