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Created January 12, 2019 17:23
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var a = new String('abc');
a.__proto__ === String.prototype; // true
- a.__proto__.constructor === String; // true
// JS internal [[Class]] can be revealed by calling Object.prototype.toString[1,2,3]); // "[object Array]"; // "[object RegExp]"; // "[object Null]"; // "[object Undefined]"
// There are no Null() nor Undefined(), but still there are internal constructor; // "[object Boolean]"; // "[object Boolean]"{}); // "[object Object]"; // "[object Number]"
// Object.prototype.toStrng is used in lodash.
// They have custom logic to return "[object Null]" and "[object Undefined]". Maybe this is because the implementation may be different across JS engine?
// The gotcha point for using object wrapper
a = new Boolean(false);
a ? true : false; // true
a.valueOf() ? true : false; // false.
// In similar manner,
a = new Number(0);
a ? true : false; // true
// Since they are now the object, not the primitive. So when they are evaluated, they use object evaluation.
new Boolean(false).valueOf() ? true : false; // false
new Number(0).valueOf() ? true : false; // false
// You have to use .valueOf() function
// Array
Array(1,2,3); // [1,2,3]
new Array(1,2,3); // [1,2,3]
[1,2,3]; // [1,2,3]
// It doesn't matter if you use new keyword with Array. Internally, it does the same thing.
// The Array constructor has a special form where if only one number argument is passed, create an array with that length
Array(3); // [empty * 3] Does not create [3]
// This happens only when the arguments length is 1 and the value is a number.
Array(null); // [null]
Array(undefined); // [undefined]
Array({}); // [{}]
Array(true); // [true]
Array(false); // [false]
// When array contains at least one empty slot, it's called sparse array. You can create a sparse array by setting bigger number to the arr.length and calling Array constructor with one number argument, or deleting an existing element.
a = new Array(3);
b = [undefined, undefined, undefined];
c = [];
c.length = 3;
a; // [empty * 3];
b; // [undefined, undefined, undefined];
c; // [empty * 3];
delete b[1];
b; // [undefined, empty, empty];
// More confusingly, some of the function behave the same way while other functions do not.
a = Array(3);
b = [undefined, undefined, undefined];
a.join('-'); // --
b.join('-'); // --, i) => i); // [empty * 3], i) => i); // [0,1,2]
// join behaves the same way, mean while .map returns the different result
// So if you want to create an array with specified length and filled with udnefined, this is how you do it.
a = Array.apply(null, { length: 3 }); // [undefined, undefined, undefined]
// .apply spreads the argsArray, so internall it's iterating each element in the second args and pass it to Array constructor. So it's equivalent calling Array(undefined, undefined, undefined)
// However, if you do the same thing with .call function, it doesn't work.
a =, { length: 3 }); // [{ length: 3}]
// This is beause apply spreads the second argument and call the callsite function with spread arguments. So the third argument is ignored.
a = Array.apply(null, { length: 3 }, 1, 2);
// On the other hand, .call just passes whatever passed to the parameter after the first., undefined, undefined, undefined); // [undefined, undefined, undefined]
// The difference is so obvious in the Syntax:
// function.apply(thisArg, [argsArray]);
//, arg1, arg2, ...);
// The common thing with .apply and .call is it binds the first argument to this.
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